Stonington Natural Health Center
Upcoming Events
We have some awesome events coming up
                                                                especially for you!
Call now to reserve your spot:  860.536.3880

Thursday, November 11th ~ Health & Wellness Day
Tuesday, November 16th ~ Acupuncture by Donation
Saturday, November 20th ~ Premier of Forks over Knives
Saturday, December 4th ~ SNHC Five Year Anniversary & Holiday Party
Read on for more information...
SNHC Health & Wellness Day ~ Thursday, November 11th
November 11th

Call today to set up your appointments:  860.536.3880


There are six different screenings.  Each screening is only 15 minutes, except for the foot bath which is a heavenly 30 minutes.

See instantly...  how is your health?
Immediate analysis of your blood, CardioVascular Health, Diabetes Screening, UV Skin Damage, and enjoy a Detoxification Foot Bath...  all at a very affordable rate.

rose petals massage               rose petals massage                rose petals massage
      Healthy RBCs                      Rouleau caused by                    Uric Acid Crystal
                                                       acidity in the blood                         in the blood
This is 9 to 5 Nutrition's first time back in two years ~ we've been busy, and so have they.  We are so excited to again be able to offer all of these to you!  Here's your chance to have: 
1)  Live Blood Analysis - see your live red blood cells under a high powered microscope!  What is the health of your red blood cells and what is hanging out with them?  Your blood is the transport mechanism for nutrients in your body, and your blood cells are one of your most important things to see for yourself and see how they are doing.  Also assesses the acid/alkaline balance.
2)  Photoplethysmography - a measure of cardiovascular health - immediate results show the build-up or health of your arteries.
3)  Heart Rate Variability - a measure of how you handle stress. 
4)  Hemoglobin A1C - diabetes screening - tests glucose levels in your blood.
5)  UV Skin Damage - informative photograph of your skin to see where you may have UV Skin Damage of your face.
6)  Detoxification Footbath - relax, enjoy, detox.  Take only 30 minutes of your life to clear out years of toxins.  Different colors in the water can indicate different toxins.

We encourage you to do all five tests and the footbath.  Each test takes only 15 minutes, footbath 30 minutes, and only$30 per test or footbath.  Get all six tests, get one free!  Only $150 for all six.   Call today to  reserve your test times:  860.536.3880 

Come in and take advantage of this day.  The testing specialists are coming from New Bedford, Massachusetts, and normally in their office, these tests run for:  Live Blood Analysis $125, PPT $90, HRV $90,  A1C $40, Detox footbath $50.   Here at SNHC, we are offering you these tests for only $30 each, and only $150 for all six tests!  Not only will you be receiving tremendous savings, the tests, believe it or not, are actually pretty fun, AND you will receive instant vital information to assess your health. 

For more information about Health & Wellness Day:
The SNHC Health & Wellness Day is available to patients and the public.  Contact us today to set up your tests, 860.536.3880 or  Please forward this invitation to your friends, family, and anyone else who might be interested.
Acupuncture by Donation
Tuesday, November 16th
It's your turn...
ancient acupuncture models
We had such a great response to the last Acupuncture by Donation Day, that we are going to offer it to all of you who may be curious!

Dr. Marco welcomes you to experience the relaxation of Acupuncture.  See how Acupuncture stimulates your body's innate ability to heal.  Tuesday, November 16th is your opportunity to try what you've been hearing all about!

Call or email to reserve your spot as seating is limited:  860.536.3880    We hope to see you!
Forks Over Knives Movie Premier ~ Saturday, November 20th
Saturday, November 20th, 11 am Movie Premier -- ONE day only!!!
forks over knives


We want to let you know of a special screening of the movie Forks Over Knives taking place at the Olde Mystick Cinemas on Saturday, November 20, from 11 AM to 12:30.  As you may know, this movie features the life and work of Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. of the Cleveland Clinic.  Bill Clinton read books by both of these great men and credits them for helping him decide to adopt their powerful health-promoting diet.


Tickets are limited.  Let us know if you would like to attend and how many tickets you would like.  The price is only $10 each and will include some veggie snacks following the movie. 
Stonington Natural Health Center is one of the local sponsors of this movie premier.

Click Here  to visit the movie website and view the trailer.  The movie is scheduled to debut in public theaters in March.

The movie is almost sold out, and at this point we have only 15 tickets left!  Call or stop by Stonington Natural Health Center to reserve your tickets:
Time to Celebrate!   Save the Date: Sat., December 4th, 12 - 5 pm

Stonington Natural Health Center Five Year Anniversary & Holiday Party


Open House


Saturday, December 4th

12 - 5pm

bootFive Years of SNHC providing holistic healthcare for you!


Bring your friends and family.  Stop by and say hi.  Come in for a tour, show everyone your special oasis, and stay a longer if you wish...  try health services new to you!


Our Gift to You:

Contact us now to set up your Personalized Schedule of


Health Services
for the Party.



Wine, cheese, and merriment!

Gift Certificate Specials and raffles!

Just do it ~ you deserve to take time out for you!


rose petals massage

Our Health Services are the perfect tune-up to stay healthy.  We look forward to seeing you soon.  Call today to set up a relaxing Massage, Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Treatment,  Naturopathic Appointment, Life Success Coaching, GenoType appointment, or any of our other blissful Health Services. 

Call now! 

Dr. Megan Marco LAc, Dr. Stephanie Bethune ND,
Beth Augustyniak LMT, Melissa Smith LMT,
Lucyna Kwiatkowski HHP, and Lesley Ingves CTACC
Stonington Natural Health Center
Your Place for Health & Healing
Stonington Natural Health Center Events: