1710 S Highland Ave. | Lombard, Il 60148 | Ph: 630.627.3912 | Fax: 630.627.9123 | Email Us  September 15, 2010
Yom Kippur
Friday September 17, 2010                     Saturday September 18, 2010
8:15 PM Kol Nidre                                      10:00 AM Yom Kippur Service
                                                                   1:15 PM Children's Service
                                                                    2:15 PM Discussion Group, Ashley Rose
                                                                    will discuss, "The Scapegoats Sent to
                                                                    3:30 PM Afternoon Service 
Wednesday September 22, 2010
7:00 PM Erev Sukkot Service
Shabbat Chol Hamoed
Friday September 24, 2010                      Saturday September 25, 2010
8:15 PM Shabbat Evening Service               9:00 AM Torah Study
Rabbi Bob will discuss, "The Answer           10:30 AM Morning Service 
My Friend is Blowing in the Wind."             Bat Mitzvah: Hannah Widmaier
Oneg Host: Widmaier Family
Current Torah Portion

* Childcare is available during Friday evening services in our Nursery.

Parasha | Celebrations | Rabbi Bob's Writings | Rabbi Cosnowsky's Writings

Message from Rabbi Bob
In my sermon on Rosh Hashanah morning I spoke about the Israel/Palestinian peace talks. Another big topic of conversation in Israel this summer was the investigations into the flotilla incident.
Sukkot- Wednesday, September 22nd
sukkotOn Wednesday, September 22nd at 7:00 PM we will celebrate the beginning of Sukkot with a joyous service. The observance will include holiday songs, a special story and the shaking of the lulav.
Simchat Torah- Wednesday, September 29th
The conclusion and renewal of the annual Torah reading cycle will be celebrated at services on Wednesday, September 29th at 7:00 PM. The service will include the traditional Hafakot with Torah scrolls, accompanied by singing, dancing and waving flags.

Rabbi's Rosh Hashanah Sermons 5771
On Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Bob and Rabbi Cosnowsky both presented thought provoking sermons. To read Rabbi Bob's sermon, click here. To read Rabbi Cosnowsky's sermon click here.
President's Rosh Hashanah Speech 5771
On Erev Rosh Hashanah Al spoke about how Congregation Etz Chaim is different from all other synagogues. Of course, this was only spoken in the most positive way. To read Al's speech, click here.


Adult & Family Activities

Brotherhood | Sisterhood | Adult Ed | Seniors | Social Action
Message from Our President
al herbachWe are now in the middle of the High Holy Days, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This seems to be a good time for me to recognize some of the people who have the responsibility for making this season's services possible.
Sisterhood Tea- Sunday, September 26th
sisterhood teaSisterhood cordially invites you to attend our Annual Membership Tea! Please join us as veteran Sisterhood members meet new and prospective members.
Save Your Shoes to Donate this Fall! 
shoesSocial Action will conduct a shoe drive this fall for an organization called Stuff for the Poor. Providence Rubingisa, the Rwandan genocide survivor who started Stuff for the Poor, will be the speaker at the Social Action Shabbat on October 15th.
PADS Adopt-An-Apartment
The Social Action Committee has just embarked on its 3rd Transitional Housing Adopt-an-Apartment with Dupage PADS. This program serves as a pathway from being homeless to moving toward obtaining permanent housing. For more information about the project and items needed click here, or to become involved, please call or email Meryl Diamond. 
 Rabbi Cosnowsky to Lead Study Class-
"Journey Through the Prayer Book"
Saturday, November 20th
Please join Rabbi Cosnowsky for a morning study while we "Journey Through the Prayer Book," to learn about the different prayers we say on Shabbat. 
Social Action - Justice in Our Community
DuPage United Delegate Assembly- Come to learn, listen relate & celebrate. Read more here.


School & Youth Activities

Message from Anne
During Junior Congregation on Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Cosnowsky spoke to the children about bullying. When she was done I declared that our school to be a "NO BULLYING" community. I will talk about this during our opening assembly at Westlake.
Shabbat Chaverim- September 24th 
let's get ready for shabbat2We have begun a new program for families with young children. "Shabbat Chaverim" will be on Friday mornings, a program for young children and parent/guardian. The next "Shabbat Chaverim" will be on September 24th.

 Read more here...



Congregational Life

Congratulations | Condolences | Kaddish List | Donations
DePauw University Theatre Presents:
Gerda's Story: Memoir of a Holocaust Surviver
This moving tale is based on the authentic account of Gerda Nothmann Luner's Holocaust survival. As a young girl, all of Gerda's hopes and dreams are forever shattered when the Nazis invade her homeland. Gerda Luner was the wife of congregant, Charles Luner.
Did You Know.....

mannaIt's that time of year again to begin thinking about Etz Chaim's primary fundraiser. The first Manna of the year is September 19th. The Manna Gift Card program provides an easy, no cost way to raise funds for our congregation while receiving 100% value for every dollar you spend. Find out more about Manna or click here for an order form. 

Wanted: College Student Addresses 
Each year, the Youth Committee collects college student snail mail addresses and email addresses. Why? Because we want to keep our college students connected to the Etz Chaim community. How? We send them the E-Bulletin, "goodie" boxes at festive times of the year, and list them in the Kesher (URJ) directory of Jewish college students. 
We need both regular mailing addresses and email addresses of freshmen as well as returning college students. Addresses are not saved from school year to school year, so we need addresses even if you sent them in past years. Please send address information to the synagogue office by email.  

Wednesday September 15 
Seniors Meeting CANCELLED
4:00 PM Hebrew School Begins
Sunday September 19
9:30 AM Brotherhood set up Sukkah
11:45 AM Welcome Back to School Bar-b-que - sponsored by the Brotherhood
Manna Order Deadline
Find order form here. Read about Manna.
Wednesday September 22
7:00 PM Erev Sukkot Service
Join us as we begin to celebrate the Feast of Gatherings. Come and shake the lulav, smell the etrog, and visit the Sukkah.
Sunday September 26
2:00 PM Sisterhood Tea
Please join us as veteran Sisterhood members meet new and prospective members. Read more here.
Wednesday September 29
7:00 PM Erev Simchat Torah Service
Join us as we finish reading the Torah only to begin once again. Come and sing and dance with the Torahs.

Sunday October 3
9:30 AM Brotherhood - Take Down Sukkah

Friday October 8
7:30 PM Family Shabbat Services

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Orders Due September 19th 
Pick up September 22nd
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