
July 2012

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In This Issue
Friends of ACU
Conference: Health IT
ACU Reacts
Upcoming Asthma Webinars
Members Speak Out
ACU Says Thank You
Featured Jobs
Conferences and E-Learning
Our Members in the News
Mobile Technology
Is Yours a Health Literate Organization?
Report Highlights
Scholarships and Fellowships
National Soda Summit
Join the Celebration
Midcareer Consultants Wanted
Best Practices in Oral Health


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Community Health Center Week, Aug. 5 - 11 





ACUCareer Center  



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 The May 2012 issue of the JHCPU issue is available online 


Journal cover  



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normal heart


Friends of ACU, including Kathie Westpheling and board members Ellis Frazier and Bonnie Hillsberg, attended a performance of The Normal Heart at Arena Stage in Washington, DC. The play depicts the rise of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in 1981-84. In the background are sections of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which will be on display in Washington, DC this summer

Conference: Health IT and Underserved  


hit save thedate ACU will host a conference on Health IT and the Underserved, March 7-8, 2013, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Presenters are invited to submit abstracts by Sept. 1, 2012 using the online submission form. Exhibitors and sponsors should email for more information. The conference will bring together clinical leaders, national health IT leaders, and those working on health IT projects in health care settings to share ideas on improving patient care and outcomes. Among the topics of interest are health technology tools, workforce training, patient engagement, team-based technology, patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) and meaningful use (MU), mobile technology, telehealth, and programs for special populations, such as migrant, homeless, or those living in public housing.  

ACU Reacts to Supreme Court Decision

ACU is very pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  


ACU Board Member and Co-Chair of  ACU's Advocacy Committee, Sandra Leal, PharmD, FAPhA, CDE, said,"ACU believes that access to health care is a basic human right. The Supreme Court decision moves us closer to universal health care. It is a step in the right direction for the thousands of people who currently don't have access."  Read more ... 

Upcoming Asthma Webinars      


boy blowing bubblesACU is offering two national asthma training webinars this month. Both are free, 90-minute trainings on Building an Asthma Care Home: Engaging Clinicians, Patients and Caregivers in Comprehensive Asthma Management.


Wednesday, July 25, at 12 noon ET - this training will be offered in English and CE/CME credit is available.


Thursday July 26, at 12 noon ET - this program will be offered in Spanish and is intended for promotoras and community health workers. Please spread the word among your colleagues.


The presenters, Lois Wessel, CFNP and Anna Gard, FNP-BC, bring frontline clinician experience to this training, as well as extensive backgrounds in health IT, health literacy, and chronic disease management. This is an EPA-funded project. Click the links above for more information and to register. 

Members Speak Out on Health Reform  


health reform

Nearly 200 respondents completed the ACU Advocacy Committee's recent online poll about the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and expanded Medicaid eligibility on the clinics and organizations where they work.

Here are some noteworthy highlights from the responses:

  • Most thought that it was likely that healthcare reform would be implemented in 2014 as written (with Medicaid expansion and health insurance exchanges). 
  • The largest group of respondents were from Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).
  •  A majority of participants said that their organizations have begun discussing potential changes due to healthcare reform.
  • Most were preparing for the changes by updating their strategic plans.
  • If health reform is implemented as written, many said that an immediate change would be to accept more patients and hire more staff.
  • An overwhelming majority said their healthcare organization still would be needed after the 2014-2019 transition period.
  • The majority of respondents said that ACU can help them during this time by advocating for healthcare organizations.

The ACU Advocacy Committee would like to congratulate the four winners whose names were selected at random from among the respondents to receive a $25 American Express gift card: Christian Neal, Anna Bunploog, Julie Kumiega, and Kirsten Roling. The Committee thanks everyone who participated. Watch for more detailed results in the future. 

ACU Says Thank You and Farewell


Vinod Miriyala, DDS 

The ACU Board of Directors extends its thanks to departing member Vinod Miriyala. Dr. Miriyala is a dentist working in southeastern Ohio for the Ironton Lawrence County Area Community Action Organization. As an ACU board member, he has helped strengthen ACU's ties to the oral health community and identified oral health resources for our work on tobacco cessation.



Merrell Sami, MD 

We also bid farewell to Dr. Merrell Sami, who worked with ACU while participating in Georgetown University's Department of Family Medicine Residency Bridge Fellowship. Launched in 2011, the program is designed to increase the leadership skills of future family physicians during their third year of residency. Dr. Sami was the first resident to participate in the program and worked directly with ACU and the National Association of Community Health Centers on several projects. She has accepted a position with Kaiser Permanente in the Washington, DC, area. We appreciate both for their service and wish them well in all their future endeavors. 

Featured Jobs in the ACU Career Center

oct career ctr image


Physician Opportunity - San Diego, CA


Primary Care Physician - Atlantic City, NJ

Conferences  and E-Learning 

For more upcoming conferences and webinars, visit the ACU website.

July 22 - 27, International AIDS Conference, sponsored by the International AIDS Society, in Washington, DC


July 28 - Aug. 1, National Medical Association Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly in New Orleans, LA.


July 29 - Aug. 2, the National AHEC Organization presents its 2012 National Conference in San Antonio, TX.


Sept. 6 - 7, Plain Talk in Complex Times 2012 conference sponsored by the Center for Health Literacy, in Arlington, VA.

Sept. 7 - 8, the 2012 Integrative Medicine for the Underserved conference at Santa Clara University; pre-conference day on Sept 6.  


Sept. 23 - 25, Communities Joined in Action's 7th Annual Conference, Population Health Improvement: Community Collaboratives Transforming Health through Innovation, at the Los Angeles Conference Center at the Center for Healthy Communities.


Sept. 25 - 26, The Healthcare Quality and Equity Action Forum offered by the Disparities Solutions Center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Cambridge, MA.


Sept. 27 - 28, Save the Date: 12th Annual Primary Care and Prevention Conference on "Best Practices for Planning the Future of the Patient Centered Medical Home," sponsored by the Morehouse School of Medicine at the Hilton Caribe, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Sept. 30 - Oct. 9, the 2012 National Primary Oral Health Conference, sponsored by the National Network for Oral Health Access, in San Diego, CA.


Dec. 3 - 5, mHealth Summit, sponsored by mHIMSS, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Washington DC area.


Dec. 9 - 12, 24th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care, sponsored by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, in Orlando, FL. 


Our Members in the News


Dr. Neil Calman 

Congratulations to our members at the Institute for Family Health and Mount Sinai School of Medicine on establishing the new Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and to Neil Calman who will serve as department chair. The department's Harlem Residency in Family Medicine will welcome its first class of family medicine residents this month.

Mobile Technology and Health Disparities 
by Anna Gard, ACU's Quality Improvement and Health IT Projects Coordinator   


Mobile health technology (mHealth) is changing the way the world approaches health care access and delivery. Text messaging is used to support patient adherence with chronic disease management and mobile health applications (Apps) engage patients in preventive care and connect them to community and educational health resources. According to Research2Guidance, 500 million smartphone users worldwide will be using a health care application by 2015. 
Read more ...

Is Yours a Health Literate Organization? 


health lit launch The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released Ten Attributes of Health Literate Healthcare Organizations , a discussion paper by participants in the IOM Roundtable on Health Literacy.  The paper makes clear that becoming a health literate organization is a top-down enterprise, meaning it takes (among other things) leadership, planning, workforce training, and involvement of the populations served. Hiring a bi-lingual receptionist, for example, doesn't make your organization health literate, if that's all you do.


In addition to being represented on the IOM Roundtable, first by Sharon Barrett and now by Laurie Francis of the Oregon Primary Care Association, ACU has produced two research reports and an ACU column (PDF) on health literacy in primary care settings. ACU can also provide on-site staff training on incorporating best practices in health literacy, language access and cultural competency. Please email if you are interested in learning more about scheduling training.  

Report Highlights ACU Members as Change Agents in Their Communities   


Community Health Centers (CHCs) use their role in the community to improve the social determinants of health, according to a new report from the Institute for Alternative Futures called Community Health Centers Leveraging the Social Determinants of Health. Among the case studies featured in the report are several current or former ACU members, including Hudson River HealthCare  in Peekskill, NY, Community Health Partners in Livingston, MT, and Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services, in Honolulu, HI.  Also available online are a literature review and data base of other efforts to change conditions in the community and environment to improve health. Additional submissions are welcome, if you would like to nominate a clinic that is making a difference in the wider community.    

Scholarships and Fellowships


The National Oral Health Learning Institute (NOHLI) is sponsored by the National Network for Oral Health Access for Dental Director or Dental Program mangers with five years or less experience. The pilot class begins September 30, 2012, at the national Primary Oral Health Conference in San Diego, CA.  Applications are due July 18. Program and application details are available online.


ACU is offering scholarships to interested members to attend the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's IHI Open School for Health Professions online courses free for one year. The usual cost to attend the IHI Open School is $250 per year. The selected ACU members will receive a unique code to use to register for free.


ACU is also offering scholarship funds to cover the cost of registration to attend the IHI's 24th annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care in Tampa, FL, in December 2012. The IHI National Forum is huge, attracting more than 6,000 participants each year. To apply for either program, please complete the ACU application form. We encourage you to apply early.


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars program is calling for applications. The program provides two years of support to postdoctoral scholars at all stages of their careers to build our national capacity for research on population health and policy change. Application deadline: Sept. 21


National Soda Summit  


Nate Seeskin, ACU Communications Intern  

If you follow ACU on either Facebook or Twitter, you know that the National Soda Summit was held in June to encourage Americans kick the habit of drinking sugar-laden sodas and other beverages. Our coverage of the Summit, including live tweets, was coordinated by Nate Seeskin. A junior at American University, Nate joined the ACU staff for an eight-week summer internship focusing on communications. The internship was made possible by the ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program. Learn more about the National Soda Summit and check out the links to additional information and resources on sugary drinks on the ACU website.   

Join the Celebration   


National Health Center Week (NHCW) takes place August 5-11 this year. If your site is planning a celebration, be sure to send us a photo or a link to your online album to We'll post them on our Facebook Page. If you need help planning, check out the tools and resources available on the NHCW website, 

Resources to Help with E-Prescribing      


pill bottle

Are you considering an e-prescribing system? Check out this helpful guidance from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), including two toolsets, one for health care provider organizations, including safety net clinics, and the other for independent pharmacies. The toolsets offer advice on planning and getting started, troubleshooting common problems, and navigating more advanced practice and pharmacy services. They are available on the

Midcareer Consultants Wanted 


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has announced a call for Midcareer Consultants, scholars from historically disadvantaged and underrepresented communities who have between 10-15 years of research and/or evaluation experience, to address program priorities for RWJF's teams and portfolios. More details and how to apply are available here. The deadline for brief proposals is Aug. 29.


Best Practices in Oral Health Programs


The National Network for Oral Health Access has developed a web-based collection of  Promising Practices for Health Center Oral Health Programs. Visitors are also invited to submit promising practices, especially in the areas of financials, risk management, health information technology, workforce and all clinical topics. Submit by July 27 to be eligible for a drawing to win one of five $25 gift cards.