Fulford Academy
First weeks of the Fall Term
Montreal - Science Center
Car Wash Fundraiser
Toronto Trip
Summer Graduation 2008


October 4
Apple picking
Chocolate Factory

October 11-13
Thanksgiving Weekend
Montreal Trip 
November 15-16
Toronto Trip
December 12 
End of Term, ESL Prep
Winter Holidays begin
December 19 
End of Term, BCI students 
January 5 
Winter Term begins 
Topic: What would you tell a new student?
"Take this great opportunity and save many checkmarks to become student of the week and to get lunch first." Stephan
Fulford Academy
We welcome any feedbacks and suggestions that you may have about our newsletter.

Issue No. 21: September 30, 2008

Greetings from Fulford Academy,  
In the past month, we have had the privilege of welcoming new students, but have also been working with continuing students in their transition to Brockville Collegiate Institute - a local high school. As always, we have a diverse group of students, and it has been a pleasure getting to know each individual. The students have adjusted well to each other and to us, and we have already seen growth in their language skills. As I said in my August message to our graduating class, one way to tell students have mastered both language and culture is that they laugh at our jokes and have a quick reply. Already there is lots of laughter in class and in the halls; we expect that our new students to excel in the coming months. It has been a pleasure to help our students adjust to living and learning in Canada and it is with real pride that we will follow their achievements.
Dr. Tom Steel
Dr. Tom Steel
Head of School
First weeks of the Fall Term
September has brought us new students from around the world that are settling into Fulford's routine smoothly, both academically and socially. The past several weeks have been filled with placement tests, learning the rules and expectations; adapting to a boarding life environment, as well as meeting other international students and Fulford staff. It has been a busy couple of weeks.
In the past two weeks our students have travelled to the Science Centre in Montreal, conducted a fundraiser car wash, participated in the annual Terry Fox walk/run, and travelled to Ottawa to see the Parliament buildings.
At the end of the month you will receive instructions on how to access your student's online monthly progress report. Fulford progress reports will be available at the beginning of each month.

by Mrs. Cindy McCarthy
Academic Coordinator

Montreal - Science Center

On Friday, September 12th, the students of Fulford Academy visited the Montreal Science Center for the day. We left in the morning and arrived in Montreal around 10:30am.

Alex experimenting at the Science Center

The students had a busy day, visiting several different exhibits in the center, and learning about many different topics. They visited the 'Science 26' Hall, the futuristic 'Imagine' center, took part in a virtual 'Snowbird' flight simulator, and watched a movie about the Grand Canyon in Imax 3D. There was a lot of laughter, and all of the students seemed to have a very good time!  

by Mr. Jeremy Deline

Car Wash Fundraiser
Saturday, September 20th, was a beautiful warm day and provided the perfect atmosphere for the Fulford fall car wash. The car wash was held fundraiser for Loaves and Fishes, a local organization that provides meals for the less fortunate families in the community.

Washing cars

The students painted posters to advertise the event in advance, and it worked, as we had a steady stream of cars throughout the day. Everyone took turns scrubbing, rinsing and drying off the cars, and made sure to save some time for a few water fights as well!

Lei playing with the water

Overall the day was a wonderful success and a lot of fun too!
by Ms. Micaela Roughton
Residential Advisor 
Annual Terry Fox Run

This past Friday the students had the opportunity to participate in a Canadian tradition, the Terry Fox Run. The Terry Fox Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions across the globe in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox, and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research. All of the students in Canada participate in this event every year.

Terry Fox

Fulford students had several responsibilities for this event including: learning about Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope, gathering donations for the Terry Fox Foundation to help continue their research, which will hopefully one day lead to a cure for all cancer, and to run or walk their own Marathon of Hope in a tribute to Terry.
We are all very proud of our students and staff, for their participation by either donating money, running or walking for 1 hour straight, or both. 
by Mr. Scott Murray

Our National Capital

On September 27th, all the Fulford students had the chance to visit Canada's capital city, Ottawa. We had a private group tour of the Parliament buildings, including the House of Commons (for elected members) and the Senate (for appointed members). 

Parliament Building

Canada is in the middle of an election campaign so while Parliament Hill was not busy, the students were able to see and photograph where the next group of Canadian lawmakers will work. The Parliamentary library, recently restored to its original state with the addition of today's technology, is a magnificent building that was completed in 1876! The students had many good questions for our tour guide and were able to compare Canadian style of government with that of their home country. 

At the Library

We then went up the Peace Tower for a spectacular 360 degree view of Ottawa and the surrounding region.
A quick walking tour of the Byward Market introduced students to the amazing variety of fruits and vegetables available locally at harvest time, as well as plants, pumpkins, and arts and crafts. The day was only complete after the group had a chance to visit the Rideau Mall for a little shopping in downtown.
A wonderful day, full of Canadian culture and history! 
by Mrs. Beth Steel
Student Life