crystallizations 2011

February 2011


At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do, it is important for us to pause a moment and make sure we are talking to each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.  - Barack Obama


Last month, I listed some communication resolutions for 2011. Apparently I don't have a widespread enough audience yet to reach the entire country. I have listened to friends, acquaintances, newscasters, and pundits explain what happened in Tucson and what the root causes of the problem are. I agree with the President who said that a lack of civility did not cause this tragedy. Read more... 

message bottle

Communication Issues? 

Is there a communication topic you would like to see me cover in this newsletter?  If you have communication problems you need solutions for, please email me, and I'll respond in upcoming issues. 


If you have grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, or writing questions, send them in and I'll answer them here. All submissions will be kept anonymous. 


Contact me at 

Great Training Programs

The Institute for Economic Development at the


University of Texas at San Antonio is offering some extremely topical training this month. Whether you need to learn how to sell to the Federal Government or write your business plan, there is a class for you. All are free or extremely reasonably priced. See the February calendar


coachingCommunication Coaching

If you need training in communication, consider one-on-one coaching with me. I offer individualized communication coaching. No matter what your communication needs (improving your grammar and sentence structure,  putting together and rehearsing a presentation and getting over your nerves, dealing with difficult people, leading a team, crafting your sales message), I can help. If you need to make real personalized progress, call 210-863-2250 or email for a free initial consultation and assessment.

Last month, I asked for original

resolutions. Thank you all for playing. I loved the heartfelt, touching goals you sent, but the best was from my friend,

Debbie Little-Wilson. Debbie said, "I have resolved not to go to my Farmtown farm even once this year, even just to check on it and see if my chickens are still alive..... and this means BOTH farms where I have made over 14 million dollars.... I am only going after REAL money this year....." This resolution was not even possible a few years ago, so it hit the mark of being original!

If you know what makes the name of this month unique among all other names of months, you will win a $25 gift certificate from Nicavid's Bakery or Starbuck's.

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