

September 2010

"Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention."    

- Jim Rohn

I visited my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson (see photo below) during August. The trip to Carterville, Illinois, where they live, takes me approximately 16 hours each way, so I spend a good portion of four days on the road. I like road trips.  The time away from the computer eases the neck and shoulder pain, and I am able to clear my head. The drive also provides some interesting revelations about communication, especially between strangers. Read more...


Communication Coaching

If you need training in communication, consider one-on-one coaching with me. I offer individualized Communication Coaching. No matter what your communication needs (improving your grammar and sentence structure,  putting together and rehearsing a presentation and getting over your nerves, dealing with difficult people, leading a team, crafting your sales message), I can help. If you need to make real personalized progress, call 210-863-2250 or email [email protected] for a free initial consultation and assessment.
Need Marketing, Advertising,
or Creative Design at a Reasonable Cost?

Borelli Holland is comprised of hard-working individuals (including my son) who use over 30 years experience to provide first-rate services in marketing, advertising, creative design, website development, and strategic initiatives with the goal of taking businesses to the next level of growth. I serve as a Texas based point of contact for this firm, which is based in Illinois. Let Borelli Holland bid on your next project. You will appreciate their understanding of your needs, including your financial concerns. Contact me at [email protected] or
210.863.2250 or contact [email protected] or 618.998.8060 directly.
Crystal Communications
6000 Trone Trail
San Antonio, Texas 78238
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Last month, the question about Mr. and Mrs. Jones' and their six daughters resulted in many correct answers. Rebecca Moulder, at the Office of the City Auditor was the first who knew that there were nine people in the family - six daughters, one son, and two parents. Don't feel bad if you guessed 14. You were in good company. :-)

This month,
 a number when multiplied by five or added to five will provide the same result. What is the number?

The first correct answer will win a $25 gift certificate from Nicavid's Bakery and Cafe or Starbuck's.

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