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a monthly newsletter from Crystal Communications September 2006

in this issue

Events to Help You
Create the A+ LIfe

Living the A+ Life

Puzzle Results

It's Opportunity Time!!!!


Events to Help You
Create the A+ LIfe
crystal training

The Business of Water Series
Friday, September 8
11 AM - 1 PM

Witte Museum, Prassel Auditorium, 3801 Broadway, Explore how water affects all aspects of our economy.
here to register or for more info.

First Tuesday Greater Connection Mixer
on the Second Tuesday this month, September 12, 5 PM
Independence Hill Assisted Living
20500 Huebner Road
Click here for more information.

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get where I'm going?
Thursday, September 14, 6 PM
Landa Library, 233 Bushnell
My financial advisor hosts an interactive seminar designed to help align your life's goals with your financial resources. Live an A+ Financial Life! Click here to RSVP for this or upcoming seminars.

Health Care Impact Study Luncheon
Thursday, September 14
11:30 AM - 1 PM

Oak Hills Country Club, 5403 Fredericksburg Rd.
Learn the results of the Healthcare & Bioscience Economic Impact Study - Fall 2006
Click here to register or for more info.

6th Annual Small, Minority, & Women Business Owners Conference
Friday, December 8th
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Meet buyers from local, state, and Federal agencies and private corporations. FREE reception at the AT&T Center the night before (Thursday, December 7th).
Sponsorships are available. Please contact me if you are interested. I'm organizing volunteers again this year, so if you can help that evening or the day of the conference, please email me.
Check out the information on the County's websiteand register for the event.

Got an event you want publicized to my list?
$15 per month to 500 people.
Call me at 210.863.2250


It's even more official now!!! My grandson is on his way. He should be here sometime around the beginning of November.

I got some great advice from readers on how to be a wonderful grandmother. Thanks to all of you who emailed me!

  • Living the A+ Life
  • reaching

    He who overcomes others has force; he who overcomes himself is strong.
    -- Lao Tzu

    Want to speed up your ability to reach your dreams and live the A+ Life? Understand that you always have control over one thing, even when you feel you have no control. You can control how you react to a particular situation. Understand, also, that this one step – adjusting how you react to your circumstances - is the hardest skill for most people.

    Controlling your reactions means not only controlling anger or sadness, but choosing how you decide to see a particular situation. If someone hurts you, you have the ability to choose how you react to that situation. You can decide to be angry or sad; you can decide to take the situation personally, or you can realize that it may have had nothing to do with you. You can use the event as a learning experience.

    No more excuses.

    No more excuses are allowed. You can no longer hold onto the belief that you were just born with a hot temper or a sensitive nature. No more claiming that someone pushed your buttons. When you are hit with a negative situation, you have a choice. You can decide to see the situation in a negative light or you can decide to learn from the situation.

    I spent a few years in an abusive relationship. After managing to get out of it and start to rebuild my self-confidence, I was very angry. I was angry at my partner for treating me the way he did. I was angry at myself for allowing it. I was angry at the “system” for providing so little support. I spent a lot of time being angry. Some of it may have been necessary in order to accept the loss of the relationship and the fact that my dream of a life with this particular man was not going to work out. Anger is one of the stages of mourning, after all. But to move on, I had to get past the anger. The easiest way for me to accomplish this was to see the value in the experience.

    Value? In an abusive relationship? Yes. I learned an enormous amount about my own reserves of inner strength. I have a poster on my wall with a quotation from Camus, “In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” I found my invincible summer through that experience. This experience also makes it possible for me to empathize with people I meet who are in similar situations.

    Find a lesson.

    Two weeks before I was due to provide my first open-to-the-public seminar, I was coming from the mailbox up the sidewalk to my front door. I was leafing through the mail and was not watching where I was going. My foot slipped off the sidewalk and my ankle turned sharply, causing me to fall to the pavement. There I was, sprawled out on the front porch. The first thought that went through my head was, “Did anyone see me?” The second thought as I tried to move was, “If no one saw me, how long will I be here?” I had a difficult time getting up on my ankle. I had wrenched my right shoulder and couldn’t use my right arm to push up. I was a mess. I managed to get to my feet, get in the house, hobble to the couch, sit down and start to cry. I sobbed. My thoughts consisted of “I have no one. My parents are gone. I don’t have a husband or a boyfriend. My son is 900 miles away. I don’t even have any friends.” That’s when I stopped myself because I knew the last statement was a lie. I had tons of friends, many of whom would drop what they were doing and come take care of me if I were to call them. I realized that although I was in a great deal of pain, I still had the ability to decide how to react to the situation. I could sit there feeling sorry for myself or I could figure out what lesson I was supposed to learn from the experience. (I realized that one message could be that I needed to stop multi-tasking.)

    When you realize you have a choice in how you react, you suddenly give yourself the power to make the best of any situation. You also have to give up some of the excuses that have held you back. Get ready, because then the brakes start to come off.

    What excuses have held you back? Can you find a new way to look at those events? Whoosh! Feel the speed?

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  • Puzzle Results
  • puzzle light

    Last month I asked you to share your dreams. I got some marvelous responses. Here are a few:

    As much as I would like to say that my dream has something to do with weighing what I did in high school, my ultimate dream has to be that I would love to live in a world where people could shake off the hatred they feel about each other's differences.... It makes me nervous and when I'm nervous, I eat and when I eat, I gain weight and when I gain weight, I am not happy.. Oh, maybe my dream really does have something to do with wanting to weigh what I did in high school and not world peace, after all..... Never mind....

    Actually, Crystal, I have fulfilled my dreams...few people can say that...I am lucky..

    My dream is to win a large lottery and spend the rest of my life giving it away to non profit organizations. That has got to be the neatest thing in the world. In this aspect I really do envy Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, they are so much richer for what they will give away, then what they have.

    Don't I have the coolest readers?

    Here's this month's puzzle. Nearly everyone has taken a job at some point that is not his or her dream job. See if you can guess who these people are: 1) Worked as a dishwasher at a Chinese restaurant before heading up a successful technology firm. 2) Worked as a high school janitor before writing a best-seller. 3) Worked in the mailroom at MGM before becoming a multiple Oscar winner.

    The first correct response will receive a $25 gift certificate from Entree's .

    Need help with Unlocking Your Creativity?
    I need your help!

    Do you know of any organization that needs employee development training? I'm trying to finish the year with a big increase in soft skills and software training. If you find me a paid training session in one of my core topics, I'll pay you 10% of the fee. Or if it's for your employees, I'll discount the fee by 10%. Rates are $15 per person per hour with a minimum charge of $300, with volume discounts available.

    If you are interested, I'll send you a PDF that explains each of the core topics. Just email me and I'll forward it to you.

    Why am I so eager? I'm going to be a grandma in November and I need to buy cute little baby outfits for what will be the most adorable child in the whole world - and I'd like to take some time off during the holidays to enjoy the new family member. Help me out, will you?

    Offer expires after the grandkid arrives

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