Infection Control Prevention - ASC's & Surgical Settings
Updates from Excellentia Advisory Group March 2012

in this issue

From the Desk of Mary Bennett, RN, CIC

Bug of the Month: Legionella

Questions from Our Last Infection Control Webinar

Where did you find that information?

Dirty Surgical Instruments in the news!

Recent update on Nevada case

We Want To See You In St. Louis in September!


From the Desk of Mary Bennett, RN, CIC
Mary Bennett RN CIC

"Check the Label: Is the Mask a Level 1, 2, 3 (and...what's the difference?)"
This is the title of our complimentary webinar offered this month on March 21st. We are enthused to offer Kathy Stoessel of Kimberly-Clark Healthcare Knowledge Network the opportunity to speak to you. Kathy will be speaking about the importance of utilizing the proper face mask as PPE.
Upon completion of this continuing education activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Identify three reasons for face mask use in healthcare
  • Discuss the roles of the FDA and ASTM as relates to medical face masks
  • Recognize requirements for the new face mask performance rating as specified in ASTM F2100-11
  • Describe how the ASTM F2100-11 barrier levels can assist with appropriate mask selection

Click on our Complimentary webinar link below. Once you reach our website you will get more information on this webinar as well as April's webinar presented by Dorothy Larson of 3M.

Complimentary webinars for March & April...

Complimentary Webinar-3/21/2012-Sponsored by:

Knowledge Network logo of Kimberly-Clark

Sponsor / Speakers at 2-day Infection Control Seminar


Greetings ASC Administrator or Directors!
  • Bug of the Month: Legionella
  • Recently, a story was in the news about an 82-year old Italian woman who died of Legionnaires disease believed to be contracted from the water at her dentist's office. In the US, the CDC and ADA have issued guidance about water quality in dental practices to prevent transmission. The story served as a reminder about exposure to Legionella.

    Click Here to Read More on Legionella
  • Questions from Our Last Infection Control Webinar
  • After the complimentary webinar about Clostridium difficile, we received a request for a list of products that are successfully used by ASCs to deal with spores.
    Answer: The EPA website was searched and a list of products that are registered with the EPA that will destroy Clostridium difficile spores was not found. The results from an internet search for disinfectant products that are EPA registered in the U.S to destroy C. difficile spores are as follows:

    • Dispatch (Clorox Company) EPA Reg. No. 56392-7
    • Clorox Germicidal Wipes EPA Reg. No. 67619-12
    • Virasept (Ecolab) EPA Reg. No. 1677-226

    A request has been submitted to the EPA to publish a list of products effective against C. diff spores since even a short list of currently available products would be a benefit for facilities searching for effective products.

  • Where did you find that information?
  • 1. Do you need to know how to find information about isolation procedures? How about basic infection control precautions?
    This is the link to the CDC 2007 Guidelines for Isolation Precautions Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in health Care Facilities.
    This document has information about standard precaution and transmission based precaution implementation in a variety of health care settings. There is a lot of information about the rationale for the precautions.

    2. Have you wondered what precautions are necessary for a specific disease or a particular pathogens? Look no further, Appendix A to the 2007 Guidelines for Isolation Precautions has what you are looking for.

    3. Do you need to find the OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard? Look here:

    4. Where are the US Public Health Service Guidelines mentioned in the Blood borne Pathogen standard?
    They can be found here:
    and here...

    If you need a resource for information before the next newsletter, please contact me:

  • Dirty Surgical Instruments in the news!
  • You may have seen the recent presentation by the "Today Show" regarding dirty surgical instruments. If not, see link below. The program highlighted the potentially devastating consequences of retained soil on surgical instruments which had been through the sterilization process. Since this program aired, it would not be surprising if consumers voiced questions to a facility about the effectiveness of their sterilization. Hopefully you are prepared to answer consumer's questions.

    The persons who clean, decontaminate, sterilize, and high level disinfect devices are the un-sung heroes of infection prevention. Staff training, effective policies and procedures, and QA/PI monitoring of your sterilization processes can't be overemphasized.

    Click Here for Today Show link...
  • Recent update on Nevada case
  • Remember the outbreak of hepatitis C following a series of outpatient colonoscopies performed in Nevada? Well it appears that yet another chapter has been written! The CDC as you recall linked the cases to unsafe injection practices that occurred during the administration of propofol.

    More than 80 lawsuits had been filed against Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the manufacturer of the propofol that was used during these cases. It seems the company was accused of deliberately manufacturing only their more profitable 20 ml and 50 ml vials rather than their smaller 10 ml vial of propofol. This perhaps caused physicians at the clinic to re-use the vials for more than one patient, thus exposing them to hepatitis C. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries case has now settled and they will pay more than $250 million to more than 40 of the lawsuits. Our industry continues to experience shortages and we still are asked the possibility of using single dose vials for multiple patients. Our advice remains to follow protocol and use single dose vials only for one patient.

    Click to read full article...
  • We Want To See You In St. Louis in September!
  • Event Icon_small

    Excellentia Advisory Group will be presenting our 2nd Annual Infection Prevention Strategies for ASC's and Perioperative Settings. This event will be:

    • September 27 - 28, 2012
    • St. Louis, MO
    • 8:00am to 5:00pm each day
    • 14 Contact Hours of Continuing Education
    • BONUS for buying now; you get last year's 2-day seminar on DVD set for free! This normally sells for $960.00
    • Discount for 2nd or more persons to attend
    • Ambulatory Surgery Center & surgical setting focused presentations.
    • Specific information that you can apply to your ASC
    • Wonderful opportunity to gain the training material that you need to train your entire staff
    • A seminar designed to build-upon last year's 2-day seminar
    • All speakers will be CIC's or have Advanced Education in Infection Prevention
    Complete details and venue information is on our website.

    More information on this 2-day seminar
    :: 636-875-5088 extension 104