MCED Connect

Issue: # 22

October 2012 

5 minutes with Lee Cheever 

Operations Manager, MCED  


Lee Cheever is the Operations Manager at Maine Center for
Entrepreneurial Development. She graduated from the University of Vermont with an engineering degree and did graduate work in Industrial Engineering at Union College in Schenectady, NY. She spent 10 years with GE negotiating defense contracts and managing projects with manufacturing companies in Europe, Mexico and the Far East followed by a few years in Purchasing with GE Plastics. In addition to working for a large corporation, she has worked in her father's family owned business, has run two small companies of her own, and has taught various courses at community colleges. During her six years as a Maine SBDC business counselor, she was one of the original developers of online trainings and has helped more than 200 Maine Entrepreneurs start and grow their own small businesses. She lives in York County with her husband, daughter, dogs and horses.


1. How has your education as an engineer helped you counsel entrepreneurs?

My technical background does help in many situations. In some cases it helps me understand their product or invention faster, or if they have engineering drawings or specifications I know how to read those. Sometimes I can offer suggestions about developing testing or manufacturing processes or technical consultants. Entrepreneurs with any kind of specialty, not just technical ones, often feel more eager to talk to someone who has a similar grounding, who is more apt to "get it."


2. One of your strengths is grant writing. To what do you attribute your high success rate with grants? What would be your number one piece of advice for an entrepreneur applying for their first grant?

I took a grant-writing course at one point which got me off on the right track. Then I was fortunate enough to do some work with a professional grant writer. When I got an opportunity to help entrepreneurs with MTI seed grant proposals it allowed me to work on many projects over a relatively short period of time and MTI was extremely open to helping applicants be successful. One of the cool things about grant writing is that its easy to measure how good you are at it. You either win or you don't.

Advice? Understand that every funder has something they want to accomplish with their grant awards. They generally don't want to hand out money for random business building. Read the instructions, figure out how you might fit and then call the funder to discuss your approach. If what you want to do is not what they say they like to fund then move on. Honestly, they want people to send in high quality proposals and they want to help make that happen.


3. What do you enjoy most about what you do?

What I enjoy most is being in the midst of positive people with lots of ideas and motivation to move businesses forward. This goes for entrepreneurs starting and managing their businesses, projects I work on with organizations around the state and the people I work with day-to-day.


4. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur? 

Entrepreneurs absolutely have to be passionate and committed to their mission. Its what keeps you going when others would give up. They need to be, or learn to be, good at business. They need to be able to sell, both their idea and themselves.


5. How do you define success?

Personally? I want to do good work and use my

favorite tools in my career toolbox. I want to add significant value that moves an entrepreneurial organization forward. Success includes being supportive of my family, too, or the rest doesn't even matter.


Meet the Mentors!

With the launch of Top Gun Prep, MCED's mentor network is growing all the time. Here are a few of our newest mentors.

Don Parent
 Don Parent is a business owner and licensed professional engineer with more than 30 years experience in the development of new products for a worldwide market.  Mr. Parent provides engineering consulting services relating to engineering design, product and process development, and patent and intellectual property related matters.


Mr. Santoro is chairman and president of SurfCast, Inc., a company that designs computer operating system technologies. At Deutsche Bank he was Global Head of the 'Principal Investment Group', which invested approx. $1 billion of the bank's capital in venture
Ovid Santoro
investments. He has held similar positions at Credit Suisse First Boston, Lehman Brothers, and Drexel Burnham. He was the European Editor for The Red Herring magazine and a Contributing Editor for CNBC-Europe. He holds a BA from Columbia University.



Cynthia Fisher is an SQF Consultant, and serves as VP of Marketing & Quality Assurance for Look's Gourmet Food Company. 
Cynthia Fisher 
She is an Executive Council member of the Business Council for Peace (, assisting food producers in Afghanistan and El Salvador. 
She also volunteers with the Maine Food Producers Alliance.


Top Gun 2011 graduate, Michael Goldman, and his company Wealth Gathering had a double launch in September. The beta of my online financial coaching platform launched publicly at This included a complete re-work of the public facing pages. The sister site for Goldman's local financial coaching practice also launched at Michael's passion for helping people identify and reach meaningful life goals through through trustworthy financial coaching is the
basis for both companies.

Top Gun 2011 graduate, Stan Farrell and his company, Wizbe Innovations is moving and celebrating! There will be an open house November 3rd, from 2-6pm to show off their new facilities, located at 903 Western Ave in Manchester Maine. The new space is shared between Wizbe Innovations ( and Helene Farrar Art (


Also, Wizbe Innovations and its partners Supreme Corporation and Tex Tech Industries have been awarded a SBIR Phase I grant for the Department of Homeland Security to develop personnel protective clothing.

Top Gun mentor, Robert Neveu and his company Certify, have some updates and new services. Certify announced the general availability of ReceiptParse™ for use in the Certify Mobile and Certify web based applications. Certify ReceiptParseTM automatically extracts rich expense data from receipts in real-
time. Certify users can now snap a photo of a receipt using Certify Mobile and ReceiptParseTM will automatically fill expense fields in seconds. ReceiptParseTM also works with Certify's eleven methods of receipt capture and interprets receipt images as actionable expense data, streamlining the process and saving users time. Certify has now added multiple language functionality to their products. They offer our travel and expense products in 64 languages.

Inspiring Business Ideas Submitted in the Back of the Napkin Challenge!
When it comes to business concepts, Mainer's will have plenty of creative ideas. That was the premise of the Back of the Napkin Challenge sponsored by Top Gun Maine and several young professionals organizations from around the state.
Contestants were asked to submit their idea for a new business or product on the back of a napkin, photograph it and upload it to the Facebook page of the participating organization. Submissions were judged on innovation, feasibility and scalability. Winners received a fully paid scholarship for Top Gun Prep course, an online course in entrepreneurship presented by the Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development and the University of Maine's Target Technology Center.
There were several napkins submitted for consideration in the biotechnology, environmental technology, precision manufacturing and information technology sectors. Winning ideas included organic baby food, recycling barn boards into flooring, an app for road travelers who make deliveries en route, a blog traffic filter
system to a new freezer design.
The participating organizations were:
Propel, Fusion Bangor, the Mid Coast Magnet, Young Professionals of the Lewiston and Auburn Area, Lincoln County Spark and Momentum Aroostook, and Top Gun Maine.
Winning entrepreneurs were:
Khristopher Lelemand, Amanda Baker, Alexander Sargent, Christopher Hallweaver and Karla Cyr.

Top Gun 2011 graduate Tim Lo and his company, KahBang Festival, came to terms on a 5 year agreement with the city of bangor to guarantee a location to put on the event for the forthcoming five years. here's an article for reference.

Did you know the Tech Hub, MCED and USM announced regular, drop-in office hours

The Tech Hub has partnered with MCED and USM to provide drop-in office hours prior to PubHub each month for USM's Campus Ventures program. Campus Ventures is the University's commercialization accelerator program for technology and manufacturing in Southern Maine and the program provides a portal through which the business community can access University resources. Visit between 4:00 and 6:00 PM in MCED's new office, which is located in Suite 204 of the Tech Hub.

Greg Cavanaugh, Program Manager in USM's Department of External Programs, will be available each month to talk about the program and provide free consultation for potential clients.  
Office hours are for USM's Campus Ventures program at MCED's new 30 Danforth Street (Suite 204) location starting in October at 4:00 PM and continuing each month prior to the monthly PubHub event. 
For more information or to make an appointment:
call- 207-749-1478 or email Greg 

Where in Maine is Don Gooding?
MCED's Executive Director really gets around the state!
Mainebiz Momentum Convention 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Augusta Civic Center

76 Community Drive 
, Maine 04330
Phone: 207.781.2982, Email: [email protected]

TEDxDirigo: Villages

Saturday October 20th
Bates College Event Details Here  


In This Issue
5 Minutes with
Meet the Mentors!
Did you know...?





October 17, 2012    

Creating a Culture of Innovation in Your Company   


a Lunch and Learn Workshop

with Dr. Catherine Renault


Learn how recent studies of how the brain works inform our understanding of creativity. Using this knowledge, we can encourage creativity and innovation in our companies! We'll incorporate a hands-on demonstration of the power of these techniques to drive out fear and reduce the risk of innovation, while increasing the speed of new product development. 


Orono Innovation  

Center Venue here  


 Orono Target Tech Venue here   


Portland Venue here 



November 14, 2012

How to Overcome Your Fear of Sales and Get More Customers NOW!  


a Lunch and Learn Workshop with Mandy Schumaker

a.. Are you nervous about being seen as salesy and pushy when you are talking to a customer or investor?

 b.. Have you been trying all the latest and greatest ideas to attract more customers, but it's just not working?


 c.. Do you start squirming or even stuttering when you move into talking about your pricing or details about your services?


 d.. Do you ever wish sales could be natural, fun and enjoyable?


 e.. Do you feel like you are working too hard for the results you are seeing?


Many business professionals and entrepreneurs who have great ideas or products, often struggle with how to market or sell their products or services. This session will provide a powerful mindset shift that will completely change the way you look at the often "dreaded" sales activity. By sharing a powerful, yet simple step-by-step process, at the end of the session you will have the tools to begin expanding your client base immediately.without feeling like a pushy "sales-type"!



 Portland Venue here  


Orono Innovation Center Venue here 


 Orono Target Tech Venue here    




October 24, 2012 

Equity Prep


A Table Talk Workshop with Don Gooding, MCED Executive Director 

If your company is thinking about raising equity
- selling shares - there is a lot to get ready before you start asking for checks. This Table Talk will walk through the rather extensive list of things to prepare, from financial models, pitch decks and Executive Summaries to cap tables, reference lists, deal structures and exit options. Do you know if and why you need a PPM or should highlight EBITDA?  Is your corporate legal work in order? Even if you don't need the cash for a year it's not too early to starting prepping for raising equity.

 Click here to register  




November 7, 2012

 Intellectual property law and licensing:
a 101 for new and growing businesses
A Table Talk Workshop with Attorney Ezekiel Callanan

Presentation + open floor discussion for those interested in staying smart about your company's most valuable assets.
Attorney Ezekiel Callanan, from Opticliff ESQ, will be presenting about some pivotal legal concerns that confront any new or growing business.  He'll give an overview of the varieties of intellectual property, including how to protect and license them via contract and far simpler (and cheaper) means.  Callanan will also open the floor to discuss other legal concerns such as smart use of contracts, entity formation, and how to be a good client (and good business person).


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