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Signs & More, Inc Newsletter

Independence Day EditionJune/July 2011
In This Issue
Tips for Cool/Safe Summer
Fireworks Safety
Sign of the Month
Sales Person Wanted
QR Codes
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Tips for a Cool and Safe Summer


I don't know about you, but I have had it with these CODE ORANGE days that we've had far too many of since May here in Georgia.  Having children who do outdoor sports and like to do outdoor activities as a family, here are some things we've learned over the years....


  1. Keep some watermelon in the frig.  It's loaded with...well...WATER, and helps keep you hydrated!  It is also high in Vitamins A & C. 
  2. Drink lots of WATER everyday.  Sports drinks are fine AFTER you have been strenuously exercising but drink just plain old water to maintain that hydration level! 
  3. Wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.  No explanation needed here.  We live in the South.  Remember to get those ears and places that are easy to miss! 
  4. Watch your pets for dehydration.  They need lots of water too! 
  5. Make some ice cubes or popsicles out of your favorite Crystal Light flavor!  A zero calorie hydrating treat to keep you cool! 
  6. Remember your sunglasses!  Your eyes need sun protection too! 
  7. Wear light colored clothing.  This helps to reflect the heat.  Dark colors absorb the heat.
  8. Hot air rises, cold air falls.  Head to basement with a cold drink! 
  9. Use common sense when at a pool ~ especially with children.  Never leave children unsupervised near bodies of water. 
  10. Do not leave children or pets in a car ~ even with the windows open.  It's too hot.  It's not safe.  Just don't do it. 

Patriotism is a devotion to one's country.  I can remember growing up and singing the National Anthem or America the Beautiful each morning at school after my class recited "The Pledge of Allegiance."   A sense of pride came over me during this time each day.  I really didn't know why at the time - I was just 7 or 8 years old.  However, I knew that I loved my country and I was proud to be an American. 


As I have grown up with children of my own, that sense of pride has defined itself over the years into reasons why I am thankful to be an American.  Here are a few....


*I can go to sleep each night and feel safe. 


*I go to the church of my choosing. 


*My children can receive an education anywhere I would like for them to be educated. 


*I have a say in who is going to represent me.  It is called the right to VOTE. 


*I can live in the house where I want to live.  AND that house has running water, electricity and more "stuff" than I know what to do with...


*I can work at a job or even a company of my own! 


The main reason that I am proud to be an American is that my children are growing up in a FREE Country.  I think we Americans take this for granted at times just because we have been fortunate enough to grow up this way and don't know any differently.  I give thanks to our military for protecting us and ascertaining that our children, their families and yours will always know FREEDOM.   I pray for their safety as well. 


As we approach this next Birthday of our wonderful Country, take a moment to ponder with your families on why America is so great and what it means to be an American.  With the economy situation in our country and other distractions, it's easy to be discouraged.  However, in the big picture, we are all so fortunate to be living in the greatest country in the free world. 


Happy Birthday America! 

Bill & Jane Swanson
proud american  
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Fireworks Rules & Safety Tips
fireworks safety

Georgia State Law permits use of the following by unlicensed individuals:

  • Wire or wood sparklers of not more than 100 grams of mixture per item
  • Other sparkling items which are non-explosive and non-aerial and contain 75 grams or less of chemical compound per tube or a total of 200 grams or less for multiple tubes
  • Snake and glow worms; trick noise makers which include paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, and drop pops each consisting of 0.25 grains or less of explosive mixture

Standard safety practices as recommended by the U. S. Fire Administration and other related organizations include the following:

  • Do not let young children play with sparklers. These can reach temperatures as high as 1200 degrees and cause third degree burns. Older children should be closely supervised.
  • Light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from houses, dry leaves or grass, and flammable materials and hose down the area you intend to use before you begin.
  • Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby for emergencies and to pour on fireworks that do not ignite. Be sure to water down spent fireworks before placing them in the trash.
  • Never have any portion of your body directly over a firework while lighting and keep hair pulled back.
  • Never ignite fireworks in a container especially glass or metal.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption when handling fireworks.

From Cobb County Police Department.

Sign of the Month


United States Armed Forces


SIgns & More is proud to serve our Armed Forces.  We have designed, manufactured and delivered/installed signs, banners and/or vehicle wraps.


US Chain of Command   navy plaque


Navy Team Atlanta  We make our nation stronger


command suite 2  NDR Atl


Recruiting Excellence  The Fantail


Navy dimensional letters


US Navy Trailer Wrap Side Front  US Navy Recuitment Trailer Wrap Side Back



US Navy Trailer Wrap Back 



Signs & More has an opening for a Sales Person.  Do you know anyone who you think would be just the kind of person you would trust to sell you the right sign for the application?  We will train them.  We are just looking for a motivated person who will represent Signs & More well.
Please call Bill or have the Sales Candidate call at 770-383-8808.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

QR Codes

 QR Code

What is a QR Code and what do you do with it?  

QR, short for "quick response", is a matrix bar code in two dimensions which allows dedicated QR Code readers, such as a bar code reader or camera smart phones, to quickly decipher the code for instant information.  The QR Code is made up of black modules (or other colors) arranged in a square pattern on a white background.  The information gathered from the matrix bar code can be text, URL, or other data. 


Citrus Solutions 



The QR Code was originally developed by Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in order to have better control of automotive parts inventory.  It has since developed into a great form of advertising which allows anyone to instantly gain information about your company by taking them directly to your web page. 


All you need to do to read the QR Code is download a reader application to your cell phone such as "ZXing" (most Android phones have an application already installed) or "QR Reader for iPhone" for the Apple iPhone. Just take a photo of the QR Code and your cell phone will immediately go to the company's web page. 


Signs & More, Inc. will CREATE YOUR QR Code and include it in any banner, vehicle wrap or other signs you may need to get your company information immediately to your customer. How about on your front door for when customers visit and you are closed?




COUPON: FREE QR Code with any sign containing one.

Offer Expires: July, 2011 


3D Lobby Sign

Call today to get started on your Lobby Sign. We have many different options for displaying you logo and getting your customer to recognize your brand! Please mention this promotion when placing your order.

Offer Expires:  August, 2011

Signs & More, Inc. is a full-service custom sign, vehicle wrap & banner manufacturing company that can satisfy all indoor or outdoor advertising needs. Design - Manufacture - Install, we do it all.  No project is too large or too small - monument signs, lighted channel letters, or full vehicle wraps to small window graphics, car magnets or inside wayfinding signs.  Signs & More is your obvious choice for excellent service and quality.  We specialize in matching specific colors in signs for detail oriented customers.

Let us promote you to the next level!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,

Bill & Jane Swanson