Patriotism is a devotion to one's country. I can remember growing up and singing the National Anthem or America the Beautiful each morning at school after my class recited "The Pledge of Allegiance." A sense of pride came over me during this time each day. I really didn't know why at the time - I was just 7 or 8 years old. However, I knew that I loved my country and I was proud to be an American.
As I have grown up with children of my own, that sense of pride has defined itself over the years into reasons why I am thankful to be an American. Here are a few....
*I can go to sleep each night and feel safe.
*I go to the church of my choosing.
*My children can receive an education anywhere I would like for them to be educated.
*I have a say in who is going to represent me. It is called the right to VOTE.
*I can live in the house where I want to live. AND that house has running water, electricity and more "stuff" than I know what to do with...
*I can work at a job or even a company of my own!
The main reason that I am proud to be an American is that my children are growing up in a FREE Country. I think we Americans take this for granted at times just because we have been fortunate enough to grow up this way and don't know any differently. I give thanks to our military for protecting us and ascertaining that our children, their families and yours will always know FREEDOM. I pray for their safety as well.
As we approach this next Birthday of our wonderful Country, take a moment to ponder with your families on why America is so great and what it means to be an American. With the economy situation in our country and other distractions, it's easy to be discouraged. However, in the big picture, we are all so fortunate to be living in the greatest country in the free world.
Happy Birthday America!