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Signs & More, Inc Newsletter

SpringtimeMarch 2011
In This Issue
Spring Activities
Does Red Make You Mad?
Lady Bug Vehicle Wrap
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thank you
Wintertime is a slow period for many businesses and the sign manufacturing industry is no different.  However, this winter Signs & More was able to not only maintain business but we gained some new and very valuable customers.  We would like to thank everyone for their support and efforts in helping Signs & More to continue to be able to offer the best in materials and workmanship in the sign industry.  And we particularly want to thank you for your
There is no
better marketing.
Spring is around the corner, March 20th to be exact.  Time for the annual spring cleaning.  Are you ready to beat the dust out of all the throw rugs, vacuum all the carpets, polish the hardwood floors and dust around all the corners?  Perhaps your spring cleaning will include getting outside and planting new flowers and reseeding the lawn.
Signs & More is looking forward to the spring bringing everyone a sense of renewal and a fresh outlook on the future. 
Bill & Jane Swanson
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Spring Activities 

Time to dust off the golf clubs, pressure up the bicycle tires, restring the tennis racquet and put on the jogging shoes.  Whatever your spring activity is, the first thing you should do is go to your physician and get that annual physical you may have put off. 


Many of us get sedentary during the winter months and our metabolism slows down allowing our bodies to gain weight even when we feel we are being active.  Indoor activities are never as strenuous as when we are outdoors and constantly moving.

When we get back into those workouts or sports activities, we need to make sure our bodies have that much needed tune up just as we have our vehicles checked.  Take time to stretch before each activity.   More importantly, take the time to slow the activity down.

Too many times we hear of the athlete that passed away from heart failure after a strenuous game, and many times this is because there was no slow down/cool down period.  If jogging, walk the last half mile, if tennis walk around the court a couple of times or whatever your activity, take the last few minutes and find a way to allow the heart to slow down while still being a little active.

Have a healthy and active spring time.

 happy spring



Does Red Make You Mad?

color wheel 2 

Did you know colors bring out different emotions?  Different colors create a different reaction from our subconscious.   We use colors to get the message across on the signs in order to grab attention.  The attention we desire begins at the subconscious level of our brain and the conscious part takes over to make sense of why we feel the emotion of the moment.  In order to market anything the first concern is to grab the publics attention.  Of course the colors are the beginning of the design process.  So which colors do we use and how?

First we must know which colors invoke which emotions.  Here is a look at the colors and the emotions involved.

Red:  Color of Fire and Blood. Associated with energy, anger, danger, power, determination.

Orange:  Mixes the energy of red with the mellow feel of yellow.  Creates a feel of joy, sunshine, and the tropics.  It also represents enthusiasm, fascination, creativity, success, and stimulation.

Yellow:  Sunshine, joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.

Green:  Color of nature.  It invokes the thought of growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.

Blue:  Sky and sea.  Depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, and confidence.

Purple:  Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.  Purple also is associated with royalty. (Power, nobility, luxury)

White:  Light, goodness, innocence, cleanliness and virginity.  It is considered the color of perfection.

Black:  Black is associated with power, elegance, formality.  Yet it also represents the dark side, evil, and mystery. 

As sign designers, we take all this into consideration along with the desires of the client to convey the message the client wants to portray to the public.  Our intent is to catch the emotion of the subconscious first and let the public's conscious thought take over to understand  the message we want to get across.

Let Signs & More, Inc. (770-383-8808) get to the emotion of the moment to promote your company to the subconscious of the public.



Sign of the Month


Computer Ladybug VW Beetle Decals with Eyelashes


When we talk of our vehicles, we usually refer to the looks of our vehicles as smart, classy, sleek, sassy, or unique.  We almost never refer to the vehicle as pretty.  When my wife gets herself all gussied up, the first thing she does is put mascara on her eyelashes.  I know you are beginning to wander, "What does this have to do with vehicles?"


Recently we installed a set of eyelashes on a VW Beetle.  Not a graphic art wrap or painted on eyelashes, but an actual set of eyelashes.  As strange as this may sound, the addition of the eyelashes actually made the Beetle Bug a prettier car.  With only minor additional graphics on the car (not a full wrap), the vehicle took on a life of its own.  We can truly say the Little Computer Ladybug VW is a pretty car.


Computer Ladybug with Eyelashes - VW BeetleVW Beetle with Eyelashes


I do not know if the owner has to add mascara to the VW Beetle when they go out together but with the added eyelashes, the VW Beetle has a personality that takes the car beyond just a form of transportation and creates the image of a friend and companion.


Does your car need EYELASHES?VW Beetle Eyelashes 

I have had many vehicles in my life.  However, I never once thought of a way to make them come alive except to step on the gas and make them roar.  With the many new accessories and graphic wraps available today, any vehicle can be transformed into that perfect companion for you.  

 Call us today and let Signs & More add that special touch to make YOUR vehicle come alive - either to be your friend or tell people what you do.


And call Computer Ladybugs 770-795-3284 when you have computer issues that need to be fixed.


Free Business Cards

Get 1,000 Free Business Cards with any $500 purchase.  Please mention this promotion when placing your order.

Offer Expires:  April 29, 2011

Signs & More, Inc. is a full-service custom sign, vehicle wrap & banner manufacturing company that can satisfy all indoor or outdoor advertising needs. Design - Manufacture - Install, we do it all.  No project is too large or too small - monument signs, lighted channel letters, or full vehicle wraps to small window graphics, car magnets or inside wayfinding signs.  Signs & More is your obvious choice for excellent service and quality.  We specialize in matching specific colors in signs for detail oriented customers.

Let us promote you to the next level!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,

Bill & Jane Swanson