When deciding to get your sign, where should you look? Many would think the best place is your local sign company. This is not necessarily the best choice. When you are looking for a sign company, many factors come into play. Let's look at the key factors in making a very important decision for the future of your company.
Your local company: What is local? 5 mile radius? 10 mile radius? With the internet, you can find a sign company anywhere in the United States. But should you concern yourself with "local"? Yes and No.
Yes, because you want to have someone you can contact and review your design decisions in person. You want someone familiar with local code and sign principles. You want someone who can search out the developer and discuss allowances at your location.
No, in the sense that the sign company does not need to be only 5 or 10 miles away. A sign company, such as Signs & More, may be as far away as 50 miles or more and still perform. With the ability to communicate over the internet through e-mail, much of the design work can be accomplished virtually. However, you still want to have someone close enough to be able to personally visit if necessary, get sign permits and be a part of the design process. You also want a company that will stand behind their work and send a work crew out as soon as possible. So, a company as close as a couple of counties away should still be considered a "local" company.
Now how do you decide whom to choose? I have a friend who built a successful business on the principle, "Do what you say you will do, do it when you say you will do it, at the price you say you will do it at".
Look for the first part of the statement - Trust. Know that you can trust your sign company. Ask questions, get references and view previous projects.
Look for the second part of the statement - The company should act on a timely manner that does not waste your time or your company's. Time cannot be replaced and your sign company should respect the value of your time as well as their own.
Look for the last part of the statement - know and understand why the price is as stated. Cheap does not translate into value. Value is when you get exactly what you expect and paid for without any surprises.
At Signs & More, Inc. (770-383-8808) we intend to gain your trust, respect your time, and offer you the best value in order to be your sign company.