The Rhode Island Library Association | |
is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout Rhode Island.
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Constant Contact Newsletter
Greetings! The 2012 RILA Conference is fast approaching! Unfortunately, early bird registration ended May 10, but there's still time to register! This year's theme is Enriching Individuals, Strengthening Communities, and some conference highlights include:
Three opportunities to hear from Will Manley, author of Booklist's "Manley Arts" column and the "Will's World" column in American Libraries Magazine. Two sessions with the 2012 ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award winners, Joshua Vossler & John Watts Occupy Wall Street Librarians: The People's Librarians - Occupy Your Community
See you at the conference!
Andria Tieman & Corrie MacDonald RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
Speaking up for Libraries @ National Library Legislative Day By Jenifer Bond Assistant Director, Bryant University Library
|  The American Library Association hosted the 38th annual National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) event at the end of April in Washington, DC. NLLD is a two day grassroots advocacy forum that focuses on legislative briefings and outreach to Congress. Attendees learn strategies for effective communication and gain insight on government in action. During the event, over 350 librarians and library supporters from across the country got up to speed on pending and proposed legislation affecting libraries in preparation for legislative meetings. I was one of six representatives from various Rhode Island libraries and library organizations who visited Capitol Hill to meet with legislators for discussions on key library issues that affect our state. Rounding out the Rhode Island group were Howard Boksenbaum (OLIS), Phyllis Humphrey (SLRI), Joan Ress Reeves (COLA), Rose Ellen Reynolds (Library Board of RI), and Tom Viall (Library Board of RI). The briefing day included a ceremony for members of Congress with demonstrated track records of library support. We were on hand to witness Rhode Island's own U.S. Senator Jack Reed receive two awards for his outstanding contributions to libraries. He was given Honorary Membership, a top honor from ALA, as well as the Crystal Apple award from the American Association of School Libraries. In his 22 years as a U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator, Reed has sponsored every major piece of library legislation. He is currently working to secure dedicated school library funding through the Innovative Approaches to Literacy program. In his acceptance speech, Reed thanked the "librarians of Rhode Island who nurtured my love of books as a young man, and whose wisdom and dedication helped inspire me to take action and focus attention and resources on libraries nationwide." The RI NLLD delegation was quite proud to be present for this special occasion!
The second day was all about boots on the ground. We headed to the Capitol for meetings with aides for U.S. Representative David Cicilline, U.S. Representative Jim Langevin, and U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. Senator Reed came off the Senate floor to speak with us in person. We were escorted on the capitol subway and whisked into his basement "hideaway" office so we could meet face to face and congratulate him on his awards. It was a fantastic behind the scenes experience! Taking full advantage of the captive Washington audience, we extolled the virtues of all Rhode Island libraries as community hubs, education support centers, economic recovery agents, equal access technology providers, and guardians of Rhode Island's rich heritage. We reinforced the valuable role libraries play in helping children and adults develop and enhance foundational literacy skills, and also discussed the many ways libraries are promoting the twenty-first century skills needed to be competitive in a global economy. We knocked their socks off with statistics and success stories, and news of Money Smart Week activities and planned dedicated workforce development computers really struck a chord. We thanked everyone for their past support and urged them to continue to appropriate funds for all types of libraries. We also brought up federal level initiatives, including: - Level funding for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
- Mandated school librarian staffing in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
- Privacy and security concerns related to Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)
- Open access to federally funded research through the Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA)
- Continued support for the IMLS for preservation programs like Protecting the Past
We can't afford to wait another year to continue these National Library Legislative Day conversations. Those of us on the frontlines have firsthand knowledge of the positive impact of library services on the public, school, and academic communities we are serving. We should regularly shine the spotlight on evidence of libraries' return on investment and educate the public and Congress about important library services that are made possible through federal funding. Patrons can be our best ambassadors! Ask them to champion the cause by sharing their personal library stories with local and federal legislators. We need to keep libraries and library services on the minds of the folks who hold the purse strings and make decisions that affect our ability to effectively serve our diverse populations. Civic engagement is a cornerstone of our democracy - find your voice and use it on behalf of all Rhode Island libraries. For more information on effective advocacy, visit ALA's Advocacy Clearinghouse: |
Libraries & Pinterest:
Connecting with Patrons Through Images
by Aaron Coutu
Assistant Director/Tech. Coordinator Cumberland Public Library
|  In case you haven't noticed the tidal wave of media coverage, Pinterest is the newest craze to hit social networking circles. At its core, Pinterest is a site that uses photo-sharing as a means of communication. Users create boards, where they pin images relating to themes of their choice. Most boards are tied to events, interests, hobbies, or other areas of interest. Images can include original pictures taken by the user or those that have been re-pinned from other Pinterest users or webpages from anywhere on the internet. Like other social networking sites, users can follow boards created by friends through a subscription, allowing them to like or comment on pinned pictures. The site was founded by Iowan Ben Silberman. Development started in 2009, and beta testing began in March 2010. As with many of the more popular social networking sites, initial members could only join through invitation of existing members, creating a high level of interest and demand. By January 2012, Pinterest had 11.7 million unique users according to the marketing research company comScore. As a result, it reached the 10 million unique visitor mark faster than any other social networking site. According Experian Hitwise, the site became the third largest social networking site in the United States in March 2012 with more subscribers that LinkedIn and Tagged. With numbers like this, it is clear that Pinterest is another way to reach out to many of our library patrons. Businesses and nonprofits of all types are sharing ideas and information through the site. Like most social networking sites, it is not only a way to provide information ... it is also a way to engage our patrons and introduce an opportunity to interact and converse with them. So, you are probably asking yourself how a library could use Pinterest. Well, here are some great ideas how some libraries are using it: - Pin Book Covers - Whether in print or digital format, books are at the core of what libraries do. Libraries can create and use boards to pin images of book covers. The result is the creation of book lists based on subject areas, award lists, suggestions for various age groups, or other breakdowns. Don't forget to add the direct URL for the title's record in the catalog so patrons can find or place a hold on the item if they are interested!
- Share New Acquisitions - Patrons are always looking to see what is new at the library. Highlight everything from new books and films to video games and downloadable media.
- Showcasing Archives - One of the core tasks of most libraries is to capture and preserve historic documents and images. Posting scanned and digital images to boards is a great way to offer increased access to this portion of the library's collection so people all over the world can check them out.
- Promoting Library Programs and Services - Post digital versions of signs and fliers to highlight what programs are being offered and new services that patrons may be interested in using. Programs such as Microsoft Publisher allow you to save your creations into a .jpg format for easy conversion and use in such a way.
- Highlighting Library Staff Members - Pin images and short bios of employees so the community can get to know them. We are in public service and that means building relationships. This is a great way to personalize our connection with patrons. The pictures can be both posed or be action shots of the staff at work.
- Showing Pictures of the Library - Use a board or two to create tours of the library so people can get to know the buildings layout and special places patrons may want to use.
- Sharing Crafting Projects and Other Group Activities - Every library hosts great activities for patrons of all ages. Why not post pictures and instructions for some of the activities so patrons can recreate the fun at home or with friends in other locations? Libraries can approach this from the other direction by searching Pinterest for craft ideas and other programming possibilities, too.
- Digitizing Library Displays - Most libraries create fun, interesting, and attractive displays in-house that highlight realia, art, books, and other items from the collection. Why not duplicate that work by creating boards that duplicate those displays so patrons can get the benefit of the display without necessarily having to stop by the library?
- Collecting Learning Materials for Parents - Libraries could collect printables and other tools that could be used by parents to help with literacy skills and other opportunities for learning with a board set up to collect such materials
- Showing off Community Events - Why limit marketing to just what the library has to offer. The library could create a community board that highlights local tourist attractions, events, parks, businesses, restaurants, and other places of interest.
- Create Boards with Patron Help - Some libraries are using their boards to interact with those in the community. The library could create a board theme and ask for patrons to submit pictures that fit the theme. For example, why not have them submit pictures to go with a Get Caught Reading campaign.
The library would be welcome to share original photographs or images taken or created by staff, but much of the content on Pinterest is re-pinned. While this might be done by finding the images on boards of other Pinterest users, the site also has a great Pin It applet that can be downloaded to your computer for easy capturing of pictures while browsing the internet. The applet is really an add-on for your browser, placing a small button at the top. When you find a picture on a website that you would like to pin, you just click the button, and the applet will open a window highlighting all the images on the site that could be pinned. You just select the one you were interested in, and the applet asks you to select which board in your account you would like to place the image and for a brief annotation. That is all it takes. One of the biggest concerns about Pinterest is the question of copyright and how sharing of images through the library's boards might run afoul of the law. Care must be taken to make sure that you have the right to share images. Pinterest does seem to have fallen into an undefined area of copyright versus fair use on the Internet. The use becomes even more unclear as the pinned images are not really duplicates, but are linked to the original site where you found the image when double clicking on them in Pinterest.Something to always keep in mind is that Pinterest lets you use other peoples' images and videos in ways that might not be entirely consistent with copyright laws. So before you start pinning away, check out Pinterest, Copyright and the Library and How to Use Pinterest Without Breaking the Law. While it is important to keep these concerns in mind, libraries will still want to explore the use of Pinterest because it is yet another great virtual way to reach out to those who might be interested in both the physical and virtual collections, services and programs libraries have to offer. With care, we can likely avoid any breach of copyright while also increasing our interaction with our patrons, those visiting the library virtually and physically, both near and far. One of the things that will likely allow Pinterest to be more successful than Google's struggling Google+ is that users can easily link to their accounts to both Twitter and Facebook, allowing their pinned images to appear as posts or tweets through those services. This integration of social networking sites likely increases the ease of use for many people. If you are ready to dive into the world of Pinterest, all you have to do is request an invite right at site's homepage. Admit it ... aren't you just a little bit ... pinterested? |
Summer Reading 2012 By Megan Weedan Youth Services Librarian, Cranston Public Library and Cheryl Space Youth Services Coordinator/Library Program Specialist, OLIS
| Kids and families all over Rhode Island will explore the magic and mystery of night time when they visit their local libraries this summer.
The state's summer reading program, Dream Big - Read! will feature special storytimes, reading and writing programs for older kids, arts and crafts, and a terrific slate of performers. Between June and August, children can look forward to magicians, storytellers, puppeteers, artists, dancers, musicians, and poets; win prizes, including free admission to exciting places; talk about their favorite books; and meet other kids.
Like the program for children and families, teens can also participate in night-themed activities. Own the Night, the teen summer reading program offers workshops on watercolor painting, cartooning, improv, crafting, animation, poetry, and magic. Explore the magic, mystery, secrets, and dreams of nighttime all summer long.
Reading throughout the summer benefits students by helping them to retain skills learned during the school year. However, according to researcher James Kim, Assistant Professor of Education at Harvard University, access to books is not enough, especially for children in the younger grades who are still learning to read. Essentially, making reading more of an interactive process boosts fluency and comprehension. [National Summer Learning Association. Research in Brief: How to Make Summer Reading Effective. 11/24/2009.National Summer Learning Association]
Summer story times are a wonderful opportunity for parents to do this. Children's librarians help parents find books that are appropriate for their reading levels, encourage parents to talk with their kids about their summer reading books, and to make it a fun experience.
Summer 2012 at Rhode Island libraries promises loads of fun for kids, teens and families, so be sure to spread the word! |
Kids Read Across Rhode Island By Brandi Kenyon Youth & Teen Services Librarian, South Kingstown Library
|  Recently, libraries across the state began holding adult programs to celebrate the 2012 Reading Across Rhode Island selection, Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. Soon though, it will be time for the kids to celebrate with Kids Reading Across Rhode Island (KRARI)! KRARI was started three years ago as a joint effort between the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services and the Rhode Island Center for the Book. Their goal? Help provide a common summer reading experience for all Rhode Island students in grades 4-6. Tying in with the Summer Reading Program theme "Dream Big-Read", this year's selection is Dave in the Night by Gail Carson Levine. Dave, a newly-arrived orphan at the strict, depressing, Hebrew Home for Boys in Harlem, 1926, develops a passion for art, creates a new family out of his fellow orphans, and discovers the mysterious nighttime world of fortune tellers, musicians and other artists of the Harlem Renaissance. Studies have shown that many students experience a downward "summer slide" in their reading skills. KRARI hopes to change that by selecting titles with wide appeal that complement the state's summer reading program; providing libraries a chance to offer fun book discussions, activities, and events. So how can your library help celebrate KRARI? First, join in from 1:00-4:00 PM on Saturday, June 16th at the State House Kick Off for the third annual Kids Reading Across Rhode Island. Each family that attends the June 16th celebration will receive a free copy of Dave at Night, which Gail Carson Levine will sign. One of the highlights of our annual celebration is providing kids with the opportunity to meet (and take a photo) with a popular children's book author, and to leave with a signed book to read and add to their personal book collections. Levine will also be speaking at 2:15 and 3:30 PM. Other State House activities include hands-on science activities from the RI Museum of Science and Art, wood sculptures by New Bedford artist John Magnan, and Rose Adler and Carmela Cannata's performing parrots. Each library is invited to set up a table at the kick-off where kids can stop by and complete a small game, craft, other Dave At Night activity. Play jazz music while kids make city building or musical note bookmarks, or design postcards or stationery on which to write short letters (just like Dave's brother does in the book!) This is also a great opportunity to promote the upcoming "Dream Big-Read" programs and activities happening this summer at your own library. Then, continue the celebration by holding your own Dave at Night program at your library this summer. Do a book discussion series, introducing kids to the world Dave lived in with music or art programs that celebrate 1920's Harlem. For the past two years, the KRARI committee has been able to secure enough books to offer sets of 10 to libraries to distribute, for free, to book club participants. It is our hope to be able to continue this tradition in 2012. If funding and/or donations are secured for discussion sets, all children's librarians will be notified. Still stuck for ideas? Visit Kids Reading Across Rhode Island 2012 Pinterest page ( for even more fun and creative ways to celebrate Dave At Night. Major support for Kids Reading Across Rhode Island comes from the RI Office of Library and Information Services with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Rhode Island Center for the Book at RI Council for the Humanities. For more information on the event, or the set up a table at the celebration, contact Cheryl Space at OLIS ( |
Eric Carle Museum Field Trip By Cheryl Space Youth Services Coordinator/Library Program Specialist, OLIS
|  On Monday, April 30th, twenty-five children's librarians and children's services staff traveled to Amherst, Massachusetts to experience the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. In the morning, there was time to tour the galleries to view Kadir Nelson's luminous, life-like portraits used in the books We Are the Ship: The Story of the Negro Baseball League and Testing the Ice: A True Story About Jackie Robinson. Also on display were sketches and collage art from "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth, written and illustrated by Eric Carle. After the galleries, many people visited in the gift shop, which was opened especially for us, and poked around the museum's light-flooded art studio to seek programming inspiration! In the afternoon, Rosemary Agoglia led a workshop on the Whole Book Approach, a method for transforming story time from a performance into a book discussion. We learned ways to engage children in talking about the art and design of picture books, including the book jacket, cover, front matter, font, gutter, endpapers, format, framing, as well as the artist's choice of medium and technique. In a story time, the librarian might choose one or two stand-out art or design elements to engage the participants in conversation, while remembering to leave questions open-ended and being prepared to follow the children's lead. In this highly-visual twenty-first century world, whole book approach story times are a way to engage a child's critical thinking skills in the context of a peer-to-peer conversation. The emphasis in story time shifts from reading to children to reading with children. Thanks to RILA for introducing all of us to Rosemary Agoglia at the 2011 annual conference. |
The Low-Down on Finding Your Dream Job By Kasia Piasecka Young Adult Librarian, Tiverton Public Library
| There have been a plethora of library job finding articles published in the last few months alone, never mind the last year. There are many contenders that have blown your mind of overwhelming pieces of advice. You must do this. You can't do this. Apply to this. Apply to everything. You're not doing this. Do this. Your brain must feel like mine felt prior to obtaining my amazing job. Obliterated. The truth is, I didn't do half of the things you are supposed to do. More importantly, I don't think they are completely necessary and may even be harmful. My advice is: Apply to jobs you think you'll love. Spend time on your application. Don't rush. Prepare for your interview. Presto. You will get a job. That is a promise, unless you live in eastern Utah or don't take my points seriously.
Don't believe me? I can't convince you to trust me, but I hope my wit and charm will win you over. Also, I think the fact that I graduated in December, applied to only twelve positions, and won a position in April gives me away. I'm not trying to brag; I'm only making a very important point.
You know the articles that aggressively push you to apply to every job on the face of the planet Earth?
Hit the ignore button inside of your brain. Yes, please hit it. Hit it twice if you need to. Not only is this virtually impossible, it will inevitably ruin your chances of getting your "dream job" because you were too busy slaving over random job application #4,389 to spend enough time on the job application that was most important to you. How many sleepless nights have you encountered applying to a job that you became less and less interested in, the more you worked on it? Zero? Okay, you, in the blue shirt, you can skip this bullet point. Seriously, please do not apply to every job. Apply to a select few and work on those applications hard. Get a tutor. Get a scribe. Reward yourself for every paragraph that you write. Whatever you need to do.
Use a planner or online organizer to take note of all the positions you apply for, save your resumes and cover letters for those jobs, and save the job descriptions for each position.
This is pretty important stuff. Whether you use a napkin or Google docs, save all of the pertinent information and materials related to each job that you apply for in a safe place. Many employers delete their listing, which includes the job description, once they stop accepting applications. It's very handy to have the job description when you're preparing for an interview or applying for the job after the deadline passes. Since many library directors are putting candidates through longer selection processes, it's better safe than sorry when it comes to having all of the application materials within arm's reach.
Write incredibly hard-to-put-down cover letters that spell out your greatest achievements as they relate to the position and use excellent examples of your work.
If you didn't ace Writing 101 in college, then get a tutor with an English or History degree. Seriously, those guys know how to write well. Don't copy and paste your friends' cover letter. Don't copy and paste from You can spend ten minutes updating your resume, but spend at least thirty to forty-five minutes on your cover letter. Use specific examples that highlight your skills and achievements. Remember the what, how, why, and outcome of what you have done.
Forget about all the listservs that you subscribe to and all the library job websites you've bookmarked. You only have to scroll through one daily listserv when looking for a job - subscribe to INALJ comprehensive, state-by-state daily listserv. It's also helpful to look at your state library and information office and/or your state library association's website for posted jobs.
Well, that's it! You will be golden if you follow these simple rules. Also, don't break the bank going to library conferences to try and find a job, network as much as possible, and volunteer or find a part-time job at a library doing what you love in the meantime.
As a little bonus, here are articles that are an enormous help to library job-seekers:
By MaryAnne Berry
Information Services Librarian, Cranston Public Library
I recently attended the Project Compass National Convening in Arlington, Virginia. This national meeting was the final step in a two year process of helping libraries become major players in workforce recovery. It was funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and developed through a partnership between OCLC WebJunction and the State Library of North Carolina.
The meeting began Tuesday night with an informal reception where approximately 200 reference librarians, library directors, and state library employees mingled and made dinner plans. The next day started early and was full of presentations, guest speakers, and small group work. Keynote speaker Garry Golden was quite dynamic and had the audience do a number of exercises to show us that we need to be thinking about the present and planning for the future not living in the past. Small group work that afternoon allowed us to hear about each other's accomplishments and frustrations when helping people get back to work at the library. The main point of the day was that there is no recovery without libraries and librarians! I was happy to share printed resources, discuss our collaboration with the RI Department of Labor and Training, explain how EmployRI works, and share details about our computer classes and job skills programs, as well as anecdotes from everyday encounters in the computer labs helping people apply for jobs.Wednesday began at 7am with breakfast and wonderful keynote speaker Marilyn Johnson. Ms. Johnson really boosted morale with her stories of how important librarians have been to her over the years. Our roles are changing, but we are still relevant. We then met in our state groups to talk about moving forward. My colleagues from PCL, Pawtucket, East Providence and OLIS want to see if we can work together on some programs that can move from library to library and speculated on the future of Network RI offices throughout the state and the impact on libraries. The meeting ended at noon and everyone reluctantly lined up for their luggage and the airport shuttle!This meeting was extremely well-run and enjoyable. And while we can always improve service and seek out collaboration with others, I am confident that Rhode Island libraries are fulfilling the mission of Project Compass every day.The slides and information from the meeting are available here. |
News From the Field
The Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce the appointment of Corrie MacDonald as the new Coordinator of Technology for the Cranston Public Library. Corrie began her new role in late March.
Tiverton The Tiverton Public Library is proud to announce and welcome Kasia Piasecka as the Young Adult Librarian. Kasia Piasecka will be responsible for providing library services to young adults and their families, engaging in outreach efforts in the local community, scheduling programming, and managing the young adult collection. "I am very excited about joining the team at the Tiverton Public Library and enthusiastic about continuing excellent programming and services for teens at the library. I would like to thank Ann and the staff for their warm welcome and I am truly overjoyed for the opportunity to work with a remarkable group of people who are dedicated to their community." Cumberland
Cumberland Public Library welcomes to its staff Reference Assistant Michaela Bettez. She is currently at URI working on a dual master's degree in LIS and History. " Starting at the library has been an absolute joy for me! This is my first time working in a field that I've committed to studying, and as a result I find it very fulfilling. I'm always excited by the opportunities this job presents to use and share what I learned in both my undergraduate and graduate fields. This job provides me with the satisfaction of knowing that all of my education has been well worth it, and that this is the start of a career I will be very happy in." Providence Community Library
Adult Services librarian Cheryl Hunt just celebrated her 47 year anniversary with the Providence library system. She began as a library page, earned her MLIS from URI and has worked at nearly every library in the city of Providence. She's currently at the Rochambeau Library and when asked if she still likes coming to work every day, she said "I still love it." North Kingstown
Maggie Brewer accepted the position of Fiction Coordinator/Reader's Advisor at north Kingstown Free Library. She is in charge of ordering fiction, reader's advisory, the adult summer reading program, the book groups at the library--and more! "Being the fiction coordinator at NKFL is truly my dream job. I feel really lucky to have found such a fantastic position!" East Providence
Sad new for East Providence libraries. Due to the financial circumstances in the city of East Providence two of their branches--Rumford and Fuller officially closed April 26 and 27th respectively. The Weaver and Riverside Libraries will remain open to serve the community. University of Rhode Island
Dr. Gale Eaton has announced that she will retire June 30, 2012. She has worked for URI since 1988 and been the director of the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies since 2006. " I retire with mixed feelings, sorry to leave an institution where I've enjoyed so many friendships and so much intellectual stimulation for almost a quarter century, and looking forward to more leisure for other pursuits in the coming years. But not quite yet. Dr. Suellen Adams and I will be team-teaching two courses this summer, and I expect to be back in the fall, on a part-time basis, to help with the transition."RIHS Rhode Island Historical Society is embarking on the first stage of a multi-year building renovation project. Work has begun to replace the slate roof, reline gutters, and repair masonry. This is just the first step in the process of renovating the Library to improve the condition of the building and the long-term preservation of our collections. In spite of the scaffolding that has gone up over the past week and a half all around the building, the Library still open the same hours: Wednesday-Friday, 10 to 5, and the second Saturday of each month, 10 to 5. We're told the work should take about 8 weeks once it begins in earnest. There's really nothing more important to us than the Society's collections (and our staff and members and patrons!), but all the work we do, from exhibitions to articles and lectures to public programs, depends on our collections. Roof replacement and masonry repairs (and the scaffold to make the work possible) are just another part of the preservation and access process. The work is funded in part by grants from the Champlin Foundations of Rhode Island and the Save America's Treasure's program of the National Park Service. We are grateful for their support.RILARILA would like to thank the speakers and libraries who participated in Rhode Island's first Money Smart Week, April 21-28, 2012. MSW was a great success! Middletown Public Library Tiverton Library Providence College, Phillips Memorial Library South Kingstown, Robert Beverly Hale Library Cumberland Public Library Cranston Public Library Greenville Public Library Woonsocket Harris Public Library Harmony Public Library Barrington Public Library South Kingstown, Kingston Free Library We hope your patrons know a little more about the issues surrounding their money and finances. RILA will be participating again next year, so be prepared for Financial Literacy Month (April) and we will let you the dates of Money Smart Week as soon as we have them. If you are planning to coordinate sessions at your library, or have suggestions about programming and speakers for next year, please contact Chris Wallace-Goldstein ( and/or Julie DeCesare (
Department of Labor and Training The first wave of DLT computers are coming soon to several libraries across the state. Training sessions for library staff are available through OLIS's continuing education program. For more about this partnership, check the RILA website. ALA Barbara K. Stripling is the President-Elect of ALA, receiving 58.3% of the votes cast. Gina J. Millsap received 41.7% of the votes cast.
The Rhode Island Foundation RI Foundation is now accepting applications for grants from the Rhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society Fund. Grants from this fund may support nonprofit organizations that wish to provide programs that preserve the history of the Rhode Island Supreme Court and the Rhode Island judicial system, preserve artifacts and records of the courts system, publish works of history about Rhode Island legal history, and offer public forums about Rhode Island legal and constitutional history. Organizations should provide matching resources in funds or through in-kind services. Funds may not be used for the purchase of equipment. Applications are due July 2, 2012. Please click on the following link to learn how to apply: You can also log onto the Foundation's website at and follow links to Nonprofits / Grant Opportunities / Grants for Specific Topics / Rhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society Fund. Questions? Contact Elaine Saccoccia or (401) 427-4029. NELA 2012 ITS Spring Event.
New England Library Association - Information Technology Section
Cloudy with a Chance of Connecting to the Future!
When: Friday, June 8, 2012 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Where: Worcester Public Library 3 Salem Square, Worcester MA 01608 Register at: |
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RIL A Communications Committee. The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.
Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors:
Corrie MacDonald & Andria Tieman RI Library Association