Last summer, American Libraries Magazine conducted a survey of ALA's student chapters. Among other findings, the survey results indicated that a meager 51% of library school students were members of their state library organization. (You can read more about the survey here.) While the market for library jobs in Rhode Island is not as robust as most of us would like, it remains true that students and recent graduates are the future of our profession. The question of how to solicit broader participation in RILA - from both students and practicing librarians - is one that regularly arises at RILA meetings. Many library school students hold part-time jobs at libraries while they earn their degrees. Is there one at your library? Maybe a little encouragement from a mentor is all they need to take the plunge and join RILA. This is the last issue of the RILA Bulletin for 2011 (It's unbelievable how time flies!). We hope to hear from you - whether you are a student or seasoned professional - in 2012. Thanks for reading, Andria Tieman and Corrie MacDonald RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs |
Social Networking Policies: Defining Appropriate Use By Aaron Coutu Assistant Director/Technology Coordinator Cumberland Public Library
| ![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs021/1102824136985/img/175.jpg?a=1107719408746) No one can question the fact that networks like Facebook and Twitter have started to play big roles in our modern culture. Half of all Americans are now members of at least one social network, and the figure rises to 67% for 25- to 34-year olds. Libraries are also starting to look to them as ways to open up a dialogue with their service populations in the hopes of getting the message out about what collections, services, and programs we have to offer. But with all of our tools, it is important to come up with procedures and policies to make sure we are using them in the most effective and appropriate way. Since working with social networking is such a new concept for libraries, we must carefully consider what sorts of issues should be included in such a policy. As with all policies, it is important to start by defining the role of the tool being used. In this case, we would need to define what social networking is and why the library would want to pursue the use of Twitter or another network. Doing so makes it easier for the policy to clarify what would be considered appropriate and inappropriate use of these networks. Social media sites highlighted should include the following that the library might plan to utilize: - Social networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
- Social sharing sites (YouTube, Flickr, etc.)
- Forums and discussion boards
- Wikis
- Blogs
- Microblogging sites (Twitter, etc.)
- Social bookmarking sites (Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, etc.)
- Review Sites (GoodReads, Shelfari, etc.)
When highlighting the goals for using social networking, the library would want to look to each tool to identify how each can contribute to the overarching goals for social media use. Basically, the goal would be to look at how social networking would tie into the library's marketing plan. The setting of guidelines for social media use is the most critical element of the policy. The ground rules need to be explicit about what would be deemed acceptable when sending out information as well as what would be considered appropriate when patrons are posting comments in response to what has been posted in the social network. If such questionable content were to appear, the staff would need to know how to respond. For example, would they just delete the comment or would they also try to contact the poster to explain why the content was taken down. This section will also address best practices for creating content. For example, updates, posts, and tweets should generally be informational and should be presented in an informal yet professional tone. A proposed schedule for posting content should be included, as well as suggestions as to what sorts of at the library or would staff be allowed to highlight local residents and events found in area newspapers by sharing the online articles through the social networking site? A social media policy is a mix of guidelines for effective use of the social media tools and rules for acceptable and unacceptable content. That means there must be consequences for breaking those rules, and they must be clearly spelled out. These rules must be set up in a way that they apply to all staff contributors as well as to the general public that will (hopefully) interact with the library and other members of the public with the social networks. Each network and tool that the library plans to use as part of its social networking arsenal should be touched on within the policy to provide specific suggestions and guidelines. Of course, with the ever-changing climate that is Web 2.0, this means that the policy will have to be looked at and updated each year, but that would help guide the library into be on the cutting edge with these tools and those patrons who like to use them. The results should help create an atmosphere that allows the library to better manage the use of social media as a marketing tool and with building online relationships with patrons that will hopefully increase their knowledge about what the library has to offer, but also their interest in becoming an active library user either in person or via cyberspace. |
Cool (Free!) E-Tools By Andria Tieman Reference Librarian, Warwick Public & Bryant University
| These days, it seems every library is expected to do more and more with fewer resources. Thankfully, there are a lot of free programs out there that can help you create a professional-looking product, without paying a professional and buying some fancy software. This is just a short list of products I have used in life and in the library, and they're all 100% free!
GIMP GIMP stands for Gnu Image Manipulation Program, and it's basically the poor man's Photoshop. I use GIMP most frequently for cropping pictures, cloning backgrounds and manipulating images. I actually created the logo for The RILA Bulletin using GIMP and MS Publisher, and its served us well for two years now. GIMP has an online manual of features that you can read as needed, or download and print off; and there are several books in the Ocean State Libraries system explaining how to make GIMP work for you.
Prezi Power Point is great for keeping your thoughts organized while giving a presentation, but it's also pretty ugly to look at sometimes. A few months ago, a group of people in Switzerland actually tried to pass a law banning the use of Power Point, so it seems like any alternative would be appreciated. Enter: Prezi, the zooming presentation editor. Prezi is similar to Power Point, but is much more dynamic and interesting--plus, it makes you look high tech. Instead of flipping from slide to slide, like powerpoint, Prezi slides live on a grid in a random order (but you create a path for the program to follow), and the program zooms out and then in to focus on the particular slide as dictated by the path. Like GIMP, Prezi has a complete series of tutorials online, as well as a bank of public Prezis that you can look at. The nice thing about Prezi is that you can make a very complex presentation, or a very simple one, and they always look interesting.
Poll Everywhere Oftentimes a presentation can be made more effective by finding out what your audience already knows, or how they feel about a particular issue. This is where Poll Everywhere can come in very handy. You can create a multiple-choice question that your audience can answer via text message or by going to a unique link. Poll Everywhere then displays the answers in a graph format as they come in.
Another way to employ Poll Everywhere, is if you want to get feedback from your library patrons. You could create a survey to accomplish the same thing, but often people think surveys are time-consuming. A one question poll gets you the information you want without making the patron feel put upon.
Tildee Tildee is a newer site used for creating online tutorials. Often, in libraryland, we have to explain semi-vague concepts to people that would be much better received with the use of a visual aid. If the patron is right at the desk, we can show them what we're talking about, but for remote patrons, explaining things over the phone can be a bit difficult. How many times have you spent ten minutes on the phone with a patron trying to explain how to get an e-book onto a digital device? Wouldn't it have been better for both of you if you could just direct the patron to a handy step-by-step tutorial?
Tutorials can be as long or short as you want, and you're allowed one image per step. Check out this short tutorial I made on how to check out a book from E-Zone. It took me about five minutes, and I used GIMP to crop the images.
Instamatic Instruction: Using Screen-Sharing and Video-Casting to Enhance IM Reference By Laura Kohl Head of Reference Services, Bryant University Library
| ![Join.me](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs021/1102824136985/img/178.jpg?a=1107719408746) Instant Message (IM) reference services, also known as "chat reference," are becoming part of standard operations for libraries of all types. The changing demographic of library users, as well as the adoption of technology by traditional library users, has a tremendous effect on the popularity of this service. According to a 2010 report put out by the Pew Research Institute 66% of 18-34 year olds use IM, while 47% of all adults using IM. Many libraries have seen these statistics play out in a large increase in their instant messaging services. At Bryant University we saw our IM statistics increase from 19 interactions in the 2003/2004 fiscal year to 2,900 interactions in the 2010/2011 fiscal year. With the amount of IM transactions librarians are having with patrons we were bound to ask ourselves, "How can we make this service even better?" At The Douglas & Judith Krupp Library, Bryant University we have enhanced our IM service with additional technologies. These technologies allow library staff to, not only provide standard text-based chatting with patrons, but additionally, we are able to provide visual content to supplement our service. Using these tools allows us to take a topic that might be very complicated to explain in text and turn it into visual instruction. From search strategies, to using a particular database, adding visuals can make a huge difference to our patrons' ability to learn how to use the library resources and be effective in locating information on their own. We use two approaches when instructing library patrons via IM at the Krupp Library. Both approaches simply enhance our traditional IM services for which we use the free tool, Meebo. Patrons initiate a chat session and the library staff determines if the question can be handled using text only or could benefit from the use of visual instruction. We use video-casting and screen-sharing technology to offer synchronous online instruction. Video-casting - The library uses the free version of a tool called Jing (by TechSmith) to quickly record a specific activity on our computer screen. We can add voice overs, but often simply show where to go, what to type, what to click and more without sound. Because of the design of the tool, we are able to create a video, upload it and generate a link for our patrons in less than a minute. That means that they are given visual instruction to teach them how to find the answer to their query often in a matter of minutes! See an example here. Screen-sharing - The library uses the free version of a tool called Join.me to share our screen with an IM user, on the fly. We simply send a link through the IM chat box, the patron clicks and is immediately able to see our screen and all we do on our computer. This has several perks such as an embedded chat box that remains in front of our demonstration, the ability for us to give the user control of our computer and more! Screen-sharing with Join.me even allows us to work collaboratively online with a patron, if they want to demonstrate something to the librarian; it can function as a two-way street. The instruction value is huge. We always ask patrons if they are able to repeat the steps we've just taught them or if they understand how to perform their own searches during these sessions. The answer is always "yes." The feedback we have received from our patrons has been really positive and we've begun to advertise these value-added services in our library instruction classes and library tours. There is a small learning curve for the library staff - as they must be able to operate both types of tools. Jing and Join.me have icon driven operations, which make them very obvious and easy to use. Our staff has learned quickly and now extoll the virtues of these tools. Both are slowly becoming something we cannot live without to provide high touch IM service. These free tools can be used by any library; both take a quick download on the provider side and no download necessary for our library users. The promise of "wowing" your library patrons with this value added service is a real one - so take the leap and add instamatic instruction to your instant message service. |
November is Children's Picture Book Month!
By Brandi Kenyon (who currently loves Blackout by John Rocco)
Youth & Teen Services Librarian, South Kingstown Public Library
| ![Lorax](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs021/1102824136985/img/176.jpg?a=1107719408746) Last October the New York Times reported that picture books no longer hold the importance for people that they once did. Several reasons were given for this, including economic down turn, digital books and an overall lack of stories that you want to read again and again. But most noticeable are that children are being encouraged at a younger age to move along to chapter books, the theory being that the sooner they move on to "real" books the better prepared they will be later on in school. However, the Children's Book Review urges parents not to dismiss picture books so quickly. They serve a purpose not just for very young children but for older ones as well. By pairing words and art together, picture books can help to provide a deeper understanding of concepts such as opposites, time and cause and effect. For example, try using just words to explain the concepts of balance and weight to a four year old. They'll probably look a little confused. However, reading together the picture book Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh provides visuals to aid in understanding the concept. Picture books also often require the reader to use visual cues to determine what is happening in the story, developing both imagination and critical thinking skills. Despite what many assume, picture books are often written with a higher vocabulary level than early chapter books. Early chapter books are generally intended for a child to be able to read on their own. However, picture books are often read along with an adult, a situation which when coupled with the art work, allows the author to use more difficult vocabulary than they would in a book intended for children to read on their own. According to ALA's Every Child Ready to Read initiative, "research shows that children who have larger vocabularies are better readers. Knowing many words helps children recognize written words and understand what they read." Picture books can also be invaluable for teaching children, especially older ones, about difficult and sensitive subjects such as family differences, death, illness or race. Librarians already recognize the importance of picture books in developing children's literacy skills. But how do you pass this importance along to patrons? Disheartened by news reports, author and storyteller Dianne de las Cases, along with Katie Davis, Elizabeth Dulemba, Tara Lazar and Wendy Martin decided to do something to call attention and celebrate children's picture books--and so Children's Picture Book Month was born. Their website [www.picturebookmonth.com] provides a wealth of information and ways that you can help celebrate and share picture books with your patrons. A downloadable media kit provides posters, brochures and a printable calendar encouraging people to pick a picture book about something different every day (today--try a book about pets!). Post librarian favorites on your library's website, blog or Facebook page. Does your library use Twitter? Share the love of picture books using the hashtag #picturebookmonth. In addition, there are links to author websites filled with book-related activities that can be done both in the library and at home. Stop back to their website where every day a different author or illustrator will describe why picture books are important.
10 Reasons We're Grateful We Work in Libraries By Megan Weedan
| 'Tis the season to be thankful. Why do we love working in libraries? I asked public librarians, school librarians, those who work part-time, and those who work full-time; those who have worked in libraries forever, and those just starting out.
This is what they said:
1. I like getting the chance to connect and interact with one teen or 10. They are interesting, and funny and they have great ideas. I'm thankful that I get to do that as a school librarian. Most teachers don't get the chance to do that on the level I do. - Rosemary Driscoll, Cranston Public Library; East Providence High School librarian
2. I'm thankful that I get to carry out the mission of the public library - that I get to work and help the public. I like the diversity of our patrons - all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Kathy Schnebly, Cranston Public Library
3. Working in a library affords me the opportunity to offer free services, and this gives me great pleasure! - Charlotte Boisclair, Greene Public Library
4. It's a necessary and wonderful service that benefits the entire community. I like promoting literacy. Libraries and books rock! - Elise Petrarca, Cranston Public Library, URI GSLIS student.
5. Everyday there is the possibility that I could open the door to the world of books for a child for the first time forever.... - Gail Stokes, Providence Community Library
6. I am thankful to work in a wonderful library because it truly brings me self fulfillment. - Pam Miech, Warwick Public Library
7. I love my library job because it contributes to the noble cause of spreading universal knowledge. Rich and poor alike can access books of all kinds on a wide variety of subject matter, from the ABCs or Alchemy to Zanzibar or Zippers! Books can enlighten those seeking knowledge; entertain those seeking adventure; or engage those seeking answers. Books can bring people together or help us learn to agree to disagree. Books can open doors for exploration, or help us close a chapter in our own lives. Books mirror human existence. We are what we read. - Candace A. Jolicoeur, East Greenwich Free LIbrary.
8. I just love the library. I like the idea of contributing to human consciousness. - Stephanie Place, Cranston Public Library
9. The day a woman came back to the library to thank me because she got a job using the resume I helped her with! While I am sure it wasn't my computer skills that got her the job, I was delighted she came back to say so.
Also, I absolutely love the kids who literally RUN to the main desk in sheer excitement to pick up there books from ILL. - Kristin C. Calouro, Bristol Free Library
10. I help people make their lives better. I find pleasure, solace, and needed information in books and in the resources of the library that make MY life better and I can help someone else find these things to make THEIR life better too. Pleasure reading and viewing, research to make their educational goals attainable and/or for their personal pursuit of knowledge, it's all important and it all makes life better. - Denise Inman, East Providence Public Library |
Question Block: Why Did You Become a Librarian?
| ![Library Symbol](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs021/1102824136985/img/174.jpg?a=1107719408746) Why do we do this anyway??? During these stressful times of library budget challenges and cuts it's helpful to remind ourselves of all the reasons we chose to become librarians. Our RILA Bulletin question this time was: Why did you become a librarian? Our responses ran the gamut from those who recollected a noble calling during their youth to those who admitted to a kind of "stumbling upon" the profession. --Because I felt excited about being part of an institution that supported the growth and development of people! When I was trying to decide on a career, I thought, "Well, I spend a lot of my free time hanging out at the library, maybe I should work in one." And now I'm teaching keyboarding....oh well... --I was working part time in a public library to put myself through college (undergrad) and I realized that I liked it more than I ever would have thought. It was a small library so I did a little bit of everything from children's to cataloging. --It wasn't intentional...truly. It was an accident. They kept throwing money at me. I couldn't get out...I thought I was out, then they pulled me back in... --I was always a huge reader and lover of books. When I entered college I learned that I also loved research (more so than writing my papers!) After graduating college I worked at a series of unsatisfying jobs. During this time I found myself spending my free time browsing for a good read at my local public library. The decision to become a librarian seemed like a logical choice! --When I was a child I did indeed put pockets in the back of books and loan them out, but I think I loved using the date stamp more than anything else. I didn't think about becoming a librarian, however until I was in college. I recall on a handful of occasions that friends and dorm mates commented on the "success" I had when I went to the library. It seemed to impress some that I could head off to the library and be back in an hour or so with a pile of books and a handful of articles. I remember one friend who offered to pay me to go to the library for her. Many of my fellow students were easily intimidated or frustrated by the library, the organization, the librarians, etc. I always enjoyed using libraries and being a History and English major gave me a lot more practice.
When I began to think about what I was going to do with my B.A. in these two majors (and no interest in becoming a teacher) librarianship seemed a good option. I was fortunate to find part time positions in area public libraries which provided me with great insight into different aspects of the work. I decided a professional position in Reference services would suit me best. Thirty years later as first a public, then academic librarian I am convinced it was a good decision. It's not Rock & Roll, of course, but the hours aren't bad and I haven't had to pay an overdue fine in years.
--I decided to become a librarian in my second year of college when I met my boyfriend's (now husband's) cousin. She was from New York City, had just received her MLS and was very enthusiastic about her job in a corporate library. Though I had been an avid reader and library user since I was a young child, I had never met a librarian before and knew nothing about the MLS degree. I got my first library job in 1968 and received my MLS from Simmons College in 1970. I also started a family dynasty of librarians--my husband and son are also librarians.
--Librarians let me card 'snags' and change date stamps when I was one of 10000 teachers numb from job loss thanks to prop 2 1/2. [After teaching for 15 years in other systems, it was really hard on the family.] Librarians, who cared for everyone, gave me a reason to get up in the morning. I began to look seriously at libraries and liked what I saw. It was a good choice.
We got so many responses to this question, that we'll have more in our next issue! If you want to chime in, please email rilabulletin@gmail.com
Better Know A Library: Great Books at EP
By Joyce May
Adult Services Librarian, East Providence Public Library
| Richard Webb was a fine man, and, as in the case of many of our patrons, I didn't know just how accomplished he was until I read his obituary. His wife sent me a copy because the accounting of Richard's full and cherished life included his love of reading and his membership in the East Providence Public Library's Great Books Discussion Group. Having told me several times that the 1½ hours he spent at the Weaver Library were the most challenging and satisfying intellectual hours of the month, Richard traveled from Newport to engage with others in what Great Books describes as "shared inquiry" into the likes of De Tocqueville, Kafka, Plato, Von Clausewitz, among others.
Richard's commitment to the discussion group remained in the year he became ill. Although he could not join the group for discussion, he continued to read the material, and still took satisfaction in this.
A finance executive, Richard ended his corporate business career as CFO and Treasurer of a large publishing house. He never mentioned this to me; he didn't need to. Richard's intelligent contribution to the discussion group said more than enough about his life experience, his values, his civility, and his ideas. He was also a generous man, and on two occasions, made monetary donations to the library in gratitude for the Great Books program.
As a public librarian, I feel my own deep satisfaction that a public library service -a book discussion group- meant so much to a participant. Also, I think about how easily my library might have turned away from programming of this type. I can hear the comments still: "You are going to read what?" "At lunch time?" "Who will come?"
At last count in September of 2011, nineteen people, 9 men and 10 women, came. When we began, we hoped to attract at least 6-8 interested people. Rarely is the group so small. On one occasion, 13 people attended a discussion, and all 13 were men. For the past three years, our schedule extended through the summer per the members' requests. Three people have stepped up to lead the summer sessions and have taken pride in doing so. One has taken her Great Books leadership experience and formed a short story discussion group for her Church community. Finally, our success has much to do with Dr. Geoffrey Berg, our dedicated discussion leader, who, along with me, continually invites new people to join us. Several have come once or twice and then determine that this type of discussion group is not for them. Others stay however, and stay for years.
Those familiar with Great Books know that an open, interpretive question for discussion is key, and also, that no discussion ever ends with "right" or "wrong" answers. This is definitely part of the challenge of the discussion format as most of us want definitive in place of explorative, facts in place of ideas, and answers instead of questions.
Eight years and many participants later, Great Books has shown us the richness of working with the questions even when it comes to a new library service.
News From the Field
Barrington The Barrington Public Library is proud to announce the receipt of a mini-grant from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities to support a pilot project entitled, "Open Classroom: The Middle East." This will be a ten-week course open to the community on Middle Eastern history, religious practices, arts and culture, and economic and political development. Attendees will meet for weekly lectures and discussions led by local university scholars, explore recommended readings, and interact through an online discussion board. The course will run on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30PM from January 26 to April 12. Childcare will be provided and teachers will be able to receive continuing education credits from attending. Warwick Evan Barta recently accepted the position of Technology Coordinator. He has been working at the North Kingstown Public library for the past two years in that same role, and is very excited to make the transition to Warwick. Tiverton The Town of Tiverton approved a bond on Nov. 8th to build a new LEED Gold library building. LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is an internationally-recognized green building certification system. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in March 2000, LEED provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. The total project costs will be about $11.6 million dollars - of that Tiverton taxpayers will only pay $2.9 million (about $30 per average homeowner). The remaining funds will be raised through grants, capital campaign and reimbursement through the RI Office of Library & Information Services. This will be the first LEED Gold municipal building in the state of Rhode Island, and constructing in this manner will cut operating costs of the building more than in half from $5.50 SF in the Essex library to $2 SF in the new building. Retirements East Providence Public Library Assistant Director Cindy Lunghofer is retiring after 13.5 years at East Providence--10 as assistant director. Prior to starting at East Providence, Cindy was a Library Assistant at Barrington while working on her MLIS. About her retirement, Cindy says: "I will be retiring to Florida ( how cliche!) and plan to work as a "Construction Manager" supervising my home's remodeling for the first six months. Then I will regroup and decide where to go from there. I will be teaching online for URI GSLIS for the Spring semester. I plan to enjoy Florida's great weather, the golf course behind my house, and my family who are in Florida and who will be visiting on a more regular basis! I will miss Rhode Island and all of the friends and colleagues I have here, and invite you all to keep in touch and stop in if you get to Tampa! PS - I will always be a Patriots and Red Sox fan!" Rhode Island Historical Society Library In September James DaMico was named Special Collections Curator at the Library of the Rhode Island Historical Society. In this role he will be responsible for the Society's vast Graphics and Manuscript Collections which were founded in 1822. Previously he launched and managed the IMLS-funded RIHS Graphics Inventory Project, documenting more than 350,000 items ranging from butcher's calendars to ambrotype portraits. DaMico is also an active member of the New England Archivists, serving on the Education Committee. After completing a B.S. in Film and Video at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1994, he received his M.L.I.S. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2006.
RILA The RILA Conference Committee is currently accepting proposals for the 2012 conference: RI Libraries: Enriching Individuals, Strengthening Communities to be held at Bryant University May 31 and June 1. Librarians and library staff members who are offering new and innovative services or programming at their libraries or can provide expertise, advice or tips/tricks on an area of interest to peers are invited to submit proposals for presentations or poster sessions. To fill out the proposal form, go to: http://bit.ly/rilaconferenceproposal2011 Submissions are due by Friday January 6, 2012. Feel free to contact lkohl@bryant.edu with any questions. The Conference Committee is also looking for more public and special librarians to join the committee. If you're interested, please contact Karen McGrath: karenemcg@gmail.com RILINK Thanks to a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant through the Office of Library and Information Services, thirteen more school libraries can offer their students and teachers access to their library collections on the web. Using $35,000 in grant funds plus local district support, RILINK purchased Follett Destiny licenses, bringing thirteen school library catalogs to the web and converting over 60,000 items at eight of the libraries with local high school and college student assistance for the data entry process. At www.ricat.net, students and teachers can search over 1.6 million items in 146 schools, placing requests at their own or other schools. They can also find e-books, resources on the web, and direct links to related materials in the AskRI databases. To quote one of the students at the Alice M. Waddington School in East Providence: "Mrs. Fernandes, it's like a real library now!"
RILINK (Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids) began with two school libraries and an LSTA grant in 1998. Through this federal LSTA program, administered by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, additional grants in the intervening years helped it continue to grow and expand services. The two founding libraries shared a static union catalog that let them see and request materials from each other. Our current RICAT, using Follett Destiny software, gives students, teachers and library media specialists the opportunity to interact, in a user-friendly environment, with library and information resources as well as with each other. For more information, please visit our web site at www.rilink.org.
ALA ALA recently released their list of the 2012 class of Emerging Leaders, and the list includes two Rhode Islanders. Amy Barlow and Melissa Chiavaroli.
About her appointment, Amy Barlow said, "My position, as a reference librarian at Quinebaug Valley Community College, has provided the means for a marriage between my affinity for academic research and my commitment to open admissions education. In addition to my daily work with students, I've spent a good part of the past for years focused on developing local connections, at the state and regional levels. These relationships have been an incredible vehicle for me and my students, as we seek to know more about the world that exists beyond the walls of the classroom. I see the Emerging Leaders program as a natural next step. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with peers from across the country, to exchange ideas that will ultimately benefit our students and our professional selves." Amy is sponsored by The Association of College & Research Libraries - Community & Junior College Libraries Section (ACRL-CJCLS). Congratulations, ladies!
The Zora Neale Hurston Award from RUSA/CODES honors ALA members who have demonstrated leadership in promoting African American literature through projects such as a program, display, collection building efforts, a special readers' advisory focus, or innovation in service.
The winner will receive $1250.00 in funds to attend the ALA Annual Conference, tickets to the Literary Tastes breakfast and the FOLUSA Author tea, and a set of the Zora Neale Hurston books published by Harper Perennial.
To nominate yourself or someone you know, please download the nomination form located on the award web page at http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/rusa/awards/znh/index.cfm In addition to the form you need to send the following:
- A nomination letter that describes the project
- Photos, booklists, screen captures, or other forms of illustration of the project
- A brief essay-approximately 250 words-explaining how attending the ALA Annual Conference will help further the nominee's efforts to support and promote African American literature.
The deadline for nominations is December 15th.
Please email, fax, or mail the nomination packet to Cynthia Crosser, Chair, Zora Neale Hurston Award Committee. Email: cynthia.crosser@umit.maine.edu Fax: (207) 581-1653. Social Science and Humanities Reference Librarian 5729 Raymond H. Fogler Library, Orono, ME 04469-5729 Voice: (207) 581-3612
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee. The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.
Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: rilabulletin@gmail.com
Corrie MacDonald & Andria Tieman RI Library Association |