In This Issue
We Saved North Smithfield
Readers' Cafe at Smithfield HS
Transforming the Dinosaur
The Summer of ebooks
Book Review
Annual Conference Report
News from the Field
Better Know a Library
RILA Trustees of the Year
The Rhode Island Library Association is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information services throughout Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, Rhode Island 02940


It's summer!  By now, adult services librarians are probably realizing that they just may not get through all those projects they had planned, and youth services folks should be settled into the swing of summer reading yet again.  It's been a surreal and stressful summer at times, but also one where library love loomed large and made a difference in North Smithfield.  It seems with enough tenacity, you can fight city hall, and it was heart-warming to see librarians and patrons from across the state band together to save one of our own.

Speaking of library love, it's the one-year anniversary of the library built on community support--Providence Community Library.  We'll have more info on how they celebrated this ground-breaking first year in our News From the Field section, but they certainly deserve two pats on the back for such a successful endeavor.

Stay cool, people,

Andria Tieman and Corrie MacDonald
We Saved North Smithfield
By Corrie MacDonald
Reference Librarian
Warwick Public Library
Fourteen-year-old George Dixon rallies for the library
Rallying for North Smithfield Library
Library supporters in Rhode Island quickly sprang into action when they heard that the North Smithfield Library was facing possible closure. In late June, it was made public that the library would have to close its doors effective July 1 if the town council approved a plan to eliminate library funding.
An advocacy campaign was launched to spread the news of the potential closing. RILA used our website, email, Facebook and Twitter, and old-fashioned word of mouth to mobilize opposition to the plan that would lock the doors of the building and leave North Smithfield residents without a public library.

Many opponents of the plan wrote letters to members of the North Smithfield town council urging them to reconsider the library's funding allocation.
Cranston resident Anne Hird was one of the letter writers. Although she is not a North Smithfield resident, the Bridgewater State College education professor encouraged RILA members to support the North Smithfield cause based on what she has seen happen in neighboring Massachusetts.
"Working in Southeastern Massachusetts, where many communities have closed their libraries, I cannot stress strongly enough how devastating it is to have no public library in a community...the closing of one library only makes it that much easier for the powers that be in the next town over to do the same." she wrote.
South Kingstown reference librarian Jessica Wilson also wrote a letter, reminding council members of the vital services libraries provide to the community, especially in difficult economic times. "A belief persists that everyone has a computer and internet access, but it is not the case. I am sure you are aware of the high rate of unemployment in Rhode Island. Most employers now require a job application to be filed online...the days of filling out a paper job application are gone. The same is true for unemployment compensation claims. Your decision will matter to many unemployed people."
Nearly fifty people turned out for a rally held on the lawn of Kendall-Dean school in Slatersville on June 28, immediately prior to a special meeting of the North Smithfield Town Council. Library supporters held placards with messages including, "Save Our Library Please," "We Need Our Library," and, "Save Our Library...Save Our Education...Save Our Future!" The sign holders included library patrons of all ages -- children, teens, adults and seniors - many of whom joined others inside to endure the meeting through the 10 pm vote.

Although the council meeting was not open to public comment, the coucil members all mentioned the passionate response from the community as a factor in their decision to level fund the library for Fiscal Year 2011 - thus protecting the library's State Grant-in Aid and allowing North Smithfield Public Library to continue operations for the next fiscal year.

While we may all breath a sigh of relief for North Smithfield, this is probably not the last time library advocates need to mobilize in support of libraries. The website Losing Libraries (produced in cooperation with Library Journal) offers a map showing public library closures and major funding cuts across the country and offers advice on how to help. Let's hope no additional libraries are added to the map, even as we prepare ourselves to fight for them.
Readers' Cafe at Smithfield High School
Just One Thing School/Library Cooperation Can Accomplish
By Aaron Coutu
YA Librarian
Greenville Public Library
Smithfield HSPublic librarians and school library media specialists are always looking for great ways to partner up and provide better and smoother services in their communities.  The questions are always what is the best project to start with and how can you bring as many people on board as possible. 

As the Young Adult Librarian at the Greenville Public Library, I am always looking to find ways to connect with and build relationships with media specialists, teachers, and administrators at the local middle and high schools.  I have been lucky in that the staff at Smithfield High School has always been open to the idea of working with the local libraries. This really came to the fore when YALSA kicked off its first Teen Read Week in October of 2002. 
After some conversations with Georgette Brousseau, then the reading specialist; and Elaine Jenkins; then the school library media specialist; and Babs Wells of the East Smithfield Library, it was decided that the team would present booktalks to all of the English classes during Teen Read Week.  Besides connecting with almost a 1000 students, the presentations also spurred on the idea of having the teens participate in sharing their own reads.  We wanted them to talk about the titles they were inspired to read as a result of our booktalks.
During booktalks, librarians and teachers share the details of a book in order to pique the interest of the reader.  While many such presenters are masters at the art, it can often be more effective to have peers talk about books they enjoy.  It was this idea that was the basis of the idea for the Reader's Caf�, which started in December of that year.
The caf� works by having students submit review sheets to the school library media specialist after completing a book.  The sheets are made available within the library media center and each of the English classes, which have dedicate quiet reading time each week.  For each caf�, 20-40 students are selected and invited to the media center for the second period of the chosen day.  Their teachers are notified so the selected students can be excused from class unless there is an exam.  A number of staff members at the school support the program by preparing baked goods and supplying drinks for the caf�.  As you can imagine, the treats are a big incentive to participate, but are not the only reason the teens are interested.
As the session begins, the students are broken down into smaller groups, each with an adult member in the form of a public librarian or media/reading specialist.  The teens then take turns talking about the book they highlighted in their review.  The coordinating team of librarians and teachers has made up a list of guiding questions to help the teens know what to talk about or not as SPOILERS are discouraged. The adult mentor usually also shares a book that he or she has recently read that might be of interest to the group. The groups finish up their discussion by highlighting which of the booktalked titles they would like to read. The overall session concludes with a sharing of some of the most interesting books that were talked about in each group with all the participants at the caf�.
The program has grown and evolved through the years.  While it started as a monthly activity, changes at the high school have made it a quarterly event.  The media specialist usually sends me a copy of the list so I can bring copies of the titles being highlighted in case anyone would like to check them out during the caf�.  This allows the teens to have immediate access to the books at the time of interest.  We basically just treat the books I have left at the school as interlibrary loan materials by checking them out to the school's institutional Ocean State Libraries card.
There have also been some changes in the organizational team for the Reader's Caf�.  East Smithfield is usually represented by Michael Cardin, the Young Adult Librarian there.  Luigia Solda took on the role of media specialist at the high school with the retirement of Elaine Jenkins.  Kelly Ricciardi and Candice Pomfrets are also the new reading specialists at the school.  No matter the makeup of the team, though, the strength of the program is the fact that everyone is coming together to help connect the community's teens with books they might like.  The teens look forward to the caf�s and clamor to participate.  Everyone wins, and the teens are really the voices being used to sell the titles.
Transforming the Dinosaur:
Student Perceptions of Library Resources

By Kieran Ayton
Reference Librarian
Cranston Public Library/Bryant University
Library information is like a fossilized dinosaur for many of today's students. Our information is not organized and accessible in the way that students and an increasing number of adults need it to be. While librarians may always be information experts, this expertise will not be needed if it is not visible to our users.  One important way we are trying to reach our users is through online resources, like the databases.

Students today, whether they are in high school or college are often familiar with the concept of the library database.  Several times while working at the Cranston Public Library, I have assisted high school students working on senior projects or in depth research papers. Often, a database like Academic Search Premier will be useful to supplement their research (which usually consists mostly of websites).  I will begin explaining that a library database is a collection of magazine and journal articles that hGale logoave been digitized online.  Usually halfway through, the student will inevitably stop me and say: "Oh, you mean that EBSCO thing?" or "Is that what Gale is?"

They are identifying the database, not by its name, but by the vendor that sells it.  Many times students have already been introduced to these databases in their high schools.  However, for most students, EBSCO and Gale are like alternative search engines to Google.  This reality was brought home to me when I was talking to a colleague at Bryant University who told me a story about a student she had helped with a history project. 

For this project, the student hEbsco logoad to research a deceased relative and write a paper about him or her.  The student was frustrated because she had searched for her family member in EBSCO (like she would have in Google) and nothing had come up.  (As a side note, her family member was not famous and had not published anything).  This student, like many others, had no understanding of what "EBSCO" really is.  

For today's young researcher, information retrieval is based around the website concept--collections of online information that is free, instantly available and constantly updated-- as opposed to the resource concept--books and magazine and journal articles which are more static forms of information.  When we, as librarians, divide up information sources using the resource concept i.e. the catalog is where you look for books and the databases are where you find articles, we are structuring information the way we see it, not the way the student sees it.  Students today see information as fluid, malleable, online, and instantaneous.  Library information is like a fossilized dinosaur for many students, which is a shame.  The reality is that online library resources are getting better and better each year and print information sources are much more user-friendly than they were 10, 20, and 30 years ago.

World Book webThe real challenge is putting the library's information sources onto the students' radars.  As we all know, everyone starts with Google for research (even many librarians!).  In my view, students would use the library's online resources (databases like Academic Search Premier or online Encyclopedias like World Book) if they showed up in a Google search.  Of course, this is not possible at this moment due to fact that most online library resources require library barcode logins when accessed from home (or in the case of databases, your IP address must be in state). 

These limits on who can access online library resources means that Google's search engine spiders can't crawl in and classify our high quality online information to make it show up when the student is using Google.  While I am not tech-savvy enough to figure out a workaround to this, I think that there must be a way to integrate the free web via Google with the library's online resources.  Even if this dream is not possible at this moment, I think the idea of mass integration of library resources through Google brings up a lot of interesting ideas and possibilities for the future.
Three Reasons this will be the Summer of ebooks
By Emily Brown
Youth Services Librarian
Providence Community Library--Mount Pleasant Library
When I was in library school, I believed that being a librarian meant staying on the cutting edge of technology.  However, the real world revealed to me that libraries are more likely to be the last resting places of outdated technology than the birthplaces of new applications.  What's the one place you can still find microfilm, cassette tapes, and VHS?  Probably your local library. 
Of course, another thing that working in libraries taught me is that old and new technology can coexist.  Where else can you find Blue Ray discs next to VHS tapes?  Isn't it beautiful?  And the reason that libraries still have cassette tapes is that people still drive cars from the '90s with tape decks.  You can't bridge the digital divide unless you have one foot on the analog side and one foot in digital.
So I'm not surprised when I read articles predicting that ebooks will not, in fact, replace real books.  Is anyone actually claiming that they will replace tangible books? It's much easier to find newspaper and magazinearticles about all the little things ebooks lack:  the smell, the sense of how many pages are left, the authority of immutable typeface. 
However, I am surprised by how quickly ebooks are becoming more accessible.  Until recently, I didn't see ebooks as the kind of technology that would work in public libraries serving low income communities, because ebooks can't be easily shared between people for free.  The initial cost of a dedicated ebook reader and the technical skills required to negotiate DRM are both barriers for most of my regular patrons.  However, some recent changes in the market for ebooks have changed my mind. 
Here are three reasons the ebook revolution will start this summer.
1. Ebook prices are going up.  Ha!  I tricked you, right?  That sounds like a bad thing.  But it's actually a sign that Amazon is losing its death grip on the ebook market.  For a while, Amazon offered the sexiest ebook reading device as well as the widest selection of downloadable titles.  Therefore, Amazon could basically force the big sic publishers to offer ebooks at the price Amazon liked-- $9.99. 
Now that Apple has opened its iBook store, has real competition, and publishers no longer feel like they have to sell ebooks through Amazon.  This means that they no longer feel like they have to charge $9.99
While that means individual titles may be more expensive, it also means that publishers have an incentive to offer more titles in electronic formats, through more vendors.  This variety should make it easier for libraries to find a niche in the ebook market, and the higher prices should also increase demand for free library ebooks.
2. Dedicated ebook readers are no longer required. In fact, some commentators are predicting that dedicated ebook readers will go the way of Blackberries, losing significant market share to multitasking cell phones, netbooks, and tablets.  I tend to disagree, because I think that the size of ebook readers and their glare-free screens with perfectly balanced contrast make for a much more pleasant reading experience than squinting at a cell phone. Plus, the two-week battery life of my Sony eReader puts my cell phone and laptop to shame.  
All that said, you no longer need an ebook reader to read an ebook. Most titles are available in the open-source EPUB format, which can be read by zillions of different programs. If you have a computer, netbook, portable game system, phone, or mp3 player with a screen large enough to display a youtube video, then I bet I can find an app that will turn your device into an ebook reader.  Of course, Amazon uses a proprietary format that can only be opened with a Kindle or a Kindle app.  But you no longer need Amazon, either. 
The game may change again when Google Books opens its store later this summer. Rather than requiring you to download ebooks and open them using the software of your choice, Google Books will allow you to read the ebooks you purchase through a web browser.  Now all you need is an internet connection, and you can read your ebooks on practically any device.
3. Illustrations can now be included.  Although I personally enjoy my Sony PRS-500 eReader, it's no good for children's books or graphic novels because it doesn't do images-just text. However, now that you can read ebooks on so many other devices, you don't have to limit yourself to grainy grayscale.  Dedicated readers are changing, too: the new Kindle has a larger screen, and the ubiquitous ipad is full color.  Even the new Nook has a mini color touch screen on the bottom.  It isn't big enough to do more than display a cover image, but it's a step.
High quality images means that magazines, graphic novels, and children's books can now migrate to electronic formats.  In fact, not long after the ipad made its debut, Random House announced it was releasing the Magic Treehouse series as ebooks, and Marvel and DC released comic book reader apps. 
Of course, Apple has already come under fire for censoring some of the graphic novels in its ibook store, but that's just one more reason why libraries should get involved!
I think that with all the changes in the ebook market, a space is opening up for libraries. Not only can we offer uncensored content in open source formats for zero dollars, but we can provide friendly, in-person tech support for basic problems.
The major obstacle that remains is the inconvenience of digital ights management (DRM).  When I first "checked out" an ebook on Overdrive, I had to download a new application, register a unique ID online, and switch from my open source ebook manager to the icky software that came with my eReader.  It wasn't rocket science, but it would be a challenge for plenty of patrons, especially those who don't like to register for anything online.
I'm hopeful that as ebooks become more profitable, publishers will relax the DRM. Until then, I daydream about that rosy future when downloadable books, print-on-demand, embedded videos, indiebound books, and old fashioned monographs will coexist cozily in every public library in the country.  No doubt electronic devices will change the way we read-more slowly, more socially, more shallowly, more shamelessly.  To those who treat their collections like beloved children, I say: we're not losing an old format; we're gaining a new one. May ebooks and paper ones live happily ever after.
Book Review
By Andria Tieman
Reference Librarian
Warwick Public Library
1000 autumnsBlack Belt Librarians: Every Librarians Real World Guide to a Safer Workplace
By Warren Graham

Library security is something that every librarian either deals with on a regular basis, or will deal with at some point in his or her career. Far too often, librarians don't think of how to deal with a difficult situation until it's already occurred, then we're constantly just reacting instead of being proactive.  In Black Belt Librarians, Graham parlays his 20 years of library security experience into a adaptable, practical guide that every librarian can learn from.  And at a mere 72 pages, there's really no excuse for not reading it.

Warren Graham is not a writer, he makes that pretty clear, but his sometimes fumbling plain talk makes this information easy to digest and almost charming.  The biggest lesson here is that each individual librarian must find his or her own AAA--attitude, approach and analysis.  Thinking about this beforehand, and reading about Graham's missteps should keep the savvy librarian safe enough, and certainly make him or her feel more secure and capable when it comes to dealing with these difficult situations.

Unfortunately, as we all know, there is no magic bullet for disarming the unruly patron, and Graham can only help us so much.  He has a second book Advanced Black Belt Librarians: Answers to the Questions Librarians Always Ask Me, which came out in March (not in OSL yet).  The only complaint I really have with this book is just that it is too short, but this is such a huge and multifaceted issue, it's probably best to absorb in small bites.
ALA Annual Conference
By David Macksam
RILA Chapter Councilor
Cranston Public Library Director

The 26,201 attendees at the ALA Conference wereALA Logo greeted with the hottest June on record since 1943. The weather gods did show us a little piety June 29 for the Capitol Rally when 1,600 supporters showed up wearing red shirts printed with "Vote for Libraries". Our own Jack Reed was the keynote speaker on the importance of libraries.

Bi-partisanship is at a standstill and movement on key library issues is
unlikely. "Workforce Investment Act" seeking funding for libraries to promote job training is stalled in the House. The "Elementary and Secondary Education Act" is being pushed by Education Secretary, Arnie Duncan but is not receiving much traction from other quarters. We will be doing well if LSTA reauthorization moves ahead in 2011.

The Federal Communications Commission is willing to work with ALA to expand broadband access and the streamlining of the E-rate process.
Incoming President Roberta Stevens announced that her presidency will emphasize developing fund raising techniques and models for libraries as well as the development of authors as advocates for libraries.

RESOLUTIONS approved included: Insure equitable access to all forms of electronic content, reaffirming equal employment opportunity for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender library workers, opposition to closing of library school programs and ensuring ongoing summer reading programs for children and teens.

ALA membership and renewals remain favorable. Association expenses are under control while revenue projections remain flat. In 2011 the mid-winter meeting will be held in San Diego and the annual conference in New Orleans.

In Every Issue
News From the Field

Andria Tieman's (Reference Librarian, Closed StacksWarwick Public Library) library blog Closed Stacks was recognized by Salem Press as a part of their Library Blog Awards contest.  The contest featured winners in five categories General Interest, Quirky blogs, Academic Library blogs, Public Library blogs, and School Library blogs.  Out of the 400 blogs surveyed, 80 were awarded honorable mention "to be of significant quality that they stood above the norm."

Andria began Closed Stacks with a friend during her first semester of library school, and since then it has received almost 200,000 visits, and has acquired a number of additional writers from around the region and country. Closed Stacks was also listed as a Top Ten Blog to Read for 2009 on LIS News (it was reader favorite), and is among the top 25 librarian blogs listed on Rhode Island librarians who have contributed to Closed Stacks include: Corrie MacDonald--Warwick, Evan Barta--North Kingstown and Emily Brown--PCL Mount Pleasant.

In these trying times, Burrillville has proved that they value their libraries once again by actually increasing the library budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.  The Town Council unanimously approved in increase of $13,000 for the Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library despite the fact that "This was the most complicated budget process in recent memory due to the extraordinary reductions in State aid and the complexities and timing of the State's actions to pass its own budget."  Congratulations, to the town for seeing the bigger picture even with so many setbacks.

Good news for Coventry Public Library-- they now have a branch! As of July 1 the Greene Library is part of the Coventry Library system. Greene was a private, membership library for many years and will retain that cozy feeling with a new feeling of security from merging with the town.  May take a little time to merge records into Millenium, and all the details are in flux, but good luck to both libraries on their exciting new venture!

Providence Community Library turns one year oldPCL Cake
One year ago on July 1st, the library-loving community of Providence held their collective breath waiting to see what would happen when a new non-profit group took over the library branches.  As we all now know, the changeover went off without a hitch, and now those branches on the chopping block for so many years are thriving.  PCL celebrated with an amnesty day for overdue materials, a simultaneous cutting of nine cakes (one at each branch) at 4:30pm and events ranging from karaoke to a Backyard Barbecue.  Congratulations to PCL, and we wish you many, many successful years in the future.
Comings and Goings:
The Jamestown Philomenian Library is happy to report the addition of Lisa Sheley to their staff as Children's and Young Adult Services Librarian.

Glocester Manton Public Library is also excited at the addition of Stephanie Meeks as their Children's Librarian.  Stephanie started in May, and is having a fabulous summer.

Middletown Public Library: The 2008 Presidential election waMark Curtiss historic for many reasons. Most of us watched this incredible drama play out on the tv, radio or online. But what happened behind the scenes? Award winning journalist and ABC-6 news anchor Mark Curtis traveled from coast-to-coast with all the candidates and along the way, he spoke with average Americans in small towns and big cities alike. His recently released book, "Age of Obama", chronicles the hopes and dreams of not only the candidates, but also the voters. Curtis looks at this historic era from a new, informative and entertaining perspective.
The event is FREE!  Light refreshments and drinks will be served. Middletown Public Library, 700 West Main Road, Middletown
Contact Christina Wolfskehl (Reference Librarian) or Theresa Coish (Library Director), 846-1573.

SLA Dine Around:  Get cool and chill out with fellow professionals at our July 14th Dine Around to be held at 6p at Blaze East Side, 776 Hope Street, Providence RI, phone 401-277-2529.  This restaurant has four courses offered: salad, soup, entr�e, and dessert.  To see the menu check the website. Kindly reserve a spot at the table by Friday, July  9th with Lee Pedersen ([email protected]) or Cherine Whitney ([email protected]).

"Dine Arounds" are smaller, more casual dinners where you can connect with SLA colleagues while having a good time!  Professionals from out-of-town have a special invitation to meet local librarians. There is no charge for this event beyond what you eat and drink.  Walk-ins are always welcome, if you can't reserve in time.

The North Atlantic Health Science Libraries (NAHSL) annual conference will be held at the Newport Marriot from October 24-26, 2010. Libraries in Balance: Preserving our Roots, Growing our Future
will feature four main speakers, eight breakout sessions, six continuing education classes, many exhibits and sponsors, and an opening reception at the Easton's Beach Ballroom and Rotunda - complete with carousel rides!
Registration is ongoing up to the day of the conference.  Registration fees increase $50.00 after Sept 14th. 
A scholarship raffle will take place to raise money to support NAHSL members' participation in local, regional, and national educational opportunities.  We hope to offer raffle items which have a Rhode Island flavor. Suggestions for unique Rhode Island or library items and donations are appreciated. Please contact Pat Padula ([email protected]) at Landmark Medical.

You can print the registration form here.
Better Know a Library--East Smithfield Public Library
By Michael Cardin
Reference Librarian
East Smithfield Public Library
The current-day East Smithfield Public Library began as two separate libraries: The Bernon Library and the Esmond Library. Both libraries were originally established by local manufacturing companies, a reflection of Smithfield's industrial past.

East Smithfield Public Library today
East Smithfield
The Bernon Library was founded in the village of Georgiaville in 1872 by the Bernon Manufacturing Company. It closed after about ten years, but was reopened in 1903 through the cooperation of interested citizens and the Manville-Jenckes Company. It eventually moved to the gallery of a former Baptist Church, and in 1919 it moved again to a refurbished grocery store.
The Esmond Library was established in 1916, when Esmond Mills contributed space and funding for a library. Esmond Mills closed in 1946 due to labor troubles, and the library closed along with it. Numerous books were destroyed when water pipes burst in the adandoned building. The Rhode Island-based conglomerate Textron eventually acquired the building, and after considerable time and effort the Smithfield Recreational Association persuaded Textron to deed the building to the town for recreational purposes. The Smithfield Recreational Association rejuvenated the library, and Elodie Blackmore was appointed librarian in 1954. She catalogued and prepared approximately 2,500 books for circulation. Today, the library's collection totals approximately 70,000 books.

The East Smithfield Public Library was born in 1967, when the boards of the Bernon and Esmond libraries decided to consolidate. Bernon Library was designated as a reading center, and one librarian managed both buildings. Sadly, in 1973, budget cuts forced the decision to close the Bernon reading center and transfer its collection to the East Smithfield Public Library.

In 1982, the library was asked to submit a proposal to the Town Council on the feasibility of renovating and utilizing part of the former Dorothy T.P. Dame School as a possible solution to the overcrowding that came as a result of combining both libraries. The Board of Trustees and library staff jumped at the opportunity to secure almost three times more operating space. The Town Council granted the use of the first floor to the library in August 1982, and finally, in 1985, after a tremendous volunteer effort by the entire Smithfield community, the contents of the library were moved to its present location at 50 Esmond Street.

During the past 25 years - with help from the Champlin Foundations and the Town of Smithfield - the library has renovated the second floor to provide much needed space for a computer area, media room and storage space, conference room, administration offices, and technical services work area. The library continues to thrive and serve the greater Smithfield community with services and resources for all ages.

RILA's Trustees of the Year
PCL Executive Director Ann Robinson presents members of the PCL board with RILA's "Trustee(s) of the Year Award". From L-R are Ann Robinson, Linda Kushner, Patricia Raub, Ellen Schwartz, and Marcus Mitchell.
Trustees of the Year
RILA's "Trustee of Year" award was presented at RILA's 2010 annual conference. The four officers of Providence Community Library's Board of Trustees received the award in recognition of their work to maintain and improve library services for the community.

PCL Executive Director Ann Robinson made the nomination. She wrote in her nomination letter that, "The community will be forever grateful to these individuals who have worked and continue to work tirelessly to provide library service to all of Providence."
About Us
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: [email protected]

Corrie MacDonald & Andria Tieman
Rhode Island Library Association