In this issue...
Changes for East Providence
Life in a Prison Library
ALA Midwinter
Book Review-- The Library: An Illustrated History
News From the Field
Better Know a Library
Upcoming Events & Grant Opportunities

As you can see, the RILA Bulletin is still evolving.  As the Bulletin evolves, so do Rhode Island libraries, and we're pleased to showcase the changes and innovations that we Rhode Islanders should be proud of.

These days, it seems like every morning brings more bad news for the economy, and we all know that libraries are hit hard.  Rather than wallow and feel sorry for ourselves (well, maybe a little), Rhode Island librarians are doing more with less, and finding new, savvier ways to help all the new patrons discovering libraries for the first time or rediscovering them after years away.  We deserve a pat on the back, and a hearty "job well done!"

Our mission at the Bulletin is to give all our readers a pat on the back; keep everyone informed of new developments and ideas; showcase our beautiful, unique libraries; and be your resource for library news from this state and around the world.

Thanks for reading.

Corrie MacDonald & Andria Tieman
The Rhode Island Library Association is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information services throughout Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, Rhode Island 02940
or rilibraryassoc.org
Weaver Library Changes for
East Providence

By Andria Tieman
Reference Librarian, Warwick Public Library

Do you know the way to San Jose?  Sorry, can't resist.  All jokes aside, the San Jose model of public library service is becoming more and more common, so much so, that the East Providence Weaver Library should be revealing a complete redesign based on these principles any day now.

The San Jose Method is a re-imagined type of library service model created by the San Jose Public Library.  The basic principles are to better evaluate library space by looking at it from a patron, or customer, perspective.  This incorporates more popular materials, more seating, more inviting spaces, and fewer bulky desks.  As Ruth Barefoot, a San Jose librarian who now tours the country helping other libraries adapt said, "The patron doesn't care about library 'stuff', so we put all that behind the scenes, a give them what they do care about."

The patrons responded and San Jose's circulation skyrocketed. ALA then jumped on board and San Jose librarians started sharing what they've done, and this new service model became 'it' in libraryland.  The reasons this method works so well is that they make libraries competitive with all those other things that take patrons' attention, and the method is adaptable to every unique space and population.  "We've basically set ourselves up for the next twenty years," noted East Providence Assistant Director Cindy Lunghofer.  They did this by creating a space that is adaptive and flexiEP Shelvingble, but also incorporates the elements that bring patrons in the door--more computers, more seating, more study space. New shelving schemes showcase materials that patrons may not have found before, and the redesign creates an open but cozy feel.  

They've reallocated the 400 square feet that the reference desk used to take up into twoEP Service Point service points, one near the stacks and the other near the computers.  Staff rove the library and meet the patrons at their point of need, then they work together to meet that need.  All library work--check-in, phone reference, delivery, etc., is done in the back in staff-only areas.  When staff are on the floor, they are there for the patron.  "We never want a patron to come up to a reference librarian and say 'I'm sorry to interrupt you' because our staff should always be aware of what's going on around them." Lunghofer said.

Another key principle of the San Jose method that East Providence adopted is increasing self-service.  East Providence currently has two self-check machines, and one staff computer at the Welcome Desk that can check out books if necessary.  The goal is to take the confused patron to the self-check and teach them how to use it.  This frees up staff time, empowers the patron, and saves money.  The computer reservation and print stations are all self-service, and a fax machine is on the way. 

It sounds like a lot to take on at once, but this is a project four years in the making.  Even at the very beginning, Director Eileen Socha, and AD Lunghofer knew that this was an idea that fit for their library.  Even before knowing where the money would come from, they set out making small changes starting with weeding the collection, and moving onto changing the way staff interact with patrons.  Naturally, there was a bit of reticence from staff, "If a reference librarian wanted to keep a book, I said 'make a case for it'" Socha said, "Keep track of how much it's actually used in three months and prove to me that we need to keep it.  Usually, the book just wasn't being used."

East Providence has always been more focused on popular materials versus research materials, so their collection development philosophy hasn't changed much with the new model.  "If a patron needs a research book that we don't have, we will borrow it from one of the bigger libraries." Socha said.  It should also be noted that San Jose Public is connected to a major research library and borrows heavily from it.
EP Youth Services
Because the process has been so gradual, staff are all on the same page and eager for the grand opening.  There has been time enough to address concerns and setbacks, and everyone involved knows that there will be small amounts of tweaking for a while.  The final inspections are underway and the opening date gets closer and closer, but by this point, everyone is ready to throw the doors open and get on with it.  As this method of service becomes more and more common in Rhode Island libraries, it will be interesting for all of us to see how East Providence settles into their new space.
twitter-bird Twitter as an Online Bulletin Board
By Kieran Ayton
Reference Librarian
Cranston Public Library/
Bryant University

Many Rhode Island libraries have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon.  Why?  The answer is Twitter can serve as a virtual bulletin board for your library.  You can use it as  a free web-based broadcast system to promote upcoming events, new books and resources, changes to the library hours, etc.  These are things that would traditionally be posted (and often times get buried on) a library's website or paper bulletin board (which few people read).  Twitter has become synonymous with up-to-date information.  This is why major news stations like CNN use it to broadcast breaking news during a national or worldwide crisis.
Twitter is a microblogging application that allows users to post brief text updates of 140 characters or less.  Twitter and other microblogs are condensed versions of regular blogs.  While regular blog posts are usually several paragraphs long, Twitter and other microblog posts are a sentence or two long - if that.  Because of the abbreviated nature of microblogging, individual Twitter posts (or Tweets as they are called) often contain reformatted links to external websites.  Libraries and other organizations use Tweets as a "fish hook" to get a person's attention and reel them in. 
Here are some examples from provlib, the Providence Public Library's twitter feed that promote events being held both at  its library and other libraries across the state: 
  • Win Tickets to Trinity Rep's Twelfth Night at Our Movie Screening of Shakespeare in Love (Mon, Feb 22): 6:00 PM-8:... http://bit.ly/drLZc4
  • Writing Workshop: How to Finish What You've Started! (Sat, Mar 6): 1:00 PM-5:00 PM, 16 Cutler Street Warren RI...http://bit.ly/dyIyQy
  • Eating Healthy on a Budget - a Reading Across RI Event (Mon, Mar 1): 7:00 PM-8:30 PM, Riverside Branch Library,... http://bit.ly/a4G4V2
Twitter is a social networking tool that can connect libraries across the state.  Once you sign up for a Twitter account, you can find other Twitter users whose Tweets you will follow.  For example, you can set up a Twitter account and then follow other libraries in the state.  Each time you log into your own account, you will see recent posts from the other RI libraries on Twitter you are following.  This gives you a quick way to find out what is going on, without having to visit these other libraries' websites.  Twitter also allows users to "re-Tweet" other people's posts.  When logged into Twitter, you can hover over another person's post and re-post it on your own Twitter page - which will send the announcement or message to a whole new group of people.
Do you think Twitter is just for teenagers and people in their early 20's?  Not true! A July 2009 Nielsen Company Report, shows that the fastest growing age group of Twitter users is adults ages 25-54 which encompasses a significant portion of many library users - especially public libraries.
Finally, make sure you promote your Twitter account to your patrons!  Try making or using an existing "Follow the Library on Twitter" icon (below) that links to your Twitter account.  Put this icon all over your website.  Put your Twitter URL on the bottom or tops of newsletters and flyers.  Be creative, flexible, and have fun!

follow the library on twitter
Life in a Prison Library
By Loretta M. Cimini
RI Adult Correctional Institution Facility
As a student in the URI library science program, I'm currently working for my second semester at the Adult Correctional Institute for my Professional Field Experience (PFE).  If you've ever wondered about your librarian counterparts at in the world of corrections, here's your chance to get a student's eye-view of the process.

The ACI has eight facilities, six for men and two for women.  Each facility has a law library, and each (except intake for inmates awaiting classification) has a reading library.  In most cases, both collections are in the same room. Two law librarians manage the eight facilities. With only two librarians and eight facilities, the libraries are largely run by inmate clerks.  The law library clerks get trained in legal research by a local attorney/CCRI professor.  The librarians visit the facilities on a regular basis to handle site-specific situations, take books for repair, replenish supplies, etc.  Inmates can access the legal materials in the law library, and submit requests to the librarians for information not accessible to them.
The librarians spend a good deal of time handling legal requests.  Though each facility has a law library, with budget constraints as well as security concerns, they do not have access to everything they need.  The librarians use online legal databases such as WestLaw to find cases and laws requested by inmates.  Inmates do not have access to the internet, so the research they can do on their own is limited to the physical collection of each facility.

With a limited budget and multiple facilities, each reading library is fairly small.  The larger facilities, such as Medium I, Medium II, and Maximum have bigger collections.  Each facility has slightly different rules depending on the warden.  Some do not circulate hardcover books.  Some do not have bookends, or very flimsy ones that do not hold books in place well.  Each facility keeps a small collection aside for inmates in segregation who cannot access the library.

As part of my PFE, I've started a book discussion group in one of the women's facilities.  We plan to take part in Read Across Rhode Island.  Otherwise, the women generally talk about what kinds of books they like, and then I check books out of the public library and bring them into the facility for them to read.  For the moment, the ACI is not part of the Ocean State Library interlibrary loan. 

Though I do not go into the facilities every day, there are inmate clerks who work in the librarians' offices with whom I interact and work on a regular basis.  As with almost every library, at first the patron base may seem different from the last one you worked with, but in the end, it's largely the same.  They want to read the latest James Patterson and the Twilight series and are interested in biographies, local history, and mysteries.  I talk about the many services available at the public library and encourage them to turn to the library when they need help with job hunting, entertainment, and information about social services. 

Though it is sometimes overlooked, the prison library population is one that is always thriving and always looking for something new to read.  They want to read for pleasure and read for self-education.  Most of all, they want a librarian who wants to help and listens to their needs and requests--what librarian doesn't want that?

ALA LogoALA Midwinter in Boston
By Erin Creighton and             Melissa Chiavaroli
URI GSLIS Students

ALA's Midwinter conference was a boon for more than Boston this year.  URI's Student ALA chapter took advantage of the local destination with almost two dozen students participating.
While Boston's crisp January air and busy streets provided a perfect setting, the economic crisis was an ever-present topic.  Attendance for the conference was substantially lower that in previous years.  Libraries can no longer pay the travel expenses for librarians attending conferences. 

That made our first event, the Federal Jobs Workshop, more significant.  If tenured librarians are worried about jobs, then we as new professionals must take advantage of all opportunities.  The  wonderful panel made the process of applying seem less daunting.  If you can withstand the waiting and red tape, there are many rewards to a federal position.
The one blight on this event was holding it in a hotel where workers are striking.  Many librarians are in unions, and we found it disconcerting to cross a picket line multiple times.  Other librarians were also curious as to why ALA didn't change the venue for the events and discussion groups scheduled for the Hyatt. 
Authors are a big part of an ALA conference.  Boasting "an exciting panel of authors", the event From Books to Films did not disappoint.  Julie Powell discussed the recent success of the film Julie & Julia, based on her book of the same name.  Her point of view was unique, as she was the only non-fiction author at the event.  Powell candidly discussed the problems with having an actress portray her.  Chuck Hogan, Eric Von Lustbader, and Tracy Chevalier also spoke about the challenges of successfully translating a popular book into a film.  When her novel Girl with the Pearl Earring was adapted, Chevalier admitted to removing herself from the process completely.  Hogan went to the other extreme, writing numerous screenplays for the adaptations for his books. 
The biggest highlight of the conference for us was the discussion groups. The Public Library Association's was smaller than usual due to a re-organization and the upcoming PLA conference.  While it would have been nice to meet more people, the smaller groups gave us time to find a comfortable niche and have our voices heard. 
A Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) discussion group on human resources was one of the best of the weekend.  It provided us with a fascinating look at the other side of the hiring process.  More importantly, the group was excited to welcome us.  They wanted our input and were happy to have a new generation of librarians who are willing to join the group when times are tight and the problems more difficult to solve.  Overall, these discussion groups are what the conference is all about-getting to know one another and ensuring the profession is well represented.
We cannot forget the exhibit floor.  Vendors were passing out free books and posters, demonstrating their new gadgets and more.  The creator of Mother Goose on the Loose told us that this was the first real self-promotion she had ever done.  Her popular program has grown mostly from word-of-mouth.  She was optimistic that she would make enough contacts at ALA to justify the cost of the booth.  We made it worth it taking home books for ourselves and providing books to several libraries for their summer reading programs.
Our ALA adventure was a success!  We are looking forward to D.C. in June.  After all, it is only a short train ride and the benefits will go far beyond the time and expense of the conference.
The LibraryL Illustrated history Book review
By Aaron Coutu
Young Adult Librarian, Greenville Public Library

The Library: An Illustrated History
by Stuart A.P. Murray

It is, however, not to the museum, or the lecture-room, or the drawing-school, but to the library, that we must go for the completion of our humanity. It is books that bear from age to age the intellectual wealth of the world.
- Owen Meredith, from
Inspirational Quotes about Libraries,
Librarians and Book Collections

From the local libraries and municipal record halls of Babylonia and Sumer and the great Library at Alexandria to our modern Internet Public Library, there can be no question that libraries have played a major role in the cultures of humanity.  They are more than just storehouses of books and knowledge.  Murray has done a wonderful job of telling the story of the library, highlighting important people and cultures that have played major roles in the development of the institution as we know it today.
Readers will start their journey in ancient times, focusing at the early libraries found in Mesopotamia and Sumer before moving on into Egypt and other well-known cultures. What is interesting is the book doesn't just focus on the library, but highlights developments in the creation of paper, the printing process, literacy rates, and the educational environments in various locations around the world throughout history.  Each is presented both with their own importance but also how their combined development has contributed to the cultures of humankind.  This is not only in the form of the dissemination of knowledge, but also in the spread of the arts.
There can be no question that the book lives up to the title. Throughout the whole narrative, there are beautiful graphics and reproductions of related documents that help provide depth to the coverage of the topic. The illustrations include works of art, pictures of the libraries being discussed, and illustrations or photographs of the important people being highlighted in the narrative.
Each chapter focuses on a time period, such as ancient times, the early Middle Ages, the late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Colonial Period in America, early America, and modern times. Much of what is covered in relation to American history was familiar, but it was presented in a refreshing way.
Murray also does a great job of not presenting only a Western perspective on library history.  He also highlighted the development of libraries elsewhere in the world, including the Islamic world, Africa, Asia and South America. It might be surprising to learn that Ethiopia was a major learning center.  India, China, Korea and Mesoamerica also had very strong traditions of writing and librarianship since ancient times without the often assumed Western influence.
The final chapter introduces brief descriptions and photographs of many of the largest and most important libraries in the world today.   A nice summary is provided for each that highlights the size of its collection and important details and events about its history and architecture.
Anyone looking for a nice overview of the topic will find this to be a good option. The balance of text and beautiful graphics along with a breezy narrative allows this volume to both be informative and informational.  Other great books on the topic include Library: An Unquiet History by Matthew Battles, The Memory of Mankind: the Story of Libraries since the Dawn of History by Alfred Hessel, and The Story of Libraries from the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age by Fred Lerner.  While they are all very good, the work by Murray is a cozier and more beautiful read.

The Library: An Illustrated History
by Stuart A.P. Murray With an introduction by Donald G. Davis, Jr. and a foreword by Nicholas Basbanes
New York, NY : Skyhorse Pub., 2009. 320 pp.

In Every Issue
News from the Field
OLIS received a Rhody Award for Stewardship in May 2009 for their project "Protecting the Past -- RI". The award  is given annually by the Rhode Island Historical and Preservation Commission and Preserve Rhode Island, a group with a mission to protect Rhode Island's historic structures and unique places for present and future generations.
Rhody Award ceremony, May 2009
Rhody Award ceremony, May 2009. (l to r) Ted Sanderson, RI Historic Preservation & Heritage Commission; Protecting the Past Steering Committee members Cate Wodehouse, Lori Foley, Donna Longo DiMichele, Eileen Warburton, Sarina Wyant, and Gwenn Stearn; and Valerie Talmage, Preserve RI. 
The "Protecting the Past -- RI" project was funded by a Connecting to Collections grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It resulted in the creation of RI dPlan, a customized online disaster planning tool for Rhode Island's cultural heritage institutions. The steering committee adapted the Northeast Document Conservation Center's dPlan: The Online Disaster Planning Tool to suit Rhode Island's circumstances. Some of the customizations include likely natural disasters and their effects; contact lists for local conservators, emergency managers, and freezing services; GPS coordinates for institutions; and sources for personal assistance if an institution's staff or its supporters need help coping with a disaster.
A cadre of 135 staff from 89 Rhode Island institutions were trained how to use RI.dPlan. Additional programs and presentations were also given at conferences and around the state. Learn more about the project at OLIS: Protecting the Past -- RI. 
Newport-US Naval War College
Alice Juda
Alice Juda, a Reference Librarian at the Naval War College, received an ALA I Love My Librarian Award on Dec. 3.  The award was presented at a reception in New York City hosted by the New York Times.  Juda was nominated by a former student for her engaging, outgoing personality and resourcefulness.  "I'm proud and delighted," Juda said. "And the award is as much for me as it is for my colleagues here at the War College."

NWC Library Director Terry Metz said the award, coming from ALA, carries considerable weight and praised Juda's performance in the workplace.
"This is a marvelous opportunity for Alice, both as a professional and [staff member] at the War College library," Metz said. "This is recognizing Alice as being a peak performer in her profession." Juda beat out 3,200 other nominees in this national competition sponsored by The New York Times, Carnegie Corporation, and American Library Association.  More information about the award can be found here.

CranstonConfucious Institute
The Cranston Public Library received a materials grant from the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island to establish a Chinese collection at CPL. The collection will include a wide range of books and DVDs in English and Mandarin about all aspects of China including business, history, politics, culture, cooking and philosophy. There will also be a collection of language learning materials for patrons interested in learning Mandarin. 

The Cranston Family Literacy Collaborative - a joint program of the Cranston Public Library and the Cranston Family Center - and Cranston United Against Violence & Abuse (CUAVA) is holding a four-part workshop series in March for parents about safety. Topics include Internet Safety, Neighborhood Safety, Adolescent Development and Bullying Prevention. While parents attend workshops presented by experts in each field, their children attend a safety-related story program provided by Cranston Public Library's Youth Services librarians.
Better Know a Library
Coventry Public Library 
ALA Logo
The town of Coventry has a long history of library service.  In 1808, the Coventry Library Association was begun and was housed for a period of time in a mill store.   Nearly a century later, in 1902, funds were raised to build a new library which was named the Anthony Lyceum.  A fire destroyed much of the building in 1918, but it was rebuilt within a few years.  

By the early 1970s, library director Virginia Carter recognized the need for a new library building.  Coventry's rapid population growth had rendered the 600 square feet Anthony Lyceum inadequate to provide modern library services.  Mrs. Carter wrote a successful grant proposal for a 20,000 square foot library which would be partially funded by federal monies.  Town administrators made the last-minute decision to include the Town Hall in the new building; this reduced the size of the library to 10,000 square feet.  In 1979, the new building housing both the Coventry Town Hall and Coventry Public Library opened its doors to the public.             

After over thirty years in the current building, the Library is a bustling hub of activity. The Reference Department is staffed by energetic professionals, ready to answer a variety of questions by phone, email, or in person.  The Circulation Department is busier than ever waiting on patrons and filling holds.  Over the past few years, the Library has become a net lender, meaning it has sent out more material to the patrons of other libraries than it has borrowed.  Last year alone, circulation staff sent out 85 % more material than was received.  Behind the scenes, Technical Services catalogs and processes thousands of items each year.  
The Youth Services Department still experiences tremendous demands for programs, so much so, that programs are also offered weeknights and Saturday mornings.  The Summer Reading Program is enormously popular.  A Rock and Read program for babies was introduced a few years ago, and, because of demand, it was expanded from one session per week to three.  Also popular has been a Getting Ready for Kindergarten program. 

Although the Library houses the items that one would expect to find, it also owns a few unique collections.  Fishing rods, reels, and tackle boxes are one such curiosity.  Youngsters, hoping to catch the "big one," are frequent borrowers in the days leading up to Opening Day.  Novelty cake pans are another unusual addition.  A large collection of puppets is well loved by young patrons.  The arrival of storyboard kits with moveable parts is the most recent collection to captivate youngsters. 

Similar to most libraries in the state, Coventry Public struggles to provide services in a building inadequate for the size of the town's growing population.  Proposals over the last decade to build a bigger building were defeated by voters.  Tentative plans to move the Town Hall to another location may provide the library with the extra 10,000 square feet that it was originally meant to have.  The Coventry Public Library Foundation was formed in 2001with the purpose of raising money for a new building or remodeling project if the Town Hall offices relocate.  Hopefully, in the near future, the Library will gain the space it so urgently needs to maintain the high level of services to which its patrons have become accustomed.


To have your library featured in Better Know a Library, please send pictures and a brief article including history, fun facts, and what makes your library amazing to: [email protected]
Upcoming Events &
Grant Opportunities

URI GSLIS Annual Gathering:
Now That We Have the Internet, Why Do We Still Need Libraries?Featuring keynote speaker Howard Boksenbaum from the RI Office of Library and Information Services.

Friday, March 26, 5:50 p.m.
URI University Club
Tickets are $40 and student tickets are $20. Call 401-874-2878 to reserve your space.

Advanced Grant Seminar and Workshop
 Do you already know the nuts and bolts of grant writing and now want
to take your skills to the next level? Are you interested in learning
more about what granting agencies are seeking in a grant application
and how those grants are evaluated? Do you want to learn more about
successful grant writing work flows, good content versus bad content,
and just generally, how to write a successful grant application? If
so, we are working to create just what you are seeking.

 We would like to hear from librarians, archivists, museum and public
humanities folks, and anyone else related to those fields who would be
interested in attending a full-day workshop at Brown University in
Providence, RI. Our goal is to have the seminar on a Friday at the end
of April for a cost of $50 or less.

The seminar would involved a morning with experts sharing their knowledge about grant evaluation and grant writing; and, an afternoon of workshopping past or in-progress grants with peers in the library, archives, or public humanities fields. This is our chance to take our grantwriting skills to the next level, and help each other along the way. If you are interested, please contact Amy Greer (Archivist of the Feminist Theory Papers at the Pembroke Center) via email: [email protected]. We are  looking to fill 14 to 16 spaces and do not want to get the ball rolling until we are sure there is interest out there. Thanks for your time, and we hope to see you in April!

OLIS Continuing Education Spring 2010 Offerings
Over 20 programs covering everything from book repair to grant writing, including six online programs about database training and a smorgasbord of in-person software training. WebJunction RI also offers many opportunities for learning. Learn at your desk or attend a stimulating in-person session. For more information click here.

Ribbon Cutting CeremonyPawtucket
The Friends of the Pawtu
cket Public Library cordially invite you to a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the reopening of the newly painted main level of the Deborah Cook Sayles Library. Thanks to a generous grant from the Champlin Foundations, the building has been restored to its original beauty with new paint colors that showcase its decorative moldings and distinctive architecture.

The Pawtucket Public Library is a complex of two historical buildings, the Deborah Cook Sayles Public Library and the Gerald S. Burns Building. Both buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Mayor James E. Doyle and Trustee Chair Father Edward St-Godard will be cutting the ribbon at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, March 16 in the library that has proudly served the Pawtucket community since 1902.
Refreshments will be provided.
Rhode Island Fantasy Writer to Visit Middletown Public Library
Middletown Public Library continues the "Meet the Author" series with local writer J. Michael Squatrito. Squatrito will visit MPL at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 27, to discuss his fantasy/adventure series The Overlords, including unreleased details about the next book. He'll also talk about how he successfully bypassed publishers to create this popular book series with a strong Rhode Island  following. The event is free and all are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
Contact Reference Librarian  Christina Wolfskehl or Library Director Theresa Coish  at 846-1573 for more information.  For more information about J. Michael Squatrito or "The Overlords" series visit Squatrito's website.  

NEHPreservation Assistance Grants
The National Endowment for the Humanities 2010 guidelines for preservation assistance grants are now available. Grants for up to $6,000 are available on a non-matching basis. The deadline is May 18, 2010.
Repeat applications are encouraged. Don't miss this opportunity!

NEH Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions - such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities - improve their ability to preserve and care for their humanities collections.

Questions? Contact:
National Endowment for the Humanities,
Division of Preservation and Access:
202-606-8570 or [email protected]
Click here for complete information and guidelines 
Matching Grant Available for Purchasing Children's Books
Educational Development Corporation and Usborne Books are offering Literacy for a Lifetime, a partnership with businesses and individuals to support schools and organizations.
The Literacy for a Lifetime program offers a 50% matching grant in books for every dollar contributed. For example, a $10,000 donation is matched with an additional $5,000 and the organization of your choice receives $15,000 in educational materials for their use.

Literacy for a Lifetime can be used as often as donations become available, has no cap on the amount that can be donated, is tax deductible and the receiving organization has full control over the selection of books. For more information, visit their website.  
Follow-up Links
About UsRILA logo
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: [email protected]