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   Formerly IASWR Listserv Announcements
July 8, 2011  || Vol. 3, Issue 27
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This week: 
Funding Opportunities
Conferences & Trainings
Research Publications
News & Notices
Funding OpportunitiesFunding

Evaluating Early Access to Medicaid as a Reentry Strategy

Deadline: August 11, 2011

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Administration Division is seeking applications for the development, implementation, and evaluation of a project to assess the effects of access to Medicaid at the time of release from incarceration on reentry outcomes, including health care utilization, employment success, and recidivism. The recipient of the award will work in a partnership with the selected state's prisons, jails, and Medicaid agency to implement and evaluate the project. This project will be conducted over a 36-month period. This cooperative agreement is a collaborative project between the National Institute of Corrections and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of Health of Human Services (HHS). To be considered, applicants must demonstrate at a minimum (1) in-depth knowledge of the criminal justice and healthcare fields, (2) experience working with local jails, state prisons, and state Medicaid agencies, (3) the capacity to engage local jails, state prisons, and state Medicaid agencies participation in this project, and (4) the experience and organizational capacity to carry out the goals of this project. Click here for more information.


National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)-Disability Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP)-Disability in the Family
Deadline: August 8, 2011
The purpose of the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP)is (1) to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities, including international activities, to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology, that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities, especially individuals with the most severe disabilities, and (2) to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Under this program, the Department is announcing a priority for a center on disability in the family. Under this priority, the DRRP must contribute to the outcome of increased participation and community living for individuals with disabilities and their families. Click here for more information.


National Adult Protective Services Resource Center
Deadline: August 19, 2011
The Administration on Aging is holding a competition to establish a National Adult Protective Services Resource Center. The purpose of this APS Resource Center is to provide APS systems, agencies, and professionals with current and relevant information and support to enhance the quality, consistency, and effectiveness of APS programs across the country. The primary functions of the APS Resource Center are to: 1. Identify evidence-based best practices for APS programs and interventions and determine replicability; 2. Identify and promote the evaluation of novel, but unevaluated, practices developed by APS professionals that have the potential to advance and strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness, and relevance of APS work; 3. Compile and synthesize research that informs APS programming and interventions and that promotes the translation of research evidence into programmatic practices and interventions; 4. Provide specific and targeted technical assistance to state and local APS programs to facilitate the implementation of identified best practices and research findings with the aim of improving their organizational, procedural, and systemic capacity and service delivery capabilities. Click here for more information.


2011 SFBTA Research Awards
Deadline: September 1, 2011
The SFBTA Research Awards are aimed at fostering the growth of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy by encouraging original research in solution-focused practices, and to support students or practitioners who wish to study solution-focused practices. The inclusion of practitioners is an effort to bridge the gap between research and practice in advancing knowledge of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. There will be five $2,500 Research Awards available to support ongoing or proposed studies conducted by doctoral or master level students or practitioners where SF practices are the focus of their work. Priority will be given to research, which supports the evidence-base of SF practices, mechanisms of change research, or other research, which could directly or indirectly investigate the effectiveness of SF practices. Click here for more information.

Calls Calls

Deadline: varies
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service: Be the Evidence Project Local to Global Forum Series
*The Use of Arts for Individual and Social Change: State of the Art in Research and Evaluation
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Abstract Submission Deadline: 8/15/11
*Aging Prisoners: A Crisis In Need of Intervention
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Jonathan Turley (plus many more national presenters and programs!)
Abstract Submission Deadline: 8/15/11
*Human Rights, Social Justice, and Qualitative Research
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Abstract Submission Deadline: 2/15/12
All forums are free and open to the public. Forums last from 10am to 6pm and may include expert panel discussion, workshops, oral and poster presentations, film, performance and visual art on display. Presenters include: University Faculty and Students, Community Agencies, Community Members and Other Key Stakeholders. The location of forum activities is the 12th Floor Lounge, Lowenstein Building, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, 113 West 60th Street, New York, New York 10023. Click here for more information.

Call for Presentations
Child and Youth Mental Health Matters
Deadline: September 26, 2011
(From the APHA Friday Letter)
The Child and Youth Mental Health Matters conference, to be held May 6-8, 2012 in Vancouver, BC, will bring together an interdisciplinary group of professionals working in the field of mental health with young people and parents and other stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences related to child and youth mental health. There are three themes woven through the conferences: Parental Mental Health, Children of Parents with Mental Illness and Young Careers. Click here for more information.
Conferences & Trainingsconf
2011 National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit

(From the Children's Bureau Express)
Register now for the 2011 National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit! Space is limited, and spots are filling up quickly. Current registrants have already exceeded the number of attendees in 2009, so please do not delay. The Summit will be held at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC, August 29-31, 2011, and will feature over 100 panel presentations, workshops, and roundtables and more than 50 posters that support the Summit's themes of Building Evidence, Strengthening Practice, and Informing Policy. In addition, the Children's Bureau will host several roundtable discussions designed to generate ideas and priorities for the future of research in child welfare. As we finalize the agenda, we will continue to update the "Agenda-At-A-Glance" on the Summit website. Click here for full details.

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Fall Training
HCUP Webinar Series: AHRQ will host a two-part webinar series on the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) databases, products, and tools. The first one-hour session will introduce health services and policy researchers to the HCUP databases and related resources that can enhance their research studies by providing a general overview of the HCUP databases. This webinar will be offered on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 2:00 PM ET. The second one-hour session will be offered on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 2:00 PM ET. This webinar will focus on the HCUP products and tools, with particular emphasis on HCUPnet, our free online data query system. HCUP Data Users' Workshop: The HCUP Data Users' Workshop will take place from 9 am - 4:00 pm ET on Thursday, September 15, at the AHRQ Conference Center in Rockville, MD.  The workshop, sponsored by AHRQ, is a one-day course for health services researchers on the use of databases and software tools from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization project (HCUP).  The instructor-lead workshop is oriented toward intermediate-level data users and/or people who are already familiar with HCUP.  Computers will be provided and instructor-lead programming examples will be presented in SAS.  There will be a specific focus on conducting revisit analyses using HCUP. Click here for more details.
Research Publications & Data ResourcesResearch

What we know (and don't) about effective programs and strategies for improving early language and literacy
(From ChildTrends)
Children's experiences both inside the home and in early care and education settings play a significant role in the development of their emerging language and literacy skills. Results from experimental evaluations of different approaches to improve early language and literacy have suggested that children's skills can be influenced by effective early childhood interventions. Child Trends recently reviewed findings from fifteen random assignment experimental evaluations of literacy and language programs. This fact sheet, WHAT WORKS FOR EARLY LANGUAGE AND LITERACY: Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Intervention Strategies, summarizes what is known about the impact these programs and intervention strategies have on young children's development in language and literacy. Some programs were shown to significantly improve certain aspects of early learning (such as children's vocabulary skills), though others did not. Click here for the full report.


NIHCM Releases Data Brief on Understanding U.S. Health Care Spending
(From the APHA Friday Letter)
The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation has released a new data brief, titled Understanding U.S. Health Care Spending, in which researchers examine why Americans spend more than $8,000 per person on health care and the factors driving spending growth. NIHCM's analyses document the extreme concentration of expenditures, with just 5 percent of the population responsible for almost half of all spending, and demonstrate the importance of rising spending for hospital and physician services as the primary drivers of expenditure growth. Click here for more details. 


Center on Adherence and Self-Determination Research and Practice Brief
Promoting and valuing personal choice in mental health services has been linked to improved outcomes for individuals with serious mental illnesses.  The Center on Adherence and Self-Determination (CASD) has begun to examine the complex relationship between choice and outcomes by way of the concept of self-determination.  We have produced the second in a series of our Research and Practice Briefs.  These R&PBs are meant to summarize the CASD's research into succinct statements that might be used by advocates, policy makers, and other interested parties to promote the agenda of self-determination. R&PB No. 2 offers a conceptual foundation for the promotion of choice and self-determination.  Also discussed, is the ethical balance between self-determination and beneficence, and how self-determination is associated with improved outcomes. Click here for the full report.


ICPSR Data Archive Updates

Below is a list of new data collection additions to the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) data archive.

25929 Crime Control Effects of Prosecuting Intimate Partner Violence in Hamilton County, Ohio, 1993-1998

28462 Transatlantic Trends Survey, 2009

29781 Building Strong Families (BSF) Project Data Collection, 2005-2008, United States

31561 State-Level Data on Limited Liability Companies (LLC), United States, 2004-2009

31661 Moving to Opportunity (MTO) for Fair Housing Demonstration: Interim Impacts Evaluation, Tier 1 Restricted Access Data, 1994-2001 [United States]

Click here for more information.

News & Notices
COPR 2011 Selection Process Is Now Open
(From the APHA Friday Letter)
The Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking nominations to fill vacant appointments to the 2011 Council of Public Representatives (COPR) roster. Applications are due Friday, July 29 and are available online at http://copr.nih.gov/nomination. New members will be notified of their conditional appointments in time for the fall 2011 COPR meeting. All applicants will be notified regarding the new appointees by fall 2011. Click here for more information.
About SWRnet
Formerly known as the IASWR Listserv, SWRnet (Social Work Research Network) was launched in October 2009 to continue serving the social work research community by providing regular updates on funding opportunities, calls for papers, conference deadlines and newly published research.

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Doctoral Candidate, Interdisciplinary Sociology & Social Welfare Policy
Associate Professor

Boston University School of Social Work