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   Formerly IASWR Listserv Announcements
April 8, 2011  || Vol. 3, Issue 14
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This week: 
Funding Opportunities
Conferences & Trainings
Research Publications
News & Notices
Funding OpportunitiesFunding

Program for Extramural/Intramural Alcohol Research Collaborations (U01)

Deadline: May 7, 2013

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to encourage collaboration between alcohol researchers in the extramural community and those within the NIAAA intramural research program. The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to bring together the research expertise that, as a functioning collaborative unit, will address key alcohol-based research questions that would not otherwise be possible by the same individuals working towards similar goals in isolation. The goal of the research proposed by the collaborating investigators should address questions that advance the alcohol research field with respect to issues surrounding alcohol use disorders including dependence, and the effects of alcohol on health. The NIH Intramural Scientist will be a tenured or tenure-track scientist from the NIAAA Intramural division, with whom the PD/PI has made prior contact for the collaborative project. Click here for more information.


Gang Research and Evaluation Programs
Deadline: May 9, 2011
Gang Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Programs will fund research and evaluation studies to produce practical findings for policymakers and practitioners to develop evidence-based programs, policies, and strategies that effectively address at-risk and gang-involved youth. Click here for more information.


Build Healthier Communities Through Informed Decision Making
Deadline: June 1, 2011 (Brief Proposals)
The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts, has announced a Call for Proposals for grants to conduct Health Impact Assessments. The funding is intended to enable awardees to develop an HIA, which is a study that can help policy makers and community members identify and address the potential, and often overlooked, health implications of policy proposals in a broad range of sectors, including agriculture, transportation, and development. The Health Impact Project will fund up to eight initiatives that identify how policy proposals will impact health at the local, tribal, or state level. Click here for more information.
Child Protection Research Program
Deadline: May 10, 2011
The Child Protection Research Program seeks to expand the understanding of how technology is used to commit crimes against young victims. OJJDP will support a research program on technology-facilitated crimes against children to inform policy and to support the development of effective responses to children at risk for exploitation and other adverse outcomes. Click here for more information.


Integrating Multi-Dimensional Data to Explore Mechanisms Underlying Mental Disorders (RO1)
Deadline: June 9, 2011
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit research grant applications to develop advanced bioinformatics and statistical tools to integrate genomic, environmental and phenotypic data. This FOA provides a mechanism to support the development of bioinformatic approaches focused on integrating multi-dimensional data sets. This may require the development of new methods for data reduction, the development of new statistical tools, and/or the development of new approaches to applying existing tools to the problems of integrating multi-dimensional data. Data sets of particular interest include genome-wide polymorphic assessment, epigenomic, neuroimaging, and physiological data with that of defined clinical phenotypes. These data sets should be derived from subjects of mental disorders, and although, not all modalities of measure may be available for the same cohort, the application should propose using as many data sets as deemed necessary to provide meaningful biological results. The desired outcome of this FOA is to establish links between one or more of the underlying genomic factors, biological networks, and environmental factors influencing mental disorders. Click here for more information.


Optimizing Fidelity of Empirically-Supported Behavioral Treatments for Mental Disorders (R21/R33)
Deadline: June 20, 2011
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks research applications designed to develop and test methods for improving the fidelity, and ultimately the effectiveness, of empirically supported behavioral treatments (ESBTs) implemented by front-line therapists in community practice settings. Because achieving this aim presumes valid and reliable assessment of fidelity, the FOA uses the sequential R21/R33 funding mechanisms to encourage research designed to develop and test (a) methods for assessing theory-derived ESBT fidelity components (R21 phase), and (b) interventions that enhance and maintain the fidelity with which clinicians implement an ESBT in community practice settings (R33 phase). Click here for more information.


The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program
Deadline: October 17, 2011
The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (S-I-R) Program assists U.S. higher education institutions in expanding programs of academic exchange. By supporting non-U.S. scholars through grants for teaching at institutions that might not have a strong international component, both the U.S. institution and the scholar grantee benefit. The Fulbright European Union Scholar-in-Residence (EU S-I-R) is a subset of the S-I-R Program that focuses specifically on strengthening expertise in European Union affairs by bringing scholars and professionals from the European Union to U.S. campuses. Click here for more information.

Calls Calls
Call for Abstracts & Workshops

35th AMERSA Annual National Conference
Deadline: May 27, 2011
The Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse is pleased to announce its 35th Annual AMERSA National Conference to be held on November 3-5, 2011, at the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, VA. The meeting will reflect on AMERSA's interdisciplinary strengths and the commitment to disseminate the latest developments in substance abuse education, prevention, treatment and research that challenge all health care professionals.  We have planned an exciting program featuring research abstracts, skill-focused workshops, and plenary speakers addressing issues of national and international importance. Both CME and CEU credits will be offered. Submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation, and workshops on-line.

Call for Papers
Research in the Sociology of Work: Networks, Employment, and Inequality
Deadline: July 31, 2011 (extended abstract)
The journal solicits submissions for the 24th volume in the series. The guest editor (Steve McDonald) encourages a broad range of research that examines social network connections among and between workers, firms, and subsets of firms. Of particular interest are studies that explore the role of networks in generating, sustaining, and ameliorating social inequalities. Submissions may be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Interested scholars should submit an extended abstract to steve_mcdonald@ncsu.edu by July 31, 2011. For more details, click here.

Call for Reviewers
OJJDP invites researchers and practitioners with expertise related to juvenile justice to apply to serve as peer reviewers for its competitive grant applications. Applicants should indicate their juvenile justice-related experience. To apply, e-mail a current curriculum vitae to OJJDPConsultantPool@usdoj.gov. Write "Peer Reviewer Candidate" in the subject line.
Conferences & Trainingsconf
Understanding Federal Statistics

May 16-18, 2011
Washington, DC
Provided for free by the U.S. Census Bureau, this seminar provides a comprehensive look at the Census Bureau's programs and services. The training also
* Provides hands-on experience in a series of practical exercises.
* Introduces key geographic concepts, geographic areas, and map products.
* Describes key demographic concepts and data products from the Census of     Population and Housing and related demographic programs.
* Provides concepts and data related to various Census Bureau economic programs.
* Demonstrates the breadth of Census Bureau data on the Internet.
* Explores data products available from other Federal Statistical agencies.
This workshop is highly recommended for new and seasoned data users such as librarians, media specialists, planners, researchers and others who need the big picture. No special skills are required. Participants will receive hands-on experience in accessing Census Bureau data on the Internet, using individual computer workstations. Subject matter experts will work with participants to navigate the Census Bureau's Web site and find relevant data to meet each participants needs. Click here for more information.

The APSAC 19th Annual Colloquium
Philadelphia, PA
July 13-16, 2011
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children is proud to bring you the 19th Annual APSAC Colloquium. This year we offer 93 institutes and workshops which address all aspects of child maltreatment including prevention, assessment, intervention and treatment with victims, perpetrators and families affected by physical, sexual and psychological abuse and neglect. Cultural considerations will also be addressed. Seminars have been designed primarily for professionals in mental health, medicine and nursing, law, law enforcement, education, prevention, research, advocacy, child protection services, and allied fields. The educational goal of APSAC's Colloquium is to foster professional excellence in the field of child maltreatment by providing interdisciplinary professional education. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
*Identify physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect in children
*Treat abused and neglected children
*Apply model examination techniques for assessment of abused/neglected children
*Describe and utilize the most up-to-date information concerning working with abused and neglected children to improve patient care
*Prepare and report quality testimony in court cases, both as experts and as witnesses
For details and registration, visit www.apsac.org.
Research Publications & Data ResourcesResearch

Treatments Show Promise in Reducing Autism-related Behaviors, but Some Have Significant Side Effects

(From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Some medical and behavioral treatments show promise for reducing certain behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but more research is needed to assess the potential benefits and harms, according to a new report funded by HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The research results were published online in the journal Pediatrics. Click here for more information.


Active Effort Needed to Research Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People's Health
Researchers need to proactively engage lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in health studies and collect data on these populations to identify and better understand health conditions that affect them, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine. The scarcity of research yields an incomplete picture of LGBT health status and needs. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of what is known about the health of these groups and outlines an agenda for the research and data collection necessary to form a fuller understanding. Click here for the full report.


ZACAT - GESIS Online Study Catalogue
Welcome to ZACAT, a social science data portal allowing you to search for, browse, analyse and download social science survey data, provided by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (dept. Data Archive for the Social Sciences). The studies in this catalogue are a small selection of the data available at GESIS. Further studies are added continuously to ZACAT. Use of ZACAT is free of charge. Published datasets and accompanying documentation can be browsed without prior registration. Click here for more information.


Data Available on Workplace Violence
"Workplace Violence, 1993-2009" (NCJ 233231, 18 pp.) presents information on violence in the workplace against employed persons based on the Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey and the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.
Data on Punitive Damage Awards Released
"Punitive Damage Awards in State Courts, 2005" (NCJ 233094, 12 pp.) presents findings on civil trials concluded in 2005 in a national sample of state trial courts in which punitive damages were requested or awarded.

News & Notices
Protecting children: New child welfare center finds "what works"
A new research center at UW-Madison promotes child and family well-being through interdisciplinary research and enhanced collaboration and communication among the researchers, policymakers, and practitioners seeking best practices in preventing child maltreatment.  The Center on Child Welfare Policy and Practice (CCWPP), a joint initiative of the School of Social Work (SSW) and the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP), provides a home base for longstanding efforts on behalf of vulnerable children in Wisconsin and the Midwest and the infrastructure needed to expand that work. Taking the lead in establishing the Center were Kristen Shook Slack and Jennifer Noyes, both of whom have affiliations with SSW and IRP and bring a wealth of expertise in child welfare research and administration.  Slack and Noyes, who are serving as Center co-directors, summarize the Center's objectives as to conduct and disseminate rigorous research; ensure state-of-the-art academic curriculum; and enhance provision of technical assistance. Click here for more information.
About SWRnet
Formerly known as the IASWR Listserv, SWRnet (Social Work Research Network) was launched in October 2009 to continue serving the social work research community by providing regular updates on funding opportunities, calls for papers, conference deadlines and newly published research.

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Doctoral Student, Interdisciplinary Sociology & Social Welfare Policy
Associate Professor

Boston University School of Social Work