Healthy Families Thriving Communities Collaborative Council

East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc.

Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative

Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative

Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc.

Georgia Avenue/Rock Creek East Family Support Collaborative
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On Thursday, April 21, 2011, ERFSC hosted a professional development training workshop on Values, Ethics and Standards for Case Management and Digital    Documentation.    


The workshop was presented by our clinical director, Ivy Hylton and a total of 18 participated.  Using an interactive, trans-formative and informative format, some of the new standards for technological and digital documentation standards in the  social work profession were covered.      


Ms. Hylton opened with a creative arts exercise, encouraging participants to create art as a personal expression and introduction to who they are.  The exercise resulted into some very wonderful and powerful artistic expressions.   


Some of the art created by participants

The course also focused on the foundations for ethical reasoning in culturally competent clinical practice. Case material included controversial issues in social work ethics, supervision, values and agency practices. A specialized section of the training focused on the day to day dilemmas faced by all human services professionals  related to the integration of ethics and  actual policies and  practices of agency protocol.   


The participants were very enthusiastic, engaged and grateful for the presentation by Ms. Hylton. 



On Friday, May 6, our very own Alia Manshio testified before the Committee on Budget Oversight Hearing. We are very proud of Alia and invite you to read her Testimony which is available at our Website.

Click HERE to read Alia's Testimony. 











The Second Annual 

"Enhancing the Health & Safety of Older Americans"  

10am to 4pm

Washington Seniors Wellness Center

3001 Alabama Ave., SE

 For more information, contact KEEN Seniors Program at  202-534-4880     





ERFSC's Annual Meeting & Family Conference

"Going The Distance:  Families, Youth, Seniors and Community"   

10am to 5pm

IDEA Public Charter School

1027 45th Street, NE

Washington DC

For more information, email rmillard@erfsc.org 






East River Swing

"A Celebration of Stars"

4pm to 8pm

St. Luke's Center

For more information, contact Robin Gantt at 202-534-4880







Please visit our Facebook Page to see images of our upcoming events and more!  

Dear Stakeholder:

This year we celebrate 15 years of providing services to Ward 7!  It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as executive director of ERFSC and watch the organization grow by leaps and bounds. As a nonprofit organization with various challenges, I am thankful that like previous years, ERFSC has continued to grow and is still a beacon of light in Ward 7.  With the continued hard work, dedication, and commitment of our board of directors and staff, I am now happy to say that we are going the distance to ensure that we are recognized as "that organization" that is a role model for excellence in the Ward 7 community.


This Saturday, May 14, I am inviting you to attend our Annual Meeting & Family Conference to celebrate our achievements with us.  The event will feature board elections, workshops, community resources, activities for children, LIVE entertainment, and so much more.  We are proud to be offering this event to our Ward 7 community FREE of charge, with FREE food, and the opportunity for them to win various prizes.  Details of the event are below but you may also click HERE to see the flier.


As we continue to spread our wings and celebrate 15 years of service, we remain committed to providing the highest quality programs to our families, youth, seniors and community.  We are humbled and thank you for the individual and collective roles you played in helping us to grow by leaps and bounds.


I remain committed to going the distance for ERFSC.   





Mae H. Best, LICSW
Executive Director


  • Sophisticats
  • Alex Jay
  • Suga P
  • The G.O.B.$
  • Just'Us
  • Top Shelf Starz
  • Jenara
  • LH Valley Boyz
  • Kyonte
  • Main Girl 
  • Phil Ade
  • Danni 

ERFSC Congratulates Minnie Allen and Nicole Carter-Matthew


Minnie Allen, MSW, LICSW


East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc. is pleased to announce that Ms. Minnie Allen, MSW, LICSW, quality assurance director has been accepted into Howard University's School of Social Work Doctoral Program and is slated to begin classes in Fall 2011.  Ms. Allen was also accepted for the Frederick Douglass Doctoral Scholars Program, a highly coveted Fellowship.  As a recipient of this award, Ms. Allen will receive full tuition remission and a very generous stipend.  Ms. Allen was selected for this award over 30 bright and talented applicants. Howard University Graduate School  Financial Aid Committee indicates their decision to award the Fellowship to Ms. Allen was based upon "your stellar academic record, the quality of your interview, and caliber of faculty recommendations." The purpose of the Frederick Douglass Doctoral Scholars Program is to recruit academically talented students to pursue doctoral studies at Howard University and to groom scholars for the professoriate, particularly, but not exclusively at a Historically Black College or University.


ERFSC congratulates Ms. Allen for this wonderful milestone and wish her much success in achieving her academic goals.


Nicole Carter-Matthew

ERFSC wishes to congratulate program manager, Nicole Carter-Matthew on completing her course of study at Howard University.  Ms. Carter Matthew received her Master of Social Work with a concentration in Child and Family.  She will graduate on May 14, 2011.




ERFSC Seniors Have Fun Bowling in Senior Games
ERFSC Seniors Bowling

Each year the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation in partnership with the D.C. Office on Aging host the D.C. Seniors Games Competition. This showcase is for seniors 50 years and above.  The games provide an excellent way for seniors to maintain or improve their physical and mental condition and coordination.


This year seniors from the East River KEEN Seniors Program were in attendance in the Bowling Division: Mr. Stanley Coleman and Mr. Elbert Redd represented from PT Johnson, and Mrs. Gladys Rapper (who happens to be 91 years young) and Mrs. Maria Wint represented from the KEEN Sassy Sewing Seniors Class.


Strike...Strike for the KEEN Seniors! 



The mission of East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc. is to empower families, youth and communities to become more self-sufficient through integrated and collaborative community based services.



Washington Seniors Wellness Center
Weekend Nutrition Program
KEEN Seniors Program

East River Family Strengthening Collaborative, Inc.
3917 Minnesota Avenue, NE

Washington, DC 20019