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In This Issue
Gifts Propel Home Improvements
ACH Reaccredited by COA
Help Make Spring Break Fun
LIFE Project Expands
Volunteers Needed
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Volunteer Ad
Learning Lunch Ad
Belltower Ad
Foster Care Ad
Gifts Propel Home Improvements

The Home Improvements Capital Campaign for ACH's Wichita Street Campus reached $6.1 million of its $9.5 million goal with the help of two generous gifts in late 2010. 
Fred and Cheryl Moore

Fred and Cheryl Moore

Cheryl and Fred Moore
made a generous $500,000 contribution to support ACH's efforts to expand services at its Wichita Street Campus. "Fred and Cheryl have huge hearts for the children and families ACH helps and we are truly humbled by their generosity," said Dr. Wayne Carson, CEO. "Fred has served on the Board of Directors for the past two years and has given generously of both time and treasure. We are honored by their support for this important effort to expand our impact," he added.
Pat O'Neal with Dub Stocker and Jesse Miles

Pat O'Neal with Dub Stocker and Jesse Miles

Pat O'Neal has been a generous supporter of ACH since the Building Hope Campaign for the Wedgwood Campus. She has sponsored Christmas for the youth in the Ballard Family Home on the Wedgwood Campus as well as supported our annual fundraiser, Hoot 'n Holler. Pat shared the Christmas spirit with all of ACH this year by making a $300,000 contribution to support the Wichita Street Campus expansion at year's end.

"Pat is a great friend of ACH and particularly to the girls in the Ballard Family Home. She has made Christmas for these girls truly special for the past several years, and she continues to support ACH's efforts to protect children and preserve families," said Dr. Carson. "This gift for the Wichita Street Campus will help ACH serve more children and families for decades to come."
ACH Reaccredited by COA

COA LogoACH is pleased to announce that it has been reaccredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA recognizes ACH as an outstanding provider that continues to successfully implement high performance standards and, as such, is delivering the highest quality services to all of its stakeholders. ACH is proud to continue to be a part of COA's Community of Excellence.
Help Make Spring Break Fun

With Spring Break just a couple of weeks away, we could really use your help with fun activities for the children and youth in our residential programs. Here's how you can help:
  • Underwrite an activity (e.g., skating, the museums, the zoo, bowling, or a movie). Most of our residential programs have 6-10 youth, and you can choose to support one or more of our programs. You can make a donation online or by calling 817.886.7134.
  • Purchase or donate tickets for local activities and drop them by our offices at 1424 Summit Avenue, Fort Worth 76102.
LIFE Project Expands

LIFE Project Duplex

LIFE Project Duplex

The LIFE Project (Learning Independence from Experience), which provides homeless young adults, ages 18-21, a safe, stable place to live, is expanding. In addition to the two original duplexes, scattered site housing is being added in two locations. The program will now be able to accommodate seven young adults at any given time, and pay rental and utility bills for a maximum of 18 months per young adult. While in the program, ACH staff partner with the young adults to help them achieve permanent housing and develop long-term life skills and goals. Learn more...
Volunteers Needed

Supper Club Volunteers are needed to provide a weekly meal (e.g., pizza, spaghetti, etc.) for a residential group home, allowing children and their families to attend skill building and family strengthening activities. We especially could use help on Tuesday evenings over the next several weeks, but other weekday evenings are available. For more information, please contact Paula Koehn at 817.886.7134 or
For more information about our programs and services, visit our website.

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