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                                                                                                   January 2011
In This Issue
Annual Service Awards
Setting Our Sights Update
Reunion 2011
Winner Announced
Faculty Development Day
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We Salute    
The University community congratulates the following members:
Dr. Mindy Bruderich, adjunct, on being named the 2011 president-elect of the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology.


Julie Ann Lieberman,
CER graduate student, for winning a Delta Gamma Foundation Graduate School stipend to attend the 2011 American Foundation for the Blind J.L. Taylor Leadership Institute in Seattle in March.


Dr. Jean Marie Pagani,  director, Internship Program, the new faculty representative to the University's Board of Trustees.


The University community extends sincere condolences to the following members: 

Tony Baniewicz, Physical Plant, on the loss of his father, Anthony Baniewicz,Jr. 


Joseph Kellenbenz, director of security, on the loss of his mother, Edith. 


Diane Stokes, TEI, on the loss of her father, Robert Grafton.


Jeanne Zearfoss, Development, on the loss of her mother, Clara "Jean" Zearfoss, who worked at PCO from 1970 until her retirement in 1981.



March 12 - 13 or

May 21- 22: 

KMK Educational Services will offer Optometry Board Certification Review Courses on the Elkins Park campus in Room S300. Both weekends offer instruction (COPE approval pending) that features online study tools and instruction from experts in standardized test preparation.


Sunday, March 27: "Understanding Retinal Diseases" will be offered from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (8 CE COPE approved credits) in Elkins Park. Sponsored by Alcon, Carl Zeiss Meditec and ZeaVIsion, the program features Joshua Greene, MD; Carlo Pelino, OD, FAAO and Joseph Pizzimenti, OD, FAAO.

For more information: please contact Bethany Watson at or 215.780.1381.


April 27 - May 1:

The New Jersey chapter of the American Academy of Optometry will hold its eighth annual education conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.

   This year's event offers 16 hours of COPE plus a golf tournament. The cost is $475.00 and includes accommodations at the Embassy Suites at Kingston Plantation with a daily breakfast buffet and an evening cocktail reception.
    For more information about this conference, contact Dr. Dennis Lyons '73 at or 732.920.0110.

PCO Oak Lane Photos in New Book

Five archival photos of the Oak Lane campus of the

Pennsylvania College of Optometry are featured in an new book published this month by Arcadia Press.

The book is part of the American Images series and is entitled Oak Lane, Olney and Logan. One of the book's co-authors is Marita Krivda Poxon, an Oak Lane native, who was a librarian at PCO for a number of years.

Ms. Poxon and her family were neighbors of the Crozier family, and she has fond memories of Dr. Albert Fitch "allowing the neighborhood kids to sled on the hill in his side yard after snowstorms." Her co-authors are Rachel Hildebrandt and the Old York Historical Society.

This softcover book can be purchased through for $21.95 plus shipping.



AAO Presenters

Last month's newsletter carried the names of PCO presenters at the annual Academy meeting. It included faculty, students and alumni from a list of PCO affiliated names accessed via the website of the American Optometric Association.

   Several alumni and a current faculty member were missing from the list. The Academy permits only a single, self-selected affiliation on their registration form and our alumni are now affiliated with other institutions.

    Our apologies (and those of the AAO) to Dr. Srihari Narayanan, whose affiliation correctly listed PCO, but whose name was not listed in three separate searches of the AAO database.

      In addition, we would like to acknowledge the following PCO alumni presenters: Diane Adamczyk, OD '85, Michael Cymbor, OD '96 and Marc Taub, OD '01. 

Annual Service Awards   
Dr. Lewis and some 2010 Service Award Employees
The University's annual holiday party was held last month.  
   Decorated for the occasion, the Hafter Student Community Center was a festive scene as faculty and staff had the opportunity to visit with one another and enjoy the delicious buffet luncheon provided by Williamson's Caf�. Following tradition, members of the University's administration - Dr. Thomas L. Lewis, Ms. Lynne Corboy, Dr. Anthony Di Stefano, Dean Robert Horne, Mr. Donald Kates and Dr. Larry McClure - served hors d'oeuvres to attendees.
   The following employees were honored:
   Five years: Dr. Radhika Aravamudhan; Dr. De Gaulle Chigbu;
                     Mr. Gerry Esack; Mr. Baron James; Ms. Debra 
                     McReynolds; Ms. Denise Mumper; Ms. Inez
                     Satterthwaite; Ms. Marie Szolna; Ms. Tracy

      10 years: Ms. Denise Brown Robinson; Mr. Rick Echevarria;

                     Mr. Michael Johnson

       15 years: Dr. Gwenn Amos
       20 years: Ms. Joan Bell; Mr. Robert Walker; Ms. Daphne
       25 years: Dr. Neal Nyman
       30 years: Dr. Sarah Appel; Dr. Dick Bennett; Dr. Michael
       35 years: Dr. Larry McClure
       40 years: Dr. Joseph Toland

(Pictured above with Dr. Lewis after the ceremony are some of the recipients (left to right): Mr. Rick Echevarria, Ms. Joan Bell,  Dr. Neal  Nyman, Mr. Gerry Esack, Ms. Marie Szolna, Dr. Radhika  Aravamudhan, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Joseph  Toland, Ms. Inez  Satterthwaite,  Ms. Daphne Wilson, Ms. Denise Robinson-Brown, Ms. Debra McReynolds).

Setting Our Sights: The Campaign for The Eye Institute

by Lynne C. Corboy, DIrector of Development 

The major renovation and rebuilding of The Eye Institute is well underway, with the University actively engaged in raising a necessary minimum of $2.5 million to help finance the $11 million project.

    With the help of our dedicated supporters, the campaign is off to a good start with pledges of $1,161,903 toward the project. This amount includes gifts from 74 members of our faculty and staff who are edging closer to a combined goal of $280,000, with pledges in the amount of $248,582 to date. 

    During the next few months the campaign will be reaching out to alumni and friends with opportunities to name exam rooms and faculty offices in the new facility. The new patient care areas are expected to be completed by early summer 2011, with the entire project finishing in the fall of 2011.

    Thank you to everyone who has participated in the campaign so far. All donors will be recognized on a large donor plaque in the main lobby of the new TEI and meaningful naming opportunities are available, from engraved bricks to room dedications.

     For more information please contact me at 215.780.1392 or 

Reunion 2011:Registration Open

This year's Reunion will be held in Elkins Park on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1.

    On Saturday, alumni will be welcomed on campus for campus tours, a buffet luncheon and tours of The Eye Institute, to see the progress on the renovations.

     Saturday evening, a faculty cocktail reception will precede the Alumni Celebration, which will feature open bars, live music, a delicious buffet, dancing and casino style games.

     On Sunday, May 1, the University will host the Joseph Toland Excellence in Education Continuing Education program - the perfect way to attain CE credits while you're in town.

     The Alumni Office has reserved a special hotel rate at the Hampton Inn in Willow Grove, a few miles north of the Elkins Park campus at a rate of $89 per night. The hotel is located at 1500 Easton road, WIllow Grove, PA 19090. Please be certain to use "PCO" as your rate code whether making online or phone reservations. (Hotel website).

And The Winner Is . . .

Tina Fitzpatrick accepting prize Jan 20, 2011 

Ms. Tina Fitzpatrick (above left), of the College of Education and Rehabilitation, whose winning entry, Salus Central, is the name of the new Salus intranet portal.

    Presenting the $150 gift card prize are Ms. Lynne Corboy (center), director of University development, and Dr. Lorraine Lombardi (right), one of the contest's judges. 

    The contest drew 80 entries from 30 creative Salus minds. A panel of seven judges from different areas of the University community included Mr. Alex Anderson (MIS); Matt Edmonds '13OD (Student Council); Dr. Lorraine Lombardi (faculty); Ms. Mary Jameson (TEI, APS president); Dr. Larry McClure, Administration, and Peggy Shelly, University communications and publications.

    The password secure Salus Central is to be launched in 2011. Members of the University community will be able to access information, guidelines, announcements, handbooks and other pertinent information through one convenient entry. Salus Central will be a new information resource that will provide Salus users with "one-stop shopping."    

Faculty Development Day

On Thursday evening, January 6, new faculty members were introduced to their colleagues at a wine and cheese social that preceded Friday's Faculty Development Day.

   New faculty members introduced were Ms. Gretchen Paruch,  PA-C, academic coordinator (Physician Assistant); Dr. Zorina Mikhelson, clinical educator, and Dr. Johnette Owen, coordinator for external externships (Audiology); Dr. Janet Scharre, special advisor for program development and TEI instructors Dr. Erin Draper, Dr. Elizabeth Tonkery and Dr. Lynn Trieu (Optometry).

   Friday's day long event included University updates by

Dr. Thomas L. Lewis, Dr. Anthony F. Di Stefano and Dr. James M. Caldwell. The rest of the day included key program initiatives and status updates presented by the deans and program directors; a seminar on academic law; an interdisciplinary genetics discussion on Usher Syndrome coordinated by Dr. Charles Wormington, featuring Dr. Sarah Appel (Optometry and Low Vision), Ms. Kerry Leuders and Ms. Marcy Graboyes (Low Vision), Dr. Richard Vause (Physician Assistant), Dr. Victor Bray (Audiology) and Dr. Anthony F. Di Stefano (Public Health); and a technology update by Mr. Glenn Roedel.

   The next faculty development day is scheduled to be held in August. 
Optometric Learning Experience

The Optometric Learning Experience program at Salus offers participants the opportunity to investigate the academic study associated with the Doctor of Optometry program, as well as the profession of optometry and the many career opportunities available to optometrists.

     This ongoing program is the work of the entire Admissions Office team. The students, who range from sophomores to seniors, provide their own transportation and accommodations. They also have dinner one evening with the Admissions staff, giving them the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the program.

     During their four day visit, the Admissions office schedules activities to ensure the students are exposed to a full range of life on campus as an optometry student. This group attended lectures and a clinical skills lab, and were given an in depth tour of the facilities. They also met with a variety of Salus and PCO staff, including Ms. Janice Mignogna, Dr. Maria Parisi, Dr. Anthony F. Di Stefano and Dr. Larry McClure, to learn in detail about the Bennett Center, externships, the University's MPH Program and financial aid.

    Pictured below in the library (from left to right) are this year's participants: Seated: Nicole Rist, SUNY Albany; April Johnson, Washington and Jefferson; Gia Scavo, Wilkes College; Whitney Territo, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Standing: Michael Sidari, St. Joseph's University; Kerri Norris, Getttysburg College; Ashley Verdon, St. John Fisher; Chad Edmonds, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Christopher Lehman, Wilkes College and Rebecca Deffler, Gettysburg College.

OLE Students Jan 2011