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Energize Your Outlook Online

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What Former Students say about Laura's Class:

"I really want to thank you again for your course.  The managing partner of my firm is often getting me to go to events in his place because he says I am a good networker --- thanks to your course!!!"

Kim Cagle, Senior Counsel at Burleson Cooke, L.L.P.

"Laura Morales is a masterful networker.  She's definitely a lady who walks her talk, and we can all benefit from learning her secrets!"
Lauron Sonnier, Marketing Advisor, Speaker, Trainer, Business Owner of Sonnier Marketing

"Laura teaches an excellent class at Rice University on networking. I highly recommend the class to anyone."

Cindy Anderson, Managing Partner at Royston Technologies, LLC

Join me this Fall at Rice University's GSCS!

This Fall I will be teaching a course at Rice University's Glasscock School of Continuing Studies all about my favorite topic--Networking!  This 7-Week Course is geared towards challenging your networking skills and preparing you to be at your networking best for the coming year.

Let's be honest, success rarely occurs in a vacuum.  While some people find it easy to network to build these helpful relationships, others are uneasy with the prospect. With the downturn in the economy, networking has become even more important. Not only is face-to-face networking a critical component of developing relationships, learning how to utilize online networking safely and successfully is essential to expanding your professional and personal relationships. This course will blend educational awareness, humor and interactive participation to help you learn the art of networking and how to incorporate networking into everyday situations to expand not just your sphere of contacts but your chances for success.  As an added bonus, one class will be a 2-hour off-site networking event to help encourage your boost into the fabulous world of networking!

Topics will include the following:
- Identifying your networking comfort level
- Approaching new contacts without looking like a salesman
- The difference between passing out business cards and making real connections
- How to earn or lose credibility from the outset
- Overcoming fear and anxiety when approaching people you don't know
- Keeping the conversation going after the introduction
- Building and strengthening long-term relationships

I'd love for you to join my class this coming Fall Semester!

Class Details
Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 PM; September 29 - November 10, 2010 (This is the correct class time and duration for each class)
CEU Credits:

Hope to see you there!

Laura Morales
Energize Your Outlook