
  The Kesher Connection
Photo of me Volume 2, Number 2
Kislev 5769 -
  December 2008
In This Issue
Recent Programs
Upcoming Programs
KI In The News
KI's New Portable Ark
From the KI Mailbag
KI Supports Israel
KI Invited to Participate In Conference
I Need Your Feedback
KI Dedication Opportunities
Photo of me
Join Our Mailing List!
KI's Daily Minyan Needs Us / We Need KI's Daily Minyan 


Welcome to the latest edition of the Kesher Connection.
Although we don't often think about it, KI's daily minyan really is a two-way street: each of us needs the minyan just as much as the minyan needs us.
The continued existence of a daily minyan is one of the most basic necessesities and defining characteristics of an Orthodox shul. Thank G-d, 99.9% of the time, our daily minyan is there for us. However, as the Winter months have begun, we have had our share of close calls and late starts. At this time we all need to redouble our efforts to keep our daily minyan strong and operating.
It is important to remember that each one of us also has a 'selfish' reason for participating in KI's daily minyan. When we gather and pray together with a minyan, our prayers are elevated from those of an individual to those of a community. Jewish tradition teaches that communal prayer is infinitely more powerful and effective than prayer offered by an individual.
In these uncertain times, we recognize how much we need G-d's assistance. Doesn't it then make sense for each of us to empower our prayers as much as we can?
Looking forward to seeing you at shul, 
Rabbi Akiva Males

Recent Programs 

Kesher Israel Hosts Chevra Kadisha Workshop

Rabbi Zohn

Rabbi Elchonon Zohn uses a dummy to lead an informative workshop.
Chevra Kadishas/sacred societies are hard at work in Jewish communities around the world. In a most dignified and respectful manner, they prepare the deceased members of their communities for traditional Jewish burial.
On Sunday morning, November 16, 2008, Kesher Israel Congregation was proud to welcome Rabbi Elchonon Zohn of Queens, NY who lead an informative hands-on chevra kadisha workshop.
Rabbi Elchonon Zohn is one of the country's foremost experts in issues pertaining to Jewish burial and the chevra kadisha. In addition to heading one of the most active chevra kadishas in the NY metropolitan area, Rabbi Zohn is also a member of the Tripartite Commission on Jewish Funeral Standards, as well as the Rabbinic Advisor for the Hebrew Free Burial Association which provides Jewish burials for the homeless and indigent.
Those in attendance represented the chevra kadishas and memberships of Kesher Israel Congregation, Chisuk Emuna Congregation, and Beth El Temple. All present were impressed by Rabbi Zohn's expertise and his informative presentation.
KI thanks the program's generous sponsors:
  • Fred & Ron Sandow in loving memory of their wife & mother - Mrs. Eileen Sandow
  • Hetrick Funeral Home, Inc. of Harrisburg, PA
KI's Uplifting Commemoration of Kristalnacht
Judith Leventhal 
Kristalnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was a pogrom in Nazi Germany in November, 1938. In a single night, 91 Jews were murdered and 25,000-30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps. That night, more than 200 synagogues were destroyed, and thousands of Jewish businesses and homes were ransacked.

The consequences of this coordinated violence were disastrous for the Jews of the Third Reich. It marked the beginning of the systematic eradication of a people who could trace their ancestry in Germany to Ancient Rome and served as a prelude to the Holocaust that was to follow.
On Monday, December 8, 2008, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Kristalnacht, Kesher Israel Congregation welcomed bestselling author Judith Leventhal to Harrisburg, PA. Judith delivered an inspiring and uplifting talk about her newly released book Small Miracles of the Holocaust.

Unlike other Holocaust books, Small Miracles of the Holocaust accentuates the positive as it emphasizes and celebrates "The Power of Good": the goodness of Jews and non-Jews alike who, at great personal cost to themselves, performed extraordinary acts of kindness while hiding, helping and saving those fleeing the Nazi killing machine. Many stories in the book pay tribute to the "Righteous Gentiles," several of whom are still alive today.
All who were in attendance were moved by Judith's annimated and thought provoking presentation. Following her talk, signed copies of Judith's book were available at a discounted price. 
Upcoming Programs
KI Welcomes Guest Cantor For Shabbos Chanukah
Guest CantorIn celebration of Chanukah, Kesher Israel Congregation is excited to welcome Mark Samowitz as our guest cantor for the final Shabbos of 2008 (December 26th and 27th). In addition to leading all of the synagogue's services that Shabbos, Mark will also lead a lively Friday night "Oneg Shabbat" at the home of Joel and Gail Burcat. 
Mark was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. His introduction to Jewish music started at age 6 when he joined the Victory Park Shul Choir as its boy soloist. Mark later became the youngest Chazzan of this same shul in South Africa at age 19.
Mark has also led High Holiday services at the Perth Hebrew Congregation in Australia, Beth Tfiloh in Baltimore and held the position of Chazzan at the Boca Raton Synagogue in Florida. He has also been a guest Chazzan at shuls throughout the United States, Australia, England, Israel and South Africa. 
Mark currently resides in Johannesburg where he is once again the Chazzan of the Victory Park Shul and is involved in various business ventures, music and online endeavors.
Kesher Israel invites the entire community to enjoy the following events:

12/26/08 - Friday night services at Kesher Israel: 4:25 PM
               Oneg Shabbat at the home of Joel & Gail Burcat (2935 N. Second St.) at 7:45 PM
12/27/08 - KI morning services at 9:00 AM
                Shalosh Seudos at Kesher Israel: 4:30 PM
This weekend has been generously sponsored by the Burcat family in loving memory of Mr. Manny Hartman. Manny was a life-long resident of Harrisburg, an Army veteran of World War II and a salesman by trade. He was married to Helene Hartman (at KI) and the father of Barry. Ronnie, Gail (Burcat) and Hara and the grandfather to 8 grandchildren, including, locally, Dina and Shira Burcat. Manny was a President of the KI Brotherhood and a devoted member of the daily minyan. He was active in many capacities at the Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy and was dedicated to Judaism and tradition. 


Community Chanukah Celebration & JCC's 50th Anniversary
abc-2KI will be co-sponsoring the Community Chanukah Celebration at the JCC on Sunday, December 21, 2008. The morning begins at 10:00 AM with an interactive family Chanukah concert at the JCC.
Once the concert is over, help assemble care packages for Israeli and American troops while enjoying fresh latkes! Members of the Kesher Israel community have been asked to bring along some small books, puzzles, or games for the care packages.
10:00 - 11:30 AM: family Chanukah concert & care package project (free)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Lunch available for a nominal fee
12:30 - 2:00 PM: Family fun and games at the JCC in honor of the JCC's 50th anniversary 
KI Sisterhood Chanukah Brunch
What: A delicious Chanukah brunch with activities & prizes for kids of all ages!
When: Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Where: Kesher Israel Congregation
Cost: Free
KI's New Lunch N' Learn Program
abc-2KI thanks Dr. Sandy Silverstein for taking the initiative in creating an exciting new "Lunch N' Learn" program at KI. This program looks forward to meeting the first Wednesday of each month. Please contact Sandy ( or 232-0219) with your ideas or if you are able to help as a volunteer.
: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 from 12:15 - 1:15 PM
Where: Kesher Israel's Viener Hall
What: Rabbi Akiva Males will lead a discussion on a topic of current Jewish interest. Questions are very much welcome. A light buffet Lunch will be served at a nominal cost. Reservations are a must. Please call Cecelia at 238-0763 to make reservations by Monday, January 5, 2009.

KI's Annual Beth Tfiloh Shabbaton
Kesher Israel looks forward to hosting our annual Beth Tfiloh Shabbaton from Friday, January 16 - Shabbos, January 17, 2009. Are you interested in hosting or students or faculty? Please contact Dinah Burcat at or (410) 413-2350 ASAP.
Dr. Lisa Aiken is KI's January Scholar in Residence
Lisa Aiken
Lisa Aiken was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She received her B.A. summa cum laude with special honors in psychology from Towson State College. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Loyola University of Chicago.  She was the Chief Psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City from l982-89. During that time, she was a clinical assistant professor at New York Medical College and St. John's University, and a clinical associate professor at Long Island University.  She had a private psychotherapy practice in New York City with individuals and couples from l982-2002.
Dr. Aiken is listed in thirteen Who's Who books, and has appeared on television and radio. She is a speaker with an international reputation, and has lectured for diverse groups in nearly 200 cities worldwide. 
Dr. Aiken has authored or co-authored 9 books:
To Be A Jewish Woman
Beyond Bashert: A Guide To Dating and Marriage Enrichment
Guide for the Romantically Perplexed
What Your Unborn Baby Wants You to Know
The Art of Jewish Prayer
The Hidden Beauty of the Shema
Why Me, God? A Jewish Guide to Coping with Suffering
Tuning In
Genesis-The Untold Story
Her tenth book, The Baal Teshuva Survival Guide is slated for publication in 2008. She has also written chapters in Jewish Matters, Jewish Women Speak About Jewish Matters, and Rabbinic Counseling.
Dr. Aiken lives in Jerusalem, where she is a psychologist, author, public speaker, and licensed Israeli tour guide.
We look forward to hearing from Dr. Aiken at a Friday night Oneg Shabbos, post-kiddush talk at KI, a special class and Shalosh Seudos for women, and finally at a post-Shabbos booksigning / lecture at KI. More details will follow shortly. (Babysitting will be available.)
A special thanks to Jill Brodsky for helping coordinate this exciting weekend.
Please contact Rabbi Males for sponsorship opportunities.

KI In The News 
Knoll's heart
Thursday, November 20, 2008
     Like thousands of other Pennsylvanians, I was deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll. I met Catherine (she insisted that I call her that) when she accompanied her senior staffer, Seymour Heyison, to our synagogue, Kesher Israel, while he was saying Kaddish (memorial prayers) on behalf of his brother. They both attended faithfully, early every morning, for one year.

     When Seymour died, Catherine came daily to pray for his soul. During this time she became an ex officio member of our congregation. She attended annual events, helped set up tables and assisted in the cleanup. When I became ill she constantly inquired about my welfare. Her concern was genuine and her love for our congregation emanated from a great heart.

     Many others recognized her greatness due to her common touch, her humanity and the deep humility of her nature. She served Pennsylvanians in the truest sense of a politician, as the term was intended by Aristotle, i.e. one who has deep concern for the welfare of his community.

     I believe that it was Catherine's great faith in God which allowed her to be a loyal daughter of her church while at the same time become a sister in our synagogue. I will miss her deeply.

-- CHAIM E. SCHERTZ, Former Rabbi of Kesher Israel Congregation Harrisburg

Fox Thanksgiving
Kesher Israel Congregation Serving Firefighters
Angie Boddorf, Fox 43
November 26, 2008
On-duty Harrisburg firefighters will have at least one thing to battle on Thursday, the urge for seconds.
The Kesher Israel Congregation is cooking up Thanksgiving dinner to serve at the firehouse.
But the turkeys aren't your average birds, they are Kosher. Mark Powers has been helping with the Kosher Thanksgiving Firefighters Feast since 2001. The tradition was born from a tragedy.
"After 9-11 we all need to recall the sacrifice that firefighters go through on a regular basis," Powers said.
Rabbi Akiva Males is helping for the second straight year. "We thought that it would be a really appropriate time to thank them for all their hard work, specifically when they're giving up being with family and friends,"
It's a gesture appreciated by the firefighter Ron Gallatin. "It's a blessing and an honor that the people think about you when you are away from your regular family. You get a hot meal it is nice," he said.
Dinner will be served at Fire Station #1 for the firefighters starting at 11:30 AM.
(Click here for Channel 21's coverage of this event.)

KI's New Portable Aron / Ark

 Portable Ark
Traditionally, a short segment of the weekly Torah portion is read during morning services on Mondays and Thursdays. Until now, this has been a part of services that KI's mourners and those taking part in their home shiva minyan have missed out on. After discussing this matter with Rabbi Schertz, I learned the reason KI has not sent a Torah scroll to a mourner's home during shiva: lack of a portable aron / ark to respectfully house the Torah in while it is away from the synagogue.
After stopping in a number of cabinet & furniture stores looking for something suitable, it hit me that KI is basically in need of a small casket. I explained this to Nathan Bitner of Hetrick Funeral Home, who in turn contacted the wonderful people of York Casket Company and we all met soonafter.
Portable Ark 2Out of sincere appreciation to Kesher Israel, George Foley of the York Casket Company generously decided to design, build, and donate a beautiful new portable ark. I am happy to report that the new ark has been delivered to KI. While we hope it will not be needed, the ark is truly a work of fine craftsmanship that will go a long way in enhacing the religious services in the homes of mourners.
Kesher Israel Congregation sincerely thanks Hetrick Funeral Home & The York Casket Company for this new addition to KI. This brand new portable ark will be able to serve as a dignified home for a Torah to be used in the house of a mourner. It can be dedicated in honor / memory of a loved one. Please contact Rabbi Males at or (717) 238-0763 for more information.

From the KI Mailbag

     To our dear friends at Kesher Israel,
We were so pleased and surprized that you remembered our 40th wedding anniversary and chose to mark the occasion with a beautiful display of flowers! We are grateful to G-d for giving us the opportunity of sharing 40 beautiful years together! We have been blessed by your friendship.
     Rabbi & Reva Schertz 
     Dear Kesher Israel,
Thank you to everyone who sent us their very kind wishes in honor of our 27th wedding anniversary.  We really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
     Judy & Jack Stein
(From my cousin Dr. Baruch Schwartz who recently spent a Shabbos with us)
     Dear Akiva,
Please convey my thanks to the members of Kesher Israel for welcoming me so hospitably on my recent visit to Harrisburg. I had actually visited KI once before, but that was over thirty years ago, during the tenure of Rabbi Silver z"l. I was very happy finally to meet Rabbi Schertz, whom I knew only by reputation but not personally, and of course it was a pleasure to get together with you and Layala. The members of the shul were wonderful hosts, and being honored with leyning, reading the haftarah and sharing a dvar torah all in the same Shabbat was a great thrill.
     A major high point of my visit was the enormous pleasure I got from Cantor Rockoff's expert and beautiful davening. A hazzan who is a true sheliah tzibbur, with perfect and total command of the prayers and their proper melodies and a devotion to rendering them precisely according to the requirements of tradition, halachah, minhag, music and the Hebrew language, and who obviously comprehends and feels every word, every thought and every emotion in the liturgy, is such a rarity today as to be almost unknown.
     You may perhaps take it for granted, but to have a trained and meticulous expert in nusah hatefillah at your amud is a blessing for which Kesher Israel of Harrisburg can be grateful and an accomplishment of which it should be proud. More power to you, and to Cantor Rockoff; you're fortunate indeed to have him!
     All the best -

     Rabbi Males, I am working on a project with Jill Henig to set up a computerized spread sheet with the names of all of the Jewish War Veterans that have passed away and are buried in all of the local Jewish cemeteries. 
     Can you please ask our members to let Cecilia (or me or Jill Henig)  know of anyone that has passed away since 2000 that was a War Veteran.
     I will add their names to our list and then put out the flags accordingly.
     Thank you,
     Stu Brenner

     Dear KI  Congregants,
     The date for the Gold Ticket Affair has been changed to February 8, 2009. We know times are tough, but if you start putting away $20 a week you'll have enough saved for a great dinner, good friends, and maybe some terrific prizes too!!!
     Please mark the date on your calendar. 
     Dena Rockoff

KI Supports Israel 

abc-2Kesher Israel Congregation recently recieved letters from Israel Bonds and Magen David Adom thanking us for our ongoing support.
To date, our congregation has invested over $57,000 in Israel Bonds.
In the last number of months, more than $950 has been raised for Magen David Adom.
Yasher Koach!
KI Invited to Participate In Unique Florida Conference 
abc-2For a second year, Kesher Israel has been invited to attend Yeshiva University's Executive Rabbinic Seminar in Ft. Lauderdale, FL from Sunday, December 14, 2008 - Wednesday, December 17, 2008. 
I look forward to attending this conference together with Mrs. Oleasa Salkin who will be representing the lay leadership of our congregation.
I will be sure to keep you posted.

I Need Your Feedback!

1) Since Rabbi Moshe & Chani Elbaum moved to Philadelphia, a number of women have expressed their interest in setting up another consistent Shabbos learning opportunity. Do you have any ideas you can share with me?
2) I have been approached by Aish HaTorah about running a Discovery Seminar in Harrisburg. Is this of interest to you?
3) Are you interested in a scholar in residence weekend dealing with Halacha / Jewish Law & Medical issues?
Sea Monster4) What is the story with this "sea monster" in the Viener Hall windows? 
Please be in touch!
KI Office: (717) 238-0763

KI Dedication Opportunities

Are you looking to make a dedication to KI in memory / honor of a friend or loved one?  A number of new dedication opportunities at KI are now available:
1) Become a sponsor of one of KI's exciting upcoming programs
abc-22) There is an urgent need for our congregation to update & enhance our ability to administer First Aid. Please consider donating to KI's First Responder's Fund. 
3) Dedicate KI's new portable ark in memory / honor of a loved one.
Please contact Rabbi Males at 238-0763 or for more details.

Let's Stay In Touch! 

Please feel free to share your ideas, suggestions, or concerns with me. I look forward to receiving your input, so I can best fulfill my rabbinic duties.

Rabbi Akiva Males
KI Office: 717-238-0763
Photo of me