It was one of those nights. I woke
up about 4 am obsessing with thoughts about a personal issue. My mind kept
grinding away in a vicious circle, keeping me stuck in a mind-loop that
returned me again and again to the same old anxious thoughts. Restless slumber
eventually came an hour later. But then, in my meditation later that morning,
the mind-loop reappeared as strong as ever. Fifteen minutes passed before I
remembered I was even meditating or breathing.
I recognized that my mind was zipping
round and round in an agitated circle interfering with my peace of mind. But as
I kept coming back to my breath, I became a little more mindful and could
detach myself a little bit from the mental grinding and "hover" above the mind-loop
long enough to observe the circuitous repetition. It was like a kid watching his electric train go round and
round. With some effort, I was
able to identify the "stops" on the track: there was "the problem", which led
to an "uncomfortable emotion", which led to "thoughts on how to get rid of the
problem", which led to "judgment about the ineffectiveness of those solutions",
which led right back to "the problem".
Somewhere in my state of witnessing
my "agitation train" go round and round, I realized that I wasn't actually
stuck in the problem anymore! My
mindful 'hovering' had lifted me up just enough to establish a viewing point
and to elevate my perspective.
I love the novelist Vladimir Nabokov's
thought that "A spiral is a circle liberated." As we rise with awareness above
our vicious mind-loops, we begin the curative spiral toward greater and greater
Get Centered and "Hover" Today!
Tom Crum
The Magic of Skiing
So you want to break some
old circuitous patterns and become liberated? Come to Tom's Magic of Skiing
weeks which are all about changing our mindset, our well-being and our
January 16-23, 2010 February 6-13, 2010
Open to all levels of
skiers and snowboarders. For more
information go to:
Note: Every fall our ski pros send out tips to get you ready for a magical winter of skiing. If you would like to be on the email list to receive them, please email us now.