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AGA Needs Your Help



We try so hard not to ask for money beyond our major fundraisers and medical sponsorships of dogs until the end of the year. But this year has been very unusual. We have taken fewer dogs this year (190 to date) so our adoption revenues are down,  yet our medical, training and boarding costs are running much higher.  


Being the second largest golden retriever rescue in the country, other golden rescues turn to us for help. We are one of the few golden retriever rescues who take dogs with separation anxiety, thunderphobia and other behavioral problems. We also take dogs with medical problems that no one else will take. 


Remember Barney? His owner died and the estate lawyer contacted us and asked us to take him and the owner's estate would pay for his medical expenses. Over $9,000 later, the estate never paid because the relatives were able to stop the allocation to AGA. However, Barney is a new dog and is thriving in his new home.  


And then there is Krystal, who came from a golden rescue in Florida that had spent thousands of dollars on her allergies. Nothing worked and they asked us to take her. Krystal is considered cured now and is looking for her new family. She is no longer suffering, but it cost nearly $5,000.  


We have 10 dogs coming into the program in the next week.  One is a puppy with juvenile cataracts. Do we let the puppy go blind? Of course not. Costly surgery will be done.


And then we have Wrigley.... a 6 month old golden retriever boy from a rescue in Florida who has severe Megaesophagus Disease. Click here to read about the disease.  


Wrigley has the most severe form of megaesophagus that will never get better. He needs four daily feedings in his chair (built by one of our wonderful volunteers) and despite the very best care will have regurgitation events daily. 


We have had him for two weeks and have made great progress primarily to his vet and his temporary foster. He has gone from 29 pounds to 35 pounds and his regurgitation has been reduced from 10 times a day to 3-4 times! We hope as he grows that he will continue to get better but he may always be at risk for aspiration pneumonia.  


As you can see in these photos, he has made such great progress from the photo where he was literally starving to death. 


He is a sweet loving puppy, but his care is labor intensive. He is fed like a baby four times a day and must be fed sitting up in his chair and must stay in his chair for 30 minutes so the food can enter his stomach.  


Wrigley is a fun loving golden pup and we just can't let him die. We are looking for one of the following for hima foster who can be dedicated to this pup and his feedings, a foster to adopt situation or an adopter.  


Today, he is with a one of our most seasoned fosters but they have two young children and two dogs of their own and caring for Wrigley is putting a huge time drain of them.  


We need a nurturing guardian angel - a saint for him.  If you would be interested in helping Wrigley, please email


And finally - my other plea. We are asking for everyone who receives this email to make a general donation of $20 to AGA today. That donation from everyone would give us the money to pay off some of these staggering bills we have.  


Please visit us online to help with your donation.


I thank you and our orphans thank you more than you will ever know.


Lauren Genkinger

President & Founder