September 2012
Students in ACTION

Students in ACTION is a monthly publication during the academic year to highlight the students and events in the Science and Math Education in ACTION Choose Ohio First program at BGSU. Our format is new and improved this year, so we hope you enjoy it.

Note from the ACTION Director
Dr. Brahier welcoming Cohort 4 and families at Summer Bridge
Dr. Brahier welcoming Cohort 4

Swimming pools are closing for summer, and nights are getting chillier. Football season is beginning, so it must be "that time of year" again. On behalf of the ACTION Team, I would like to welcome you back for the 2012-13 academic year. This promises to be an exciting year that will feature the graduation of our first group of Cohort 1 students. Meanwhile, we spent much of the summer preparing for and working with 25 fantastic Cohort 4 students. ACTION is now 98 students strong and "filled to capacity," as next year's Cohort 5 will replace the graduating seniors in Cohort 1.


This academic year will feature a number of changes on campus. If you have been in the Student Union, you may have already seen the major renovations that took place in the Food Court over the summer, giving the dining area a total facelift. Likewise, the Education Building has been redone and now features everything from sofas to video screens for the comfort of students. In your classes, a major shift happening this year is that BGSU is eliminating the use of Blackboard and replacing it with a new system known as Canvas. By the fall of 2013, Blackboard will be history and Canvas will be the new course delivery system. Faculty will be migrating to Canvas throughout the academic year, so it's possible that you'll have some classes still on Blackboard while others are on Canvas in the same semester. I am personally using Blackboard this fall but moving to Canvas in the Spring Semester. Be patient as instructors learn the new system! Also, at the College level, all methods classes will now be taught in the fall and all student teaching will occur in the spring.


While change can be intimidating (after all, they say the only people in this world who really want a change is a wet baby!), it's also a time to embrace new ways of doing things. As educators, we have to learn to be flexible and adapt to new things, whether it be curriculum, books, standards, testing, or schedules. As always, the ACTION Team stands ready to help you with any questions you might have, from academic concerns to just airing your thoughts on a personal matter. Take time to stop in and say "hello" in the ACTION office. Meanwhile, be sure to put the dates for STEM in the Park and the Family Weekend ACTION food tent on your calendars. Get ready for the excitement of another academic year!

Georgia Ike - Cohort 2 
Junior AYA Math Major 


Tell us about your upbringing. I grew up on a farm in Sidney, Ohio. I wouldn't trade being out in the country in the wide open space for anything. I learned about hard work and responsibility early on and 4-H was a huge part of my life starting in 3rd grade.

What have you been involved with since coming to BGSU? I have been very involved with organizations on campus with residence life such as Resident Student Association, National Residence Hall Honorary, and Hall Council (president last year) as well as BGCTM. This fall I was an Opening Weekend Leader for incoming students. I've also volunteered in the community with Teen Central, Woodhaven nursing home, and Special Olympics. Currently I am a CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) cross country and track coach for elementary students.

What has been your favorite part of ACTION so far? Meeting people. It was great to know people before coming to BGSU in the fall as a freshman. Also, my practicum was pretty cool. It was interesting to be in a company/industry setting versus the classroom. It was a great experience to be on the Slim Jim line and learn what that is like. The employees at the plant kind of adopted me.

How do you spend your free time? I love finding a good bargain, so going to garage sales is something I enjoy. I also like to cook and bake (although I don't like going to the grocery store to buy the food)! Riding bikes, walking, and playing sports is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and Zumba at the BGSU Rec Center is another fun way to keep active. And, I like to make duct-tape art (flowers and wallets are my specialty). My favorite way to spend Saturday mornings is hanging out with the residents at Woodhaven nursing home!

What would your dream job be? I hope to teach algebra and calculus since these are my favorite subjects. I prefer the older kids since they are easiest for me to relate to. Teaching close to my hometown would be ideal, but I will go wherever the need is greatest.

What are you most looking forward to during your remaining years at BGSU? This year I hope to get even more involved in the community and explore what is available now that I am living off campus. I want to get involved in the Falcon Swing Society. I am nervous about the Capstone Research Project, since I don't have a topic yet; however, I know I will learn a lot through this experience just as I have through my other ACTION experiences.


CONGRATULATIONS TO GEORGIA...she won a scholarship from the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) this year. This is the second year in a row a BGSU ACTION student has been selected for this prestigious award (Amber Pietro was a recipient last year). We are very proud!

Cohort Updates 
Matt Jones with faculty advisor
Matt Jones discusses research ideas with his faculty advisor 

Most Cohort 1 students are now seniors! It is hard to believe our "guinea pigs" are entering their final year as undergraduate students. Methods this fall means full schedules as they complete their final coursework on campus in preparation for working with a Cooperating Mentor Teacher and then student teaching in the spring. They also begin the final phase of their ACTION Capstone Research Project with three informational sessions to attend this semester and then working closely with their faculty advisor to conduct the actual research during their student teaching experience.


Students in Cohort 2 will begin the Capstone Research Project by attending six sessions this semester, which will lay the groundwork for understanding what action research is and how it's conducted, the process of writing a literature review, how to select a topic, research methodology, and the process of a Human Subjects Review Board application. This fall, each student will select a faculty advisor with whom they will work closely over the next two years in the research process.


This summer was busy for many in Cohort 3 who were able to complete their practicum experiences before their sophomore year even started. Sixteen students engaged in hands-on science and/or math practicums in companies across Ohio such as Hoxworth Blood Center, Acusport, Atus, the City of Perrysburg, Sauder Village, IDCAST, Linear Technology, and NASA. Each project was unique and provided students with a real-world perspective on STEM that they don't experience in the classroom. This will greatly enhance their insight as future teachers.


Freshman research projects for Cohort 4 are already in full swing. Dr. Haney, Dr. Meel, Dr. Midden, Dr. Underwood, and Dr. Zirbel are leading these teams as Cohort 4 begins to understand how to do research while examining various science and math topics. Both faculty and students are enthusiastic about these projects and we look forward to the outcome of their research. 

Tailgate Party 

Put Saturday, October 13 on your calendar now and plan to join us for the ACTION Tailgate Party starting at 1:00pm prior to the BGSU football game during Family Weekend. Food and fun will be provided for students and families at the ACTION tent near the stadium. More details to come.

STEM in the Park

STEM in the Park has become an annual event for the community of northwest Ohio. This year it will be held on Saturday, September 8 from 10:00am-1:30pm at BGSU. This event features over 50 interactive displays and activities created by community partners and area universities to engage children of all ages in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The past several years, ACTION students have been exceptional volunteers for the event and this year we are also hosting two Activity Stations of our own. Cohort 2 students are heading this up - a math activity is being coordinated by Leslie Russell and a science activity will be facilitated by Keith McBride. Many of you have volunteered to help and we look forward to seeing you that day. For more information on this event, visit

September 2012

















Megan Kelly 



6:00-7:00 EDHD 3160 Session #1

Jessica Stephens & Serena Newburger B-day




STEM in the Park 




Melissa Matthews














 Marc Garcia 












Jimmy Grandowicz


6:00-7:00 EDHD 4160 Session #1

 Student Advisory Board Meeting



Nicole Sloan 












6:00-7:00 EDHD 3160 Session #2


Rachel Gerges 


Cohort 3 Presentations pizza 5:30, 6-7:30


















Volume 1, Issue 6

In This Issue
Student Profile
Cohort Updates
Join Our Mailing List
cohort 4 group photo
Welcome Cohort 4 Students 
Anna Bailey, Cincinnati
Nick Buhrow, N. Ridgeville
Chelsea Calvert, Port Clinton
Molly Conroy, Dayton
Sean Fahy, Grove City
Shelby Fenn, Bowling Green
Molly Fessel, Hilliard
Alex Garthrite, Berea
Rachel Gerges, Rocky River
Kerri Grothaus, Delphos
Kali Irvin, Dayton
Sheri Klatt, Columbus
Kevin Knapke, Saint Henry
Alli Marino, Stow
Jake Musal, Hinckley
Maria Nielsen, Sandusky
Amanda Pummell, Findlay
Liz Remley, Massillon
Jessica Shearer, Lewis Center
Tyler Stevens, Lima
Nikki Szymanski, Maumee
Jessie Wiandt, Burbank
Rachel Wiemken, Napoleon
Nicole Winhover, Delphos
Jessica Wright, Grove City

liz on tire
petri dish
team building
Nick w poster
Summer Bridge 2012 has come and gone and this year was an amazing experience just as the others have been. Students arrived on July 8 filled with uncertainty and nervousness. Four weeks later during the concluding Showcase Event on August 3, it was evident each one had grown in confidence and was ready to face the challenges of college. 
Weekdays were filled with science, math, and education sessions meant to not only prepare them for college but also introduce them to a variety of faculty they will interact with over the next four years. Evenings and weekends involved team building,  field trips and plenty of fun!
sean w snake
paper cups
herb lab 2
Pool party group
micro scope
Herp lab

As a Choose Ohio First grant program sponsored by the Ohio Board of Regents, our goal is to produce exceptional science and mathematics teachers who will impact the next generation across the state to improve in STEMM areas.

Science and Math Education in ACTION 
Mailing Address: 450 Math Science Building, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 
Campus Location: 308 Math Science Building
Phone: 419-372-6562
Fax: 419-372-6092

Director: Dr. Daniel Brahier
Program Manager: Wendy Standinger
Program Secretary: Nancy Hoose