Alberta Blue Cross Seniors Coverage for Chiropractic
Effective: July 1, 2012
Alberta seniors, aged 65 and older, have access to funding support for chiropractic services under the government-sponsored Coverage for Seniors health benefit plan. The Government of Alberta provides premium-free Alberta Blue Cross (Blue Cross) coverage to seniors for health-related services not covered under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) (also referred to as Group 66).
Seniors enrolled in the plan will receive premium-free, subsidized coverage of up to a limit of $25 per visit, to a maximum of $200 per benefit year (July 1 - June 30). Coverage does not cover x-ray
Patient enrollment and information:
Seniors who are already enrolled:
If you are already enrolled in the in the Seniors Coverage plan (Group 66) but need a card should contact Blue Cross:
* 780-498-8000 (Edmonton and area)
* 403-234-9666 (Calgary and area)
* 1-800-661-6995 (toll free)
* e-mail via
Seniors who are not enrolled:
If you are not yet enrolled in the plan you should contact Alberta Health: (Proof of age will be required)
* 780-427-1432 (Edmonton and area)
* toll-free for the rest of Alberta to 310-0000 and then 780-427-1432
* dial 711 for TTY for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
* e-mail via