July  2012 

A Message from Dr. Hasick


I trust this finds you all well and enjoying the warm weather we have recently experienced.


Summer offers us the chance to be more active and spend more time outside. Whether it is sports like golf, tennis or working on all those yard projects, we can place extra demands on our bodies during the summer months.


Prevention is an important part of well-being. Injuries can occur when you are not functioning at your optimal level. It is important to take good care of yourself by staying well hydrated, stretching regularly and coming in for a checkup to ensure good balance so you can continue to enjoy all of your outdoor activities this summer.    


In this issue you will find our summer hours and holidays as well as information on the new Alberta Blue Cross Seniors Coverage for Chiropractic and an update on our research project.  


Please check out our new website with research updates and new videos.


Enjoy your healthy summer! 


D. Gordon Hasick D.C. F.P.A.C.
Clinic Director


Summer Hours and Holidays


Dr. Hasick Hours for NUCCA Care:


Monday 9:30am - 4:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 12:00pm

Wednesday 9:00am - 12:00pm

Thursday 9:15am - 3:00pm

Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm


Dr. Ausmus Hours for NUCCA Care:


Tuesday 1:30pm-7:30pm

Wednesday 9:00am-5:30pm

Thursday 1:30pm-7:30pm

Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

Saturday 8:30am-12:30pm


Dr. Major Hours for Full Spine Care/Nutritional Support:


Tuesday 1:30pm-6:30pm

Thursday 9:15am-3:00pm      


Dr. Hasick and Dr. Major will be away from July 31st-August 18th

Dr. Ausmus is away from August 30th-September 1st



Alberta Blue Cross Seniors Coverage for Chiropractic


Effective: July 1, 2012


Alberta seniors, aged 65 and older, have access to funding support for chiropractic services under the government-sponsored Coverage for Seniors health benefit plan. The Government of Alberta provides premium-free Alberta Blue Cross (Blue Cross) coverage to seniors for health-related services not covered under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) (also referred to as Group 66).


Seniors enrolled in the plan will receive premium-free, subsidized coverage of up to a limit of $25 per visit, to a maximum of $200 per benefit year (July 1 - June 30). Coverage does not cover x-ray


Patient enrollment and information:


Seniors who are already enrolled:

If you are already enrolled in the in the Seniors Coverage plan (Group 66) but need a card should contact Blue Cross:


* 780-498-8000 (Edmonton and area)

* 403-234-9666 (Calgary and area)

* 1-800-661-6995 (toll free)

* e-mail via www.ab.bluecross.ca 


Seniors who are not enrolled:

If you are not yet enrolled in the plan you should contact Alberta Health: (Proof of age will be required)


* 780-427-1432 (Edmonton and area)

* toll-free for the rest of Alberta to 310-0000 and then 780-427-1432

* dial 711 for TTY for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

* e-mail via health.ahcipmail@gov.ab.ca


Research Update  

The Phase Contrast MRI Migraine Study currently taking place at The Britannia Clinic and The CHAMP Headache Clinic, Foothills Hospital is progressing very well. This study is looking at changes in cerebral blood flow patterns and velocities of migraine subjects following an atlas correction. The potential resulting from this study may provide important evidence of NUCCA as a viable alternative to the usual and customary treatment for migraine sufferers. The study has also been significant in bringing a new imaging technology into Canada while offering another research facility to conduct productive investigation in determining a physiologic mechanism underlying the Atlas misalignment and its correction. We have currently recruited eleven of the twelve subjects needed for the study and expect to have completed the protocol for all of the subjects by October, 2012.  


Click here for more on Research  


Our annual "Small Steps to Success" fundraising campaign will be run again this fall. This campaign started in 2009 and has raised over $80,000 by patients, friends and supporters offering donations of $1 or more. Every dollar and every person makes a big difference! Please watch for our fall newsletter which will have more information on how you can donate to NUCCA research and help make this year's campaign another success!



In This Issue
A Message From Dr. Hasick
Summer Hours and Holidays
Alberta Blue Cross for Seniors
Research Update

The Britannia Clinic ®
#201-5005 Elbow Dr. SW, Calgary AB T2S 2T6
ph: 403-243-0155 toll free: 1-866-342-4476