Students chair and desk w apple clip art 

September focus 

TimeSteps Productions, Inc.

Content Creators, Consultants, & Producers 

Partners Marilyn Petrokubi and Rob Lieberman create marketing and branding initiatives for corporations, non-profits & agencies.
Video, Web and Print

  Walleye and the Fish Band Exceed 30,000 Hits


(Click on video window) 

"Help Save Our Waters,"

Walleye and the Fish Band


Up from 13,000 in our last posting in August.


 The question remains:  "When is a viral considered successful?   In a survey of 40 executives at top U.S. creative ad agencies and media buying firms,  almost 28% considered it a success if a viral video got more than 1 million views, followed closely by about 22% each evenly saying it was successful if it was viewed 100,000, 250,000, or 500,000 times.    


If it takes a million hits to be considered successful, then we're obviously not there yet, but we're on our way.  All I know is that 30,000 more people know about the issue of the fish dying from VHS disease in the Great Lakes than they did a month ago.  And with a little "luck"  next month,  hopefully it will be 50,000!   


  Are Business Execs Watching Our Videos? Viral Vids Skeleton with Camera


Not sure if your marketing video is getting watched by busy executives?  Well it all depends on how old they are.   


A recent Forbes Insights article (summarized here by eMarketer Digital Intelligence) surveyed business people and found that executives with no time for fun and games do have time for the sound and motion of video.  In some cases, they may actually prefer it to text for learning about products and services and these videos were actually influencing their purchasing decisions favorably.  For the survey results and conclusions click here:

When you are done reading, just "x" out to return.

From the Library of Marilyn Petrokubi 

Reading, Writing & Red Velvet Cake  Red Velvet Cake


With back to school time upon us, it's time to reflect on all the joys of these past few months.  I played hookey from reading business books this summer and focused on fiction.  The best page turner for me at the beach this summer was Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. (658 readers gave it 5 stars in, so I'm not alone in raving about it).  The characters and circumstances are ones you've never met in any book before. Verghese ( a doctor himself) writes with insight and depth blending  hospital life in Ethiopia, political history, expatriate characters from India, and a smattering of religion into a riveting story I couldn't put down.  I recommend it highly. A+


Another high point of the summer was the Red Velvet Cake I ate at The Ketch in Beach Haven, NJ. It was a perfect August night as we sat on the deck eating dinner with friends. The sun was setting over my shoulder and everyone in the restaurant clapped as the last vestige of its rays dipped behind the horizon.  We immersed ourselves into our  assorted swordfish, shark and lobster dishes.  And while none of us thought we'd have room for dessert, that thought passed quickly when we saw the Red Velvet Cake. 


I'm sorry but  I can't talk about this indulgence without erotic descriptors,  so suffice it to say that I'm still thinking about it.  


Now that it's September,  I'm back in the saddle at work, writing articles for corporate websites and in pre-production for our next videos.  But my thoughts still go back to that day at the beach - nourished by sun, sand, and water... and something sweeter - books and cake. 


Contact: Marilyn Petrokubi or Rob Lieberman at or 973-669-1930

TimeSteps Productions, Inc.
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