Richmond Hill K9 Klub
Richmond Hill K9 Klub Public Meeting Agenda

The Richmond Hill K9 Klub cordially invites you to our Annual General Public Meeting.


The meeting is being held at:


M.L. McConaghy Seniors' Centre
10100 Yonge Street
, Rm 101
Richmond Hill, ON


Tuesday, May 10th 2011
 at 8:00pm
All dog owners & friends welcome.
We promise some interesting discussion and news regarding the relocation of the Tower Hill Road Dog Park. The Klub has invited some fabulous guest speakers including Councillor Lynn Foster.... and there will be coffee, snacks and door prizes!


This meeting will also briefly cover official Klub business and we'll be opening the floor to discuss happenings of the past year and plans for the future. We look forward to seeing the membership and hope to also add some new faces.


If you have been thinking of registering as a member or have not had a chance to renew, we will have a registration table setup during the meeting.

We look forward to seeing everyone!





8:00-8:15         Registration

8:15-8:35         Official K9 Klub business - See official notice below

8:35-8:50         Guest Speaker - York Region Canine Massage, Diane Barrow, CCM (Certified Canine Massotherapist)

Prize draw

8:50-9:05         Guest Speaker - Dr. Judith Snider, certified Animal Chiropractic practitioner

Prize draw

9:05-9:20         Guest Speaker - Councillor Lynn Foster 

Prize draw

9:20-9:45         Open forum - Q&A  discussion

Prize draw

9:45                 Meeting End

Official Notice of Annual General Meeting 2011

Notice is hereby given that the
 Annual General Meeting of the




will be held at:


M.L. McConaghy Seniors' Centre
10100 Yonge Street, Rm 101
Richmond Hill, ON


Tuesday, May 10th 2011

 at 8:00pm



For the following purposes:


  1. To receive and consider the annual report and financial statements for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2011.
  2. To elect directors for the ensuing year.
  3. To consider, and if deemed desirable, ratify the acts of the directors and Officers during the past year.
  4. To approve amendments to the by-laws of the club.
  5. To transact such further and other business as may be properly brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.





David Walker & Neal Nicholls



Dated at Richmond Hill this 3rd day of March 2011



In item 4 of the agenda of the Notice of Annual General Meeting we are seeking amendments to the by-laws of the Club. Proposed wording follows.


Proposed Amendments


April 13,2010 (Original Wording)





4.3.1. Directors

The term of office for a Director of the Board shall be Two years with start and finish dates coinciding with the timing of the AGM. Elections shall be staggered to ensure that each year at least 3 of the positions of the Board are elected or re-elected. A Director can sit a maximum of two complete consecutive terms.


4.3.2. Executive

The normal term of office of the RHK9K Co-Chairs, Treasurer and Secretary will be one year with normal start and finish dates coincident with the timing of the AGM. Elections will be held yearly with incumbents eligible to hold the same office for no more than 2 years.


4.3.3. Re-election

After sitting out for one term, a Director can again stand for election to the Board.



May 10, 2011 (Proposed)              STATUS:  CHANGED             





4.3.1. Directors

The term of office for a Director of the Board shall be Two years with start and finish dates coinciding with the timing of the AGM. Elections shall be staggered to ensure that each year at least 3 of the positions of the Board are elected or re-elected. A Director can sit a maximum of two complete consecutive terms. There shall be no restriction on the number of consecutive terms a duly elected Director may serve.


4.3.2. Executive

The normal term of office of the RHK9K Co-Chairs, Treasurer and Secretary will be one year with normal start and finish dates coincident with the timing of the AGM. Elections will be held yearly. with incumbents eligible to hold the same office for no more than 2 years.


4.3.3. Re-election

After sitting out for one term, a Director can again stand for election to the Board.



The Constitution and By-Laws can be found here: RHK9KLUB Constitution




May 2011


The Directors whose term of office automatically expired this year are:


David Walker      Wendy Walker     



The Directors who retired this year and whose office automatically expired this year are:


Sid Fischburg    Shelley Paterson   Neal Nicholls  


The Directors whose term of office does not expire until next year,
but who are retiring at this annual general meeting are:

Shelley Shane     Colette Tanel     Bev O'Donohue     Mark Binette


The Directors appointed (under By-Law 4.3.4a) to the board this year and to be re-affirmed by vote at the annual general meeting are: 


Adriana Pisano Beaumont    


The Director Nominees received by the nominating committee prior to this notice of annual general meeting and subject to vote are:


David Walker      Wendy Walker    Andre Beaumont    Laura Bernard   Dineen Beaven



The remaining Directors whose term of office does not expire until next
year are:





The Board of Directors for 2011-2012 is projected to be (alphabetically):


Director: Adriana Pisano Beaumont

Director: Andre Beaumont

Director: Dineen Beaven

Director: Laura Bernard

Director: David Walker

Director: Wendy Walker
Director: vacant
Director: vacant

Director: vacant

Director: vacant

Any two or more members entitled to vote at the annual general meeting
desiring to put other names in nomination shall submit such names to the chair
of the nominating committee, accompanied by the written consent of their
nominees, preferably not less than fifteen days before the date of the annual general
meeting, but may be accepted anytime prior to the AGM as well as from the floor of the AGM. (By-Law 4.4.1)


Respectfully Submitted on behalf of the Nominating Committee:
Adriana Pisano Beaumont (Chair), Bev O'Donohue, Mark Binette


Voting Eligibility


Only paid members in good standing of the Richmond Hill K9 Klub are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  The registration fee is nominal, but important.  A strong membership will help us achieve our missions and help ensure dog parks are a permanent reality in Richmond Hill. 

To register, please visit our membership page for information and sign up.  Memberships will also be accepted at the Annual General Meeting.


We look forward to seeing you!



It's all about the dogs!




Mayor Dave Barrow - Ribbon Cutting
David Walker

Richmond Hill K9 Klub