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5 Business Lessons Learned on the
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May, 2012    
Motivation Monthly

Spring is in full swing and Summer is right around the corner! For many of you, that means the kids are out of school, BBQs, beaches and fun. For some of you, that means one thing...GOLF! After waiting through months of winter, it's finally time to hit the greens and that is what we are featuring in our May newsletter. This month we have included two great articles, one spells out valuable business lessons that can be learned on the golf course, the second, discusses how golf became the sport that millions enjoy today. As always, you can expect more Bright Green Ideas and Exclusive Offers!  

5 Business Lessons Learned on the Golf Course

Why relationship building on the golf course may be as important as ever for business networking

We live in a hyper-connected society, and being disconnected for four hours if you're in sales or marketing can be daunting-and seem like a major loss of time. While Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and even text messaging have made it easier to communicate with more people in the course of a single day, for some people, they mean devoting less time to the in-person interactions we use to actually build relationships. That's why golf, a four-hour (or more) adventure through greens, fairways, bunkers, and other hazards, remains one of the greatest ways to build and maintain solid business relationships.

"It's a bit of a looking glass into how people think," notes Brad Brewer, a PGA Professional and founder of the Brad Brewer Golf Academy in Orlando and the author of the recently released Mentored by the King: Arnold Palmer's Success Lessons for Golf, Business and Life. "You observe over a period of time the habits of the individual. You see their integrity, their mannerisms, how they approach different situations, how they deal with success and failure. But in the end, I think the beauty of being able to create a relationship with somebody and bond with them for four or five hours is very valuable-I don't know that there's another place that you have the capability of doing that."

Contrary to popular belief, though, deals are rarely closed on the golf course. If you approach the round with that sole intention, you're likely to leave without a contract-and with a ruined relationship. Good things take time, and golf provides a relatively low-stress, tension-free look into business executives. "No matter how sophisticated the business world becomes, golf remains the communication hub," says David Rynecki, the founder of Blue Heron Research Partners, a former golf and business journalist, and the author of Deals on the Green: Lessons on Business and Golf from America's Top Executives.

"Golf teaches you about a person's reactions in adversity-how they deal competitively with situations-because with golf there is such an easy mechanism to take advantage of the rules," Rynecki writes. "I'm not worried about their skills as a player, but rather how they conduct themselves, as golf, like business and life, will test you in a multitude of ways.'

So how do you ensure that you don't take yourself, or the game, too seriously while you're playing a round of golf intended to build or strengthen a business relationship? It's important not to let small things get to you. It really is all about having fun and making sure that everyone you are playing with is having a good time.

"A lot of it is just common sense and common courtesy," says Brewer. "Making sure you play the game with the integrity it was designed with, you are immediately starting to build a relationship with somebody. That's why old Tom Morris and the boys came up with the etiquettes to get along with one another-where you stand, not talking and watching others ball flight if they lose it. I think playing by the traditions of the game itself, it starts to form these deep bonds."

Brewer goes on to write about 35 principles he has learned from practicing, working with and becoming friends with the legendary Palmer over the past 25 years. Perhaps the biggest takeaway from his book is that connecting with people at the golf course isn't much different from connecting in business or in life, principles preached by Palmer.

Five of the most relevant principles from Palmer that apply to business include:

*Always Give a Firm Handshake: 'If you are going to shake someone's hand, then grab a firm hold and look them in eye," Palmer says. "A man's handshake should be as good as his word. You can throw away all the contracts ever written by the best attorneys. Written contracts can all be broken. All my important deals were done with a handshake." You can tell a lot about a person based on his or her handshake, whether in business or on the golf course. Make sure you leave a strong lasting image.

*Don't Dwell on Yesterday's News: "I have enjoyed every victory and greatly cherish the memories," Palmer notes. "But come Monday morning of the next week, I'm not different than the man who missed the cut last week...So if I am to be competitively ready, I must get my thoughts off yesterday and deal with today. As long as I want to stay competitive, I must never stop and marvel at what I have accomplished-only forward to my next challenge at hand."

*Practice Like a Pro: "To achieve greatness," Brewer writes, "successful people don't just show up, set up and try for the best. The steps in the march toward victory begin weeks-if not months or years-in advance." The same goes in business. You need to pay your dues before you reach higher ground. Don't try to hit the ball before you're ready.

*Use Fear for Fuel: "Everyone wants to win,' Palmer says, "or they wouldn't do what they do. But not many people ever think about it. Many times I would think, I can't lose, I just cannot. Maybe it's an odd way to think, but it drove me to play harder than just 'thinking' about winning...I made a lot of golf shots out of desperation, thinking that I had to pull it off because, frankly, I was afraid to lose." In business, you can't be afraid to take a chance and fail, which makes winning even sweeter.

*Befriend Your Enemy: Stating the long and storied relationship between Palmer and Jack Nicklaus, often viewed as contentious and highly spirited, Brewer talks about the great relationship between the rivals. "The long and layered relationship is a good reminder that just because you're 'enemies' on the course doesn't mean you can't be friends for life off it." The same is true in business. Don't think about your competitors as enemies, but as a challenge for you to work harder.

What characteristics do successful businesspeople and successful golfers have in common?  According to Brewer, regardless of what you're talking about, successful people do things a specific way, which often carries over to the golf course. But there is also a fascinating idea that some of the smartest people in business struggle at golf.

"Whenever I play a round with someone," Rynecki says, "it's important to recognize the personality of the person or people you are playing with. You have to recognize that so many executives do not understand why they aren't as good at golf as they are at business. They work at it and work at it, and just get madder and madder because they can't succeed as much as much as they do in business. The intensity and the competitive fire are common characteristics in most successful people. They're often people who just cannot lose. And interestingly, if you're playing for no money and then you put a few bucks on a hole, it becomes a totally different game."

Don't forget, it's fundamentally a sport in which money matters. When the economy took a dive, so did country club memberships. As of August 2010, private-club memberships stood at 2.1 million in the United States, down from its high of 3 million in the 1990s, according to the National Golf Foundation. But as financial markets have rebounded, people are again beginning to spend valuable time with customers and colleagues on the golf course. Again, it couldn't come at a better time with the proliferation of technology as our primary means of communication. That being said, some may still find it difficult to justify spending four hours with one customer while shunning all others. It's all about what matters most to you.

"It really does depend on the business you're in," Brewer adds. "The reason Arnold Palmer was so successful in golf and in business is that he had a passion for winning. Whatever it takes sometimes is the approach he would take, and I'm a firm believer that it's hard to find a place better than the golf course to build, deepen, and strengthen relationships than the golf course."

Lou Dubois
Inc. Magazine - June 2011
        Featured Product of the Month:

Select Cutter & Buck polos! 

Cutter & Buck is a premier line of golf-inspired apparel for men and women who appreciate innovative, high-quality sportswear. They believe in using the best fabrics and trims, classic styling, and a wide range of colors to create clothing that looks and performs impeccably. Thanks to Cutter & Buck's heritage of superb craftsmanship, countless professional golfers rely on their timeless apparel to complement their games. This month Corporate Motivation is offering 20% off list pricing on select Cutter & Buck polos, if you order by 5/31/12!




Click here to see select polos...  

     Did You Know...
The Origins of Golf 


The Earliest Days  

While Scotland is widely associated as the home and birthplace of golf, there is great debate about the earliest derivation of the game. Some historians believe that golf descended from "paganica", played with a feather stuffed ball and a curved stick, a game that the Romans brought with them to Britain. Another idea is that golf was a Dutch game called "het kolven" and there are paintings from the 18th century by Dutch painters showing a game similar to golf being played on ice and land. However, by this time it is believed some form of golf had been played in Scotland for three hundred years.

The name golf may have been derived from the old Scots verb " to gowff" meaning to "strike hard." The earliest known written detail on the subject of golf is from King James II in 1457 who demanded that "fute-ball and golfe be utterly cryed down and not to be used." The King was concerned that his citizens were so involved in leisurely pursuits that they were neglecting the Royal and vital sport of archery, which would protect him from the enemy. It took until 1502, in the reign of King James IV and a Treaty of Perpetual Peace (which didn't last!) with England's King Henry VII before the Scots were allowed to spare the time on such pursuits. King James IV himself played the game at Perth.


Mary Queen of Scots was known to play a round or two and by the end of the 16th century it was noted that people were neglecting attendance at church in order to indulge in their favourite pastime. With the Union of the Crowns in 1603, King James VI and his court took golf to Blackheath in London. By that time he had appointed an Edinburgh bowmaker as royal club-maker.


The first record of a caddie to carry the golf clubs is Andrew Dickson of Edinburgh, in the second half of the 17th century. As a young man he had caddied for the Duke of York - later King James VII. "Caddies" were originally an organised corps of message boys in Edinburgh and other large towns in Scotland.

Early Golf Balls Old Timey Golf Photo


Initially, golf balls were wooden and these continued even after hand-made balls made of leather stuffed with feathers appeared. In 1848 the solid gutta-percha (a flexible juice from trees in Malaya) was introduced which were cheaper to make.


In America, at the start of the 20th century, balls made of tensioned rubber thread were invented although initially there was opposition to them. But the winner of the Open Championship used them in 1902 and ordinary golfers were converted.   


Modern Golf  

The rules of golf were laid down by the Honorable Company of Edinburgh golfers in Leith, which was formed in 1744. The St. Andrews Society adopted these rules and over the next century took over the administration and development of the game. The famous Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews is the governing body that continues to set the rules and standards for the world's golfers to this day. The Old Course at St. Andrews, Fife has greens and bunkers created easily around the natural landscape of the seashore. The Royal and Ancient is renowned as the Mecca worldwide for those who love to play golf.


There is a British Golf Museum behind the Royal and Ancient golf course at St. Andrews with audio-visual displays, and the full story of golf explained as it has developed across the centuries.


In 1888 a Scot, John Reid of Dunfermline, "imported" his passion for golf to the United States and built his own course at Yonkers, New York. The United States Golf Association was founded in 1894.

The Open  
Scotland originated the first professional Open golf championship in 1860, first held at Prestwick, and this event continued until 1894 when England also began to arrange golf competitions. Since then the British Open has moved around the United Kingdom from one links (seaside) course to another on a rota between eight leading golf courses, three in England and five in Scotland.
If you're looking for ideas on how to raise your brand's public awareness using golf items or looking for creative ideas for your next company golf outing, please give us a call. We would love to help! Also, be sure to take advantage of this month's coupon(below) for 20% off Golf Items.




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Chicago, IL  60642
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20% OFF GOLF ITEMS!!!   

 We are offering 20% off Golf item orders for the month of May. Orders must total $400.00 or higher. Coupon can only be applied to one Golf item . This offer cannot be combined with any other special offer and does not include tax, set up or shipping charges.


Offer Expires: 5/31/12     Coupon Code:  maycc12