
In This Issue
Quote of the Month
10 Ways to Master the Trade Show
Giveaways Game
Featured Product
of the Month
Bright Green Ideas
Did You Know?
January Specials
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The Ultimate Tote Bag w/Color Vista Print
Order by 1/31/12 and receive 25% off the list price! As low as $2.40! Make a dramatic impression with the Ultimate Tote Bag with a full color Color Vista print. The Tote features 100 GSM premium non-woven polypropylene with adjustable shoulder strap, gusset pockets, document pouch, and plastic bottom insert. 16W X 6 X 14H. The Perfect Giveaway for your upcoming

trade show!

refer to code: ssjan12

January, 2012    
Motivation Monthly

Greetings and Happy New Year from Corporate Motivation!  


With the beginning of each new year comes the start of Trade Show season. Trade shows are one of the best sources for attracting new business and is also our featured topic this month. We have included a fantastic article that includes what you should consider when choosing promotional items for your upcoming trade show(s). We have also included new Bright Green Ideas and Exclusive Savings that you can always count on, in our Motivation Monthly newsletter.

10 Ways to Master the Trade Show Giveaways Game

Walk around any trade show and you will be able to collect a bag full of trade show giveaway items all designed to promote business. Everyone enjoys receiving a gift. Gift giving creates a favorable impression. It can build goodwill, be an incentive, communicate a message, and create awareness. However, how many promotional giveaways do an effective job? Before jumping into the trade show giveaway game consider the following ways to mastery:


Define Your Audience: Having a focused objective for your trade show giveaway will also help you decide who should receive it. Consider having different gifts for various visitors. You might have different quality gifts for your key customers, prospects, and general passers by.


Set Your Goal: What do you want to achieve by giving away a premium item? Trade show giveaway items should be designed to increase your recognition, communicate a message, motivate an action, or promote your small business. It's important not only that the message have an impact, but also the premium itself.


Find the Right Item: There is a multitude of different items you could consider as a premium giveaway. However, which one will best suit your purpose? To select the right item, decide on your objective. Do you want it to enhance a theme, convey a specific message, or educate your target audience? Set a purpose to make your selection process easier. A promotional specialist can also help you make an effective selection. Remember your company image is reflected in whatever you choose to give away.


Add Your Message: Is there an item that naturally complements your marketing message? Have the message imprinted on the item with your company name, logo, and phone number. An important aspect of any gift is to remember who it was from long after the fact.


Set a Price: The price range for trade show giveaway items is enormous. Quality, quantity, and special orders, all impact the price. Establish a budget as part of your exhibit marketing plan. Consider ordering the same item for several different shows. The greater the quantity of your order, the lower the individual unit price.


Establish Qualifiers: What must visitors do to qualify for a giveaway item? There are several ways to use your trade show giveaway effectively:  


as a reward for visitors participating in a demonstration, presentation, or contest  


as a token of your appreciation when visitors have given you qualifying information about their specific needs  


as a thank you for stopping at the booth  


Use the Pre-qualifying Secret: Trade show giveaways can be used to pre-qualify your prospects. One company uses playing cards. Prior to the show, they send "kings" to their key customers, "queens" to suppliers, "jacks" to new or hot prospects. They request that the cards are brought to the booth in exchange for a special gift. When the cards are presented, the booth staff already know certain information about the visitor. They can then act on their previous knowledge and use time with the visitor more productively.


Have a Sales Incentive: Will your trade show giveaway directly help future sales? Hand out a discount coupon or a gift certificate requiring future contact with your company for redemption. Consider premiums that will help generate frequent visits to customers and prospects, such as calling you for free refills.


Inform Your Target Audience: Novel trade show giveaways can actively help to draw prospects to your booth. Make sure your prospects know about it. Send a tickler invitation with details of the giveaway, or create a two-piece premium, sending one part out to key prospects prior to the show and telling them to collect the other half at your booth.


Have a Tracking Mechanism: Establish a tracking mechanism to measure the success of your trade show giveaways. If it is a redemption item, code it so that you know it resulted from the show. Post-show follow-up could include a question about the premium - did visitors remember receiving it and how useful was the item.


After the trade show, critique your giveaways with your exhibit team:


Did it draw specific prospects to the booth?


Was it eye-catching enough to persuade passers by to stop?


Did your customers find it useful? 


Did it project the right corporate image?


There are plenty of exciting trade show giveaways for you to choose from to avoid the usual pens, pencils, and key chains. Make your premium work for you by applying the 10 ways to master your trade show giveaways and experience show will be money well invested.


Source: Susan A. Friedman, CSP
    Featured Product of the Month:

Art Glass! 



Noted for their elegant forms, vivid colors and rich textures, art glass provides a unique alternative to the traditional award and can cover a wide spectra of items - vases, jars, plates, paperweights and more. If your company is looking to recognize an employee or customer in a dynamic way, art glass could be just the right choice! Order by 1/31/12 and receive 20% off list pricing!    


Call or email for Details...   

     Did You Know...

With the increase of postal rates over the past several years and dwindling advertising and promotional budgets, many companies are tempted to reduce or eliminate investments into pre-show mailings with promotional products in trade show settings. Is this a wise choice? The results of a 2004 study by Georgia Southern University indicates the answer is NO.
This study was an experiment conducted using th
e pre-registration list of attendees for a trade show with 379 booths in the pharmaceutical and medical products supply business in Baltimore, Maryland. Exhibitors at the show were all ingredient suppliers of functional, healthy and botanical ingredients. A sample of 797 pre-registered attendees was drawn from a total registration of approximately 2000. The sampling was divided into three groups. Each group was given a different treatment as described below:

* Group A
Received a postcard inviting the recipient to stop by the respective exhibitor's booth at a trade show.

* Group B
Received an inexpensive promotional magnet custom imprinted with the respective exhibitor's company logo and an invitation to visit their booth at the same trade show.

* Group C
Received a postcard offering a t-shirt for redeeming the postcard at the exhibitor's booth at the trade show.

The control group for the experiment included the on-site registrants. After the show, each exhibitor provided a list of attendees who stopped by its booth. Each list was used to determine which incentive type generated more traffic to a given exhibit and a potentially greater number of sales leads for the companies.

* 47.9 % of the attendees who stopped by the three booths had received a pre-show mailing.

* Of the recipients who stopped by the booths, the largest number (41%) received an offer for a free t-shirt. The next largest number (36%) received a postcard with the magnet imprinted with the exhibitor's name. The group with the lowest response (23%) was the one that only received an invitation to stop by the booth. In short, 78.2% more people responded with the t-shirt offer than the postcard alone, and 56.5% more people responded to the magnet than the postcard alone.

In A Nutshell:
* Including a promotional product with a pre-show mailing or an offer for a promotional product increases the likelihood of the attendee stopping by the booth to see the exhibitor's product offerings.

* As a general rule, promotional products of greater value generate more sales leads than products of lower value. Using promotional products in conjunction with pre-show mailings make effective tools to inform, remind and persuade attendees to at least stop by a booth, which increases traffic to these booths. Greater traffic to a booth generates greater potential for more sales leads.

Source: Promotional Products Association International 
Corporate Motivation, Inc. offers everything you might need for giveaways and will assist you in coming up with creative ideas to help you make meaningful connections at your upcoming trade show(s). To sweeten the deal, we are offering 20% off all trade show items during the month of January (see coupon below). Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have or if you need help selecting the perfect item.




Corporate Motivation, Inc.


1332 N. Halsted Street, Suite #403
Chicago, IL  60642
Phone:  312-867-7111     Toll Free:  800-840-4925     Fax:  312-867-7179


 We are offering 20% off Trade Show Item orders for the month of January. Orders must total $500.00 or higher. Coupon can only be applied to one type of Trade Show item . This offer cannot be combined with any other special offer and does not include tax, set up or shipping charges.


Offer Expires: 1/31/12     Coupon Code:  jancc12