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It has been a busy month--wonderful workshop students from Switzerland, Bavaria, and Lamy, New Mexico; putting the finishing touches on digital files of 12 images for a Berlin-based reproductions gallery (more on this in the next newsletter); lots of time playing "Sherlock Holmes" with the "Lost Ansel Adams Plates;" and trying to make time in the darkroom to print some exciting new images.

Tomorrow, I am headed off to the Four Corners region with six fellow photographers for the 2010 Road Trip workshop.  We should have a little of everything--fall color, warm days, and crisp evenings.

On the horizon when I return--the launch of new masking workshops, the start of a book project (more on that later, too), and a wonderful fall workshop in Yosemite for the Ansel Adams Gallery. 

Read on....


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Masking Workshops! 

There has been considerable interest in the beta release of my updated "Selective Masking" article.  Phototechnique magazine will be running an abbreviated version in three parts in the coming months, and I am adding Selective Masking to my workshop menu beginning next year.

In my quest to fine-tune the writing and illustrations, I am offering two 3-day "pilot" Selective Masking workshops here in my Santa Fe darkroom at a discounted rate.  You'll learn everything you need to know about the technique, practicing with your own negatives, while I will be gathering input to help me take the beta release to finished product by the end of the year.  Space is limited to just two people per session (two enlargers), and the dates are October 28 - 30 and November 11 - 31.  Details.


"Lost" Adams Plates - a brief update from my point of view.  My last newsletter of July 27 stressed that those of us close to Ansel did not believe the work was his.  In the ensuing time significant issues have come to light suggesting the work is really that of a Fresno, California photographer named Earl Brooks.  More.
Techincal Note du Jour:

A friend just wrote asking about the dilema of traveling with a 4x5 now that Readyload and Quickload films are no longer available.  My answer was that I now think the RL was more of a pricey convenience than anything else.  A Readyload holder and box of 20 films weighs just about 2 pounds.  Let's say you take three boxes of RL with you - with the holder that makes about 4 pounds and a lot of bulk.  Ten film holders and a 50-sheet box of film weighs about 4.5 pounds - and is LESS bulky than the 60 sheets of RL!  And with film holders, you have a much wider range of films to choose from, and you don't have that envelope sticking out of the RL holder flapping in the breeze.

Workshop Updates

Yosemite - October 11-15, 2010:  Crafting the Fine Black-and-White Photograph, at the Ansel Adams Gallery.  Fall is a wonderful time of year in Yosemite.  The water is usually low, but we often have a storm come through to change that!  The high country of Tioga Pass is still open and a field trip over to Mono Lake is a favorite part of the week. Multiple field sessions, film processing, darkroom demos.  Digital workers welcome!

Ongoing Custom Workshops: Other commitments allowing, I am available for 1-on-1 sessions and small groups - my place or yours.  These are completely custom workshops with focused topics ranging from: basic to advanced camera work, the Zone System, Selective Masking, Printing or ...?!  It's your show. Check out the Schedule and Openings page and my Workshops page for more details.

Always remember, the "Oh! Zone" must be preserved!


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