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Bed and Breakfast, Madison CT - the Perfect Place to Escape To
Bicycle Couple Only
In This Issue
From Our Kitchen
This Mission is Possible
Wine Dinner Event
It's Maple Syrup Time
Enchanted April
The First Warm Day
Girlfriends' Getaways
A Sense of Wonder
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MDA Lock Up - Needs Your Help! ...
Win a one-night getaway at our Tidewater Inn 
     Help, folks, help!  I've been hereby summoned to appear before the MDA Court Judge to be arraigned on charges of generosity and for helping "Jerry's Kids."  My "jail sentence" for the Muscular Dystrophy Association Shoreline Lock Up, is noon on March 25, 2009, and between now and then I've got to raise my bail, which has been set at $2,600. Jerry's kids are counting on me, so I'm counting on you.  For more info please click here, and Help! 
  Win a one-night getaway at our Tidewater Inn:  For each $25.00 donation received by the MDA toward my bail by Wednesday, 3/25/09, we'll enter your name in a drawing for a gift certificate for a one night getaway.  We'll announce our winner in our April newsletter.
Some Things to Look Forward to:
*  Madison Exchange Club's 17th Annual Leprechaun Run on March 22nd  
*  Madison Beach Hotel and
The Wharf Restaurant Open for the 2009 Season on March 27th
Madison Historical Society Special Screening - The Rachel Carson Film, March 29, 2009
Enchanted April  
*  Our  Special
Wine Dinner Event - April 24, 2009
*  April 30 "Murder Mystery Night" benefit being planned by Madison Cares (Habitat for Humanity)
*  Life's a Beach ...
*  4th of July Celebrations - Happy Birthday America!
Guilford Art Center Craft Expo - July 16-18, 2009
*  12th Annual Pilot Pen Tennis Championships, New Haven - August 21-29, 2009
*  50th Annual Westbrook Drum Corps Muster, August 22, 2009
Madison Historical Society Antiques Fair, Saturday, August 29, 2009
*  Wine Seminars at Chamard Vineyards (Spring and Summer dates)
From Our Kitchen
Raspberry-Maple Pancakes
2 C. Unsifted, Unbleached, All-purpose Flour
4 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 C. Orange Juice
1 C. Whole or 2% Milk (or Vanilla Flavored Silk to be dairy-free)
2 Large Eggs, lightly beaten
4 Tbsp. Grated Fresh Orange Zest (or 4 tsp. dry)
1/4 C. Pure Maple Syrup
3/4 to 1 C. Fresh or Frozen Raspberries (it's ok if the frozen ones break up)
Confectioner's Sugar
Maple-Raspberry Syrup (Recipe Follows)
In a large mixing bowl whisk together the Flour, Baking Powder and Salt.  Add the Orange Juice, Milk, Eggs, Orange Zest and Maple Syrup.  Stir the batter just until the ingredients are combined, but the batter is still lumpy.
Preheat an electric griddle to 350� Fahrenheit and spray with butter-flavored cooking spray. [Or preheat your favorite pancake making skillet or griddle and either butter it, oil it or spray it with cooking spray so that the pancakes will not stick.]
Ladle a generous 1/4 C. of batter for each pancake.  Add raspberries to each pancake so that they will sink into the batter.  If you have extra batter, drizzle a tiny bit over each of the raspberries.  Cook approximately 3 minutes, until the tops bubble.  Turn the pancakes and cook for an additional 3 minutes.  Plate the pancakes and dust with confectioner's sugar.  Serve immediately, passing the warm maple-raspberry syrup at the table.
Makes Approximately 12 4"to5" pancakes
Maple-Raspberry Syrup
1 C. Orange Juice
1 Cinnamon Stick
2 Tbsp. Grated Fresh Orange Zest (or 2 tsp. dry)
1 C. Pure Maple Syrup
2/3 C. Fresh or Frozen Raspberries
Combine the Orange Juice and Cinnamon Stick in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for 7-9 minutes, until reduced to a half cup.  Add the Orange Zest and Maple Syrup and stir to mix.  Add the berries and gently mash with a fork to release the flavors and juices.  Strain the syrup through a fine-mesh sieve.  Serve warm with the pancakes.

Mother's Day Gift Certificates
    Surprise Mother with the Gift of Rest and Relaxation.  A weekend Escape to the Tidewater Inn would be just the gift she'll appreciate.  With a gift certificate she can choose to come for a mother-daughter weekend or to bring along a special friend.  It's the perfect gift ... no errands, no dishes, no cooking ... just time to rest, relax and be restored.

   Tidewater Inn gift certificates will provide someone special with an unforgettable escape!

We accept all major credit cards and our gift certificate package includes a colorful card with pictures and details about the Tidewater Inn, and specials, package offerings, rate schedules as well as other goodies.

Call or email today to order your Tidewater Inn Gift Certificate. 203-245-8457.
Tidewater Inn Special Events:


*  Wine Dinner Event - April 24, 2009
*  Knitter's Weekend - Autumn 2009
*  Good Intentions Getaway - January 2010
*  Chocolate to the Rescue Escape - Last Weekend of January 2010
What Our Guests Have to Say:
   Thanks for starting our honeymoon off great!  What a great place! (M&S)
   After many stays at the Tidewater, we have again had a lovely time.  Thank you for the kindness and hospitality you show to all your guests.  The amount of time, talent and effort you put in your work is very obvious (especially breakfast!).  We are looking forward to our next visit. (P&J, MD)
   Thank you so much for everything.  This was a perfect place to take my wife away from the routine of the city life.  Breakfast was great and the hospitality impeccable.  You have given my wife and I memories to share with our newborn child.  Thanks! (B)

Glad Tidings
March 2009, Vol.2, No.3
The Great Awakening!  
   It's March, and I can feel the shoreline stirring.  It's that early pre-awakening yawn and stretch time. Summer-jobs-to-be-hired signs are up in seasonal businesses such as the Westbrook Dairy Queen.  Several of the few restaurants that have been closed for the winter are about to open their doors again.  I see more and more people of all ages walking everywhere, more and more cars at homes along the beach roads, and more and more bicycle riders coasting by the inn.  It's clean-up, paint-up, fix-up time. Everyone I see is chatting about planting and gardens, walks and golf and bicycle rides.  It's a wonderful state of anticipation that we're in.
   Blue sky and sunshine days are coming ... rejoice!
I'm on a Mission ...
   ... looking for my personal signs of Spring.  It began for me during my years as a student at the Storrs campus of UCONN.  On the way to classes I learned where to look to see the first blooming crocuses of Spring, and I came to expect those perky little harbingers of what more were to come.  They'd be blooming the first week of March, every year for four years, not matter what. White, sunny yellow and periwinkle blue.  After graduation I planted crocuses at our family home and counted on them to do the same.  I haven't yet found the places where the early crocuses bloom near the inn, but it's becoming walk-around weather, and I'm going to be on the lookout ... or be planting some here next Fall for next year and the years to come.
    Here in our gardens I can see the first few shoots of the daffodils to come.  Popping up from the melting snow are the promises of the coming first-blooming bulbs of Spring. They'll be blooming in April, and I can't wait.  Just outside of the doors to the town gym there's a Forsythia bush that blooms earlier than others I see.  I'll be looking for its first yellow blooms as well.  And then there are the Magnolia trees on a few properties along Rte 1.  What a beautiful white and pink sight they shall be soon.
   Traveling around the nearby countryside, up Rte 77, along Rte 80, and more, we can see the smoke rising from the local sugar houses as they make this year's crop of maple syrup.  When the sap rises you know that Spring is just around the corner.
   For now I shall be content to listen to the ever increasing symphony of birdsong each day when I go out to bring in the morning papers.  Our feathered friends have been singing their hearts out, loud and clear, for the last few weeks, even when it snowed.  It seems that some who have been wintering away from here have started to return.  I hear beautiful songs that I have not heard for many months.  They do know something we don't know, for sure.  I'll have to make a stop down the street at the Audubon Shop to ask Jerry.  He'll know what's what and who's who, and I'm curious enough to want to find out.
   It's March, and I'm on a mission to find some sure signs of Spring.
Wine Dinner Event
    The Madison Wine Shop, Elizabeth's Caf�, Madison Cheese etc. and we, the Tidewater Inn, have combined our talents to bring you this intimate and gourmet wine dinner.  Overnight guests of the inn, on April 24, 2009, will experience a unique presentation of outstanding wine and exquisite food.  The complete package rates, starting at $340.00 per couple, double occupancy or $240.00 for an individual, single occupancy, plus taxes, depend on your choice of guestroom and include this special wine dinner event and a full breakfast on Saturday morning.  Rick and Pat from the Madison Wine Shop will be giving an informative wine tasting paired with each of the 6 courses served.  There are a limited number of seats remaining of the total available of 16, which will make this a very personal experience, not to be missed.  Overnight accommodations are required. Reserve your place at this special event now by calling the inn directly at 230-245-8457 or by email.  Hope you can join us!
It's Maple Syrup Time
   When we think of maple syrup so often we think of Autumn, brilliant colors, falling leaves, butternut squash ... But, think of it.  Maple Syrup Season really is late Winter into early Spring.  Here in Connecticut maple sugaring time is from early February through March. Visit a sugar house before the end of March to watch the process of making maple syrup.  We are blessed to have three local sugar houses within 20 minutes or less from the inn.  I'll be going by my favorite local farm in nearby Guilford soon to pick up this year's supply for our breakfasts here at inn and to have a small supply available for purchase in our gift shop. When the sap begins to rise, you know for sure that Spring is on its way.
Read More ...
Enchanted April - Spring Awakening
   It's the Advent of Spring.  That's how it seems now. We know it's coming. With a couple of 55+ degree days now under our belt we can almost taste and smell Spring!  Expectant. The countdown.   Anticipating the first blooms of the April Daffodils. We're there.
March sees the shoreline start to move, yawn and stretch. April is when everything really begins to wake up.  It's an enchanting time.  We've planned a whimsical escape for you, or book your room and plan your very own. You'll just have to take your honeybun's hand and come and experience Enchanted April for yourselves.
If you haven't booked your April getaway yet, what are you waiting for?
The First Warm Day ...
Everybody Out for a Walk!
    ... No Street vendors with enticing smells of freshly grilling delectables.  No entertainment to draw you out of your indoor world and into the city streets for some fresh air.  Just blue sky, sunshine, and warmth.  No need for winter coats.  Shirt sleeves would do fine.  The first warm (over 40 degrees) day draws us, one and all, to the great outdoors.
    OK everyone, the "let's go out for a walk" season has begun.  Take a walk, or bring your bicycle.  Try it.  You'll like it.
Featuring - The Sculpture Mile
    One of the attractions unique to Madison is the Sculpture Mile.  Located throughout Madison's downtown area, the Madison Sculpture mile is an exciting outdoor display of thirty-five sculptures by American Sculptors. It is open day and night, year 'round, is free, and booklets that catalogue and describe the currently displayed sculptures, good for self-guided tours, are available here at the inn and at various locations in town.  From May to October there is a free docent-led guided tour on Saturdays at 11 am, departing from the Scranton Park Pavilion in the Stop & Shop parking area. This is a don't-miss activity whether you're a lover of visual arts and sculpture, are looking for an enjoyable walk around town, or are simply curious.  Current sculptures range in character from the whimsical to the thought provoking.  You'll be sure to see something you'll want to tell someone about.
    The Sculpture Mile is selected and organized by the Hollycroft Foundation.   "The Mile's two-fold mission is 1. To place sculpture before the general public within everyday living space, and 2. to make that space available to talented established sculptors as well as to emerging artists." [excerpt from The Sculpture Mile Catalogue 2008-2009]
More Area Walks and Trails for Hikes and Bicycles too:
Madison town beaches and beach roads
   Everyone's first choice for early morning or evening walks - less than a mile from the inn, enjoy walks along the beach at East Wharf beach.  Follow the beach roads to West Wharf and Surf Club beaches. 
Tuxis Pond
    Park behind CVS in the center of Madison and access the Tuxis Pond walkway for a walk around the pond. 
Bauer Park*
    At the intersection of Copse Road and Hunter's Trail is Bauer park.  Frequent nature and bird walks are sponsored here. There are 2 main trails at the park: The Woodland Trail is a 1 mile long loop. It plies through grassy meadows, wooded wetlands and past hillside cliffs and stone fences. The Pond Wetland trail is also a loop, passing by two ponds, the covered bridge, near bluebird boxes and the forested wetland boardwalk.  Picnic anyone?
Hammonasset State Park*
    Just one mile down the road from our inn is Hammonasset State Park, with 2 miles of beach and boardwalk for your walking pleasure.  Bring along a picnic and make it an extra special day.
Rockland Preserve*
    In North Madison, almost into Killingworth, is the Rockland Preserve with three trails, a red blaze, orange blaze and white blaze, of from 1 to 1.5 miles each.  There are 649 acres of rounded, rocky hills, steep gray cliffs, ledges, and lovely wooded areas, easily accessed by both walkers and hikers along abandoned ancient country roads.It's another great place to bring a picnic. The Preserve is patrolled on horseback by the Connecticut Horse Council, Inc..
Westwoods Trails* 
    The WestWoods trail system is the largest recreational area for hiking in nearby Guilford. Westwoods contains 39 miles of trails on 1,200 acres. It will take many visits and picnics to enjoy all of this.
Bluff Head Preserve*
   In North Guilford, on Rte 77, as part of the Mattabesset Trail system, is the Bluff Head Ridge trail system between Guilford and Durham.  There are three trail options, all relatively short but of varied terrain, and the views from the bluff are spectacular - both Hartford and Long Island Sound.
Chatfield Hollow State Park*
   On Rte 80, in nearby Killingworth, hike the trails in search of Indian caves, explore the jagged rocky ledges and recesses or relax by the cooling waters, or picnic in the soft pine woods at Chatfield Hollow State Park.
Gillette Castle State Park* 
   Nearby, in East Haddam, walk the grounds or follow hiking trails through the Gillette Castle State Park property for great views of the Connecticut River, and the castle itself, one of our eccentricities.  Picnic areas are provided throughout the grounds.
Bicycle Trails: 
    Bring your bikes and enjoy the beach roads and country roads that surround us.  If you prefer a planned bicycle trail check the link for a web site that will print out trails of varying lengths and terrain difficulty, depending on your search criteria.  Search for South Central CT and enter Madison as your starting point.  We can then direct you from the inn to any point that they begin with in Madison.
*Trail Etiquette
    Trails are shared by many: walkers, hikers, mountain bikers, dog walkers, adults, children, horseback riders, hunters, runners, skaters, snowshoers, bird watchers and nature lovers, for a start.  Share the trail.  Whether on foot, on horse, or on wheels, always stay to the right so that others can pass on the left.  Clean up after yourself and your pet or horse.  Be aware of hunting season by checking with the State of CT, and wear bright fluorescent orange to be easily seen and not mistaken for game.  For more information contact the Connecticut Horse Council, Inc. and ask for their brochure "Tips for Trail Etiquette."
Mad About Madison

   We're mad about Madison, and we know you'll love it too.  Come and experience all that we know is so good about being here.  Refresh, recharge and restore in this lovely seaside town where the pace is relaxed and the serendipities abound.  We're waiting to welcome you.           
Girlfriends' Getaways
     Hello ladies.  It's time to get away with your best friends, your sister, your mother, grandmother, godmother, aunt, or cousins.  We ladies know how precious this time together is for us.  We laugh, we cry, we reminisce.  We share experiences and secrets.  Midweek or weekends, choose your dates and come for your "girls together time."  Come and be pampered at a local spa, enjoy fine dining, take a cooking class, pursue a special interest, shop for treasures.  There's no end to the ideas. Choose one of our Special Packages or talk to us directly, and we'll help you to plan a getaway that's uniquely yours.
... choose your Girlfriends' Getaway escape and come ... We look forward to welcoming you.
The Shoreline Dining Scene 

Picnic Anyone?! 
    Blue sky, sunshine, walking, biking, hiking ... so many opportunities for a picnic! We've got picnic baskets and a picnic backpack for you to borrow and fill. 
    For alfresco dining, whether brunch, lunch, snack or dinner, you'll want the very best in food and drink to go.  Here is our list of ideas as a great place to start - Best Places to Fill a Picnic Basket:  Bradley and Wall Gourmet Foods, Country Deli, Balladino's Deli, Elizabeth's Caf�, Stop & Shop Deli, Madison Cheese etc., Friends & Co. "to go," Madison Wine Shop, Madison Chocolates ... just to name a few.  We're sure you'll discover even more places as you explore the heart of the Connecticut Shore.

Coming Soon ...
   ... Formerly "Vicky's Corner Restaurant" - A restaurant building on the Boston Post Road, just a bit east of Hammonasset State Park, diagonally across from the Madison Lenny & Joe's, has been sold at last.  It's been closed and up for sale for several years - as long as we can remember.  We have read that the new owners are experienced restauranteurs (Rory's in Darien) and plan to open a "fine new family eatery" in early Spring. It's almost here.  Can't wait to find out more. ...
Thank You ...
When just the words are not enough ... 
     We appreciate your loyalty. For our returning guests, for each ten nights that you stay with us (either in separate accumulated visits or at once), going forward from January 1, 2009, we'll say "Thank You" with a Tidewater Inn Gift Certificate for the value of a one night stay (average of the 10 nights that you have stayed with us) ... so your 11th night could be free! This thank you is for both business and pleasure travelers.  The value of your gift certificate will be based on the value of the 10 nights that you have stayed with us to earn the gift certificate.
     We value your referrals.  You are our best source of advertising.  To thank you, for each new guest that you refer to us we will credit your loyalty account with "referral points" equivalent to 10% of their first completed booking with us.  At the end of the year we'll issue a Tidewater Inn gift certificate to you for the accumulated value of all of your referrals points.  Be sure that your friends mention your referral when they make their reservation. So, don't keep us a secret.  Spread the word! ... and THANK YOU!
"A Sense of Wonder" Screening at the Madison Historical Society
In association with the National Women's History Project, the Madison Historical Society is hosting a screening of A Sense of Wonder, a documentary-style film about ecology pioneer and environmental activist Rachel Carson. The screening, followed by a panel discussion with local environmental leaders and Carson biographer Kathleen V. Kudlinski, is from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 29, at the Madison Art Cinemas (761 Boston Post Road, Madison,CT; 203.245.3456). Co-sponsoring organizations are the Friends of Hammonasset, the Menuncatuck Audubon Society, and the Audubon Shop. The public is welcome; this event is free; no advance tickets or registration are required. For further information, please contact the Madison Historical Society (203.245.4567). 
     I and the staff really enjoy bringing you all the latest at the Tidewater Inn and in and about Madison.   We hope we get to see you again at our front door very soon.  As always, we hope for you the very best of blessings and serendipities and sincerely thank you for your referrals, support and patronage.
    We are waiting to welcome you!
Victoria Kolyvas & the Tidewater Inn Staff
Tidewater Inn Bed and Breakfast
949 Boston Post Road, Madison CT 06443
Special Offer to our First Time Guests:  Chocolate-covered Strawberries with any 1-night stay or a Bottle of Bubbly with any two-night stay.  Excludes Business Travel, Holidays, Specials, Escapes Packages and Special Occasion Room Blocks.
Type in "Sweet Treats" and your choice of "strawberries" or "bubbly" in the Notes or Comments Block for Online Reservations or mention "Sweet Treats" and your choice when making your reservation by phone or email. 
This coupon offer is for you, our newsletter contacts, and is fully transferable.  Please feel free to share this offer with friends and family.
Offer Expires: December 31, 2009