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Exciting News from the                                   Law Office of Lorie L. Burch!
I wanted to share with you, my friends, business associates, and valued clients, some exciting news.  I was recently honored by being selected as one of the Top Ten Business Women nationwide by the American Business Women's Association!
All of you have contributed to this achievement.  Thank you for your constant support! 
About ABWA
 Founded in 1949 by Hilary A. Bufton Jr., a Kansas City, Mo., businessman, ABWA is a 35,000 member strong association with chapters and Express Networks nationwide. The organization provides business training and networking opportunities for women of diverse occupations and backgrounds. ABWA has dedicated more than half a century to women's education and provided workplace skills and career development training for more than 545,000 members.
I am often asked where is the best place to keep signed original estate planning documents.
I recommend keeping your documents in a safe location at home - preferably a fire-proof safe. Some suggest keeping your documents in a safe deposit box because it will protect the documents from theft, fire, accidental loss, and most other types of damage or harm. A potential problem, though, is getting it opened after your death.

If you decide to keep your estate planning documents in a safe deposit box, consider naming a family member or your executor as a joint holder on the box. That should simplify matters following your death because someone will be able to get into the box without delay. However, if you and the person you name as a joint holder die at the same time, we are back to square one. Additionally, you may need access to the documents when the bank is not open. 
Remember: your documents are much more powerful if the right people know they exist and know how to find them! 
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Lorie L. Burch


Have you updated the beneficiaries of life insurance and retirement accounts?
Have you filled out your Medical ID Card?
Have you completed your Will Memorandum? 

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Law Office of Lorie L. Burch