Bill Somerville teaches an upcoming Stanford Workshop on Retirement and Alternatives
'The Next Step: A Look
at Retirement and the Alternatives' through Stanford Continuing
Thinking about retirement? Dreading retirement? Creative perspectives on the next step will be presented at this one-day workshop with Bill Somerville at Stanford.
Saturday, May 29, 2010 9:00am - 3:00pm $120 - Course Number: WSP201 Contact Stanford Continuing Studies: (650)725-2650 Email: Website:
About the Course:
Many people see retirement as a fateful step, some fear it,
a lot of people postpone it. Some get creative in how they manage it and stay
connected. Everyone faces retirement considerations in one form or another.
This one-day workshop will explore the next step in people's lives as they age,
through presentations by people who have creatively dealt with the retirement
question. Some of our guest speakers have created an adjunct
profession related to their previous vocation; some have turned their
professional skills to public service work as volunteers; some continue their
professions full force or make scheduling changes. Presenters will be personal, candid and
insightful and offer new perspectives on "retirement." This workshop will be interactive, exploratory and
challenging, with the hope that participants will find it refreshing and
stimulating to explore the topic of retirement with creative resource people.
About the Instructor:
Bill Somerville is 78 and still
going strong. He is the senior person on
the West Coast in philanthropy. Bill
Somerville's career as a grant maker spans over forty-five years in nonprofit
work, including seventeen years as Executive Director of the Peninsula
Community Foundation, before founding Philanthropic Ventures Foundation in
1991. Somerville
is recognized as an expert on creative grantmaking. He finds and funds outstanding people. Many of the outstanding programs that PVF
supports are run by older people, past typical retirement age, who continue
their work in human service fields, legal aid, health clinics, the arts, and
working with the poor. What drives these
people? What are their thoughts about
retirement? A graduate of UC
Berkeley, Somerville has developed and taught
philanthropy courses at Stanford and Laney
Community College. He has no retirement
To participate in 'The Next Step: A Look At Retirement and the Alternatives'please contact Stanford's Continuing Studies Department: Course Number: WSP201 Email: Website:
About the Editor
Bill Somerville has been in non-profit and philanthropic work for 49 years. He was the director of a community foundation for 17 years, and in 1991 founded Philanthropic Ventures Foundation where he serves as Executive Director. PVF is a demonstration foundation practicing unique forms of grantmaking and conducting innovative philanthropy. Bill has consulted at over 400 community foundations in the United States, Canada, and the U.K., on creative grantmaking and foundation operations. His primary interest is in the creative and significant use of the philanthropic dollar.
Board of Directors
John P. Carver, Chair Retired Senior Vice-President The Gap Inc. Duncan Beardsley Marketing Consultant Howard H. Bell Attorney Bell, Rosenberg & Hughes, LLP William E. Green Attorney William Green & Associates Albert J. Horn Attorney Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, Thompson & Horn PC Bill Somerville, President Executive Director Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Jackie Speier U.S. Representative 12th District of California Moira C. Walsh Attorney and Philanthropic Advisor Colburn S. Wilbur Trustee and Former President The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
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