January 23, 2009
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation 
Customizing Giving for Donors

There is still time to enroll in the February 28th Stanford University Philanthropy Workshop taught by Bill Somerville! 

Bill Somerville
 We invite you to join Philanthropic Ventures Foundation's Bill Somerville for a one-day workshop on creative philanthropy offered through Stanford University Continuing Studies. 
Saturday, February 28, 2009, from 10:00am - 4:00pm
Philanthropy is for Everyone is offered through Stanford University Continuing Studies
and will meet in Room 206, Cubberley Hall, Stanford University.
Contact Stanford University Continuing Studies at 650-725-2650 or continuingstudies@stanford.edu. Or go online at http://continuingstudies.stanford.edu. Course number WSP 146. Course fee is $120 and all participants will receive a copy of Bill Somerville's book, Grassroots Philanthropy

Bill SomervilleAttendees will receive a signed copy of Bill Somerville's book, Grassroots Philanthropy: Field Notes of a Maverick Grantmaker.  
You can read reviews of Grassroots Philanthropy on PVF's website here.
Contact Us:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201  
Telephone: (510) 645-1890
Fax: (510) 645-1892
Bill Somerville, Executive Director
More about the February 28th Stanford workshop Philanthropy Is For Everyone:
Bill Somerville, recognized as a leading expert on creative giving, and the author of the critically-acclaimed Grassroots Philanthropy: Field Notes of a Maverick Grantmaker, has designed this one-day course to help donors and their advisors develop the tools for thoughtful, high-impact giving. 
Participate in a stimulating, interactive workshop setting that will  include commentary from senior philanthropic professionals and individuals who do exceptional human service work in the community.
Learn to find outstanding people in your community -- and fund them.

Come away with an understanding of cutting-edge philanthropy that creates the greatest impact for both donor and recipient. 
PVF Board of Directors
John P. Carver, Chair
Retired Senior Vice-President,
The Gap, Inc.

Duncan Beardsley
Marketing Consultant

Howard H. Bell
Bell, Rosenberg & Hughes LLP

William E. Green
William Green & Associates

Albert J. Horn, Chairman Emeritus, Attorney,
Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, Thompson & Horn PC

Bill Somerville, President
Executive Director,
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

Jackie Speier
U.S. Representative
12th District of California

Colburn S. Wilbur
Trustee, Former Executive Director, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
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