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Beauty Break Newsletter
May 2011
BeautyScoop packet

Mother's Day is May 8th!  Dr. Yagoda shares some fun facts about mothers, and challenges you to a mother/daughter celebrity quiz. Give the gift of beauty to your mom, and we will gift you with our Buy 1 Get 1 Free BeautyScoop May promotion.     


Dreaming of a BeautyScoop recipe that isn't a smoothie or cocktail?  Well, Morgan Ansley's Honey Banana Cinnamon Yogurt Partfait can be served for breakfast, snack or dessert.  The judges say that "any time you serve it, it's sure to be a hit!"  We challenge you to try it for yourself and send us your comments! But don't forget to submit your favorite BeautyScoop recipe to [email protected] and you just may be the next one to win a free box of BeautyScoop!   


Beauty is Power!  Drink it in. 

The BeautyScoop Customer Service Team

Dr Y Stem Cell Clear
A Plastic Surgeon's Perspective:  



Mother's Day Facts and Trivia 






  • Eve is considered the mother of all humans
  • A female human embryo starts to make eggs when it is only six weeks old; at birth it carries one million eggs and will make no more
  • It is easiest for a woman to conceive at age eighteen or nineteen, although 25 is the median age when women give birth for the first time
  • The odds of a woman delivering twins is 1-in-33 and the odds of having triplets is 1-in-539
  • August is the most popular month for babies to be born  
  • Tuesday is the most popular day of the week for babies to be born   
  • 4.3 million women have babies each year.  About 450,000 are teens and more than 100,000 are aged 40 or over.


  • The youngest mother whose history is authenticated delivered a 6�-pound boy in Lima, Peru in 1939, when she was age 5 years and 7 months.     
  • The world's oldest mother was a 65 year-old retired schoolteacher in India.  She delivered a baby boy on April 9, 2003. Though married for 50 years, this was her first child. The baby was conceived through artificial insemination using her 26-year-old niece's eggs, and her niece's husband's sperm. 
  • The mother who holds the record for the most surviving children from a single birth gave birth to the first set of surviving septuplets - four boys and three girls -on November 19, 1997, at the University Hospital, Iowa.  
  • The record for the shortest interval between the birth of two children born in separate confinements was 208 days.  The babies were born on September 3, 1999, and  March 30, 2000. 
  • The longest interval between the birth of two children was 41 years 185 days apart. The mother was 60 years old when her second child was born. 
  • The highest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69.  In 27 pregnancies, this mother gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. 67 of them survived infancy. 


  • Elvis Presley was a mama's boy.  He slept in his mother's bed until he reached puberty.  
  • Both Eric Clapton and Jack Nicholson were born to an unwed mothers and shielded from shame, by being led to believe that their grandparents were their parents and their mothers were their sisters.



  • Match the following mothers with their daughters:   A. Judy Garland; B. Janet Leigh; C. Jayne Mansfield; D. Debbie Reynolds  with  a. Jamie Lee Curtis; b. Carrie Fischer; c. Mariska Hargitay; d. Liza Minelli.
  • Name the supermodel mom and her beautiful daughter below:


   Brooke and Rowan Shields Kim and Shay Alexis Cindy Crawford and her daughterChristie and Sailor Brinkley

Banana Cinnamon Yogurt ParfaitShake Your Beauty! 

Honey Banana Cinnamon Yogurt Parfait

Created by Morgan Ansley, Chapel Hill, NC     

  • 1 packet or 1 scoop of BeautyScoop
  • 1 small banana, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1  1/2 teaspoon of light brown sugar
  • 1/8 cup orange juice
  • pinch ground cinnamon
  • 4 oz. non-fat Greek yogurt 
  • amber honey 


  1. Cut the bananas into 1/4 inch discs.
  2. Melt butter in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
  3. Add brown sugar and lay banana slices on top.
  4. Cook undisturbed for 20 seconds.
  5. Add orange juice and cinnamon.
  6. Cook for 10 seconds, then turn bananas carefully and cook for an additional 45-60 seconds, basting with the pan sauce.
  7. Place half of the Greek yogurt into a parfait dish and layer with half a packet of BeautyScoop.
  8. Drizzle honey over the BeautyScoop and add the remainder of the yogurt.
  9. Drizzle with honey and add the remainder of the BeautyScoop. 
  10. Spoon the banana mixture on top and drizzle sauce on top.
  11. Serve (and enjoy) immediately!
Yield: 1 parfait




We debut our two-for-one offer and mom and you debut younger-looking skin; longer, stronger nails; and healthy, shiny hair!  Take advantage of promotion code "B2G1F" and receive  one complimentary box of BeautyScoop for you with every box you purchase for mom! Mother's Day never looked and tasted so good! 

Beauty is Power!  Drink it in.

 *Offer can not be combined with any other promotion or discount.    
Offer Expires May 31, 2011.