St. James Episcopal ChurchSt. James  

Community Supper

St. James
Community Supper
3207 Montana Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

5-6:30 p.m. every 4th Thursday of the month
(3rd Thursday in November and December)

2012 dates:

Jan. 26
Feb. 23
March 22
April 26
May 24
June 28
July 26
Aug. 23
Sept. 27
Oct. 25
Nov. 15
Dec. 20 

Greetings from the mountains of  western North Carolina!


We still have some donations needed and volunteer positions open for this month's Community Supper. The date for the supper is THIS THURSDAY, March 22. 

Unfortunately, our regular coordinators are not available for the supper this month. I'm attending a conference at Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina and Anne is still vacationing in New Zealand. Some great volunteers have stepped forward to make sure that our monthly supper goes on as planned, and they could use some extra help. So even if you've never volunteered at one of the suppers before, please consider stepping up to help out if you are able.
Donations needed

We still need the following donations:

20 cans of low sodium chicken broth
3 bags of diced onions
2 large bags of tossed salad (from GFS or Sams)
2 bags of apples
6 lbs of grapes
4 people to bring dessert
Please email Nancy Goodyear at if you can donate any of these items. You will need to bring your donation to church before noon on Thursday.

If you can't donate any of the above items, please consider making a cash donation to cover the cost of the meat and undonated items. Thanks!
Volunteers needed

We are still in need of people to fill the following positions:  
Dessert set up: 1 needed
Drink set-up: 1 needed
Greeter: 1 needed
Dessert attendant: need 1 for both shifts   
Kitchen server: need 2 from 5 to 5:45 pm and 2 for 5:45 to 6:30 pm
Dining room attendants: Need 1 for 5 to 5:45 and 2 for 5:45 to 6:30
Dishes: need 1 for 5:15 to 6:15
Clean-up crew: need 4 at 6:30

Jobs and their responsibilites are listed below. Please consider filling one of these positions. Email Nancy Goodyear at  as soon as possible if you can help out.
What would I need to do?

If you've never volunteered before, there are lots of jobs with varying ability levels. Here's a brief description of each:

Set-up: move tables to proper positions, set tables with placemats.
Food preparation: arrive at 3 pm to prepare the food that has been donated following the recipes provided
greet the guests and have them sign in so we can get a head count.
Kid's activities: play with the kids! 
Drink set-up: Arrive early to prepare juice, lemonade and coffee.
Drink servers: Assist guests with their drinks and make more drinks as needed.
Kitchen servers: take orders at kitchen door, prepare plates for guests. Obtain items in kitchen for workers in the dining area.

Dessert set-up: Prepare desserts into portions and set out on table on small plates

Dessert servers: Help guests make dessert selections. Make sure to refill desserts as needed.

Dining room attendants: Clean up dining area as needed throughout the dinner. Replace placemats and silverware, wipe tables, clean up spills. Make conversation with our guests.
Dishes: wash dishes, silverware and pots/pans as they become available for cleaning.
Cleanup crew: wipe down tables, sweep floor, take out trash, make sure kitchen and parish hall are tidy and back in order.

Thank you! 
Please take a moment and consider what you can do to help out. And remember, even if you are not able to help with a donation or as a worker, join us for dinner! YOU are an important part of our community!
Contact Us
If you have any further questions about the Community Friendship Supper, please contact one of the organizers:

Anne Griffiths
Julie Murray