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*Ted, an independent contributor, offers information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by Ted or by anyone in this newsletter or on the Earth Clinic site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.
Welcome to the latest Earth Clinic newsletter. As always, Earth Clinic is proud to serve as a unique forum to discuss health concerns, where together with your peers and a few knowledgeable friends of the site we find safe, reliable remedies. Still, in our concern for your health and safety we ask you to please keep in mind that this newsletter - like everything on our site - offers only advice.
Our general educational materials can help map out a path on your journey to a healthier life. Still, there is no substitute for a conversation with your own doctor to help you sort through all medical advice - conventional and traditional - in light of your own medical history and situation. Never embark on a new treatment or diet without talking to a physician or pharmacist about your unique needs and concerns.
That being said, we hope you'll appreciate this occasional newsletter, offering contributions from readers and popular contributors like Ted, with all the best of what's new at Earth Clinic.
Ted's Latest Remedies Coconut Oil
11/01/2010: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes, "Of all the cures I have written, nothing is as dramatically important for me as the coconut oil cure. What tipped me off to write this particular update occurred about the beginning of this year as I was trying to find a local source of bromelain (a protease enzyme commonly found in pineapples), when the owner of a factory gave me an industry secret in reducing death rates of piglets, by giving them a teaspoon of MCT (Middle Chain Triglyceride) mixed with a tiny bit of bromelain enzyme.
 | Coconut Oil | Normally farmers report a 50% survival rate for piglets, but when fed with this MCT and a small amount of bromelain, you have roughly 100% survival rates. The MCT happens to be found mostly in coconut oil. While bromelain is helpful, most of the survival rates actually came from the MCT. The content of coconut oil is the only oil that I am aware of that contains high levels of MCT. It contains 60%.
You might wonder what's all the fuss about MCT? That answer lies in the basics of cellular nutrition. In case you haven't figure it out, I consider the piglets' sudden death and Sudden Infant Death (SID), the condition that afflicts human babies, the same condition.
You see, if a baby doesn't have enough glucose in their blood, for a very short period, brain cells die quickly. The cell's prime nutrition requires actually two source of energy, one from glucose and another one from MCT in the form found in coconut oil. Ordinarily the body makes uses of MCT when eating coconut oil by the liver which converts it to ketone bodies. What's even more interesting, is the mitochondria - the energy centers of the cells - can actually directly access MCT right through the blood brain barrier and give the mitochondria the needed energy.
So babies born prematurely or starving babies can actually survive, if they have sufficient levels of MCT, where the mother could supply them through breast milk, after she eats coconut oil, or coconut oil is mixed in a milk formula or given directly, as in the piglets' case. The cells require energy and metabolism and have two sources, either glucose or a backup, MCT, if the glucose was in short supply even for a second. I have seen that people with low blood sugar for even a few seconds can faint. So the brain needs the backup system, and this comes from MCT. This allows a more stable energy source, much like the UPS (Uninterrupted Power System) should your glucose level be temporarily low. So the people who faint easily may actually have an MCT deficiency, which can be supplied from coconut oil.
What is so special about MCT and coconut oil is that brain cells DO NOT REQUIRE ANY special receptors to utilize this source of energy!
People who are too weak, sleep all day, the kind who have very long term illness, whether Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer disease, or just people who seem to be in a comatose state may actually have problems similar to those of a piglet that doesn't have a sufficient supply of MCT because their glucose level are unstable, or more likely as you get older, the cells lose their ability to uptake glucose. This is exactly what happens in patients with brain conditions such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's, etc. The brain cells lose their "insulin receptors". The insulin receptor is needed so that the brain cells can uptake the glucose.
This means that if a person were to go into coma, in many instances, sugar can't be utilized, but the cells can directly access the MCT so the brain cells can function. It takes on the average 3 hours to notice the sudden improvement in speech, memory, and other cognitive abilities. Long term, if these cells can have the energy source, the brain cells will recover, and reduce or stop the brain death that occurs with Alzheimer's. In other words, brain cells starve to death because they lose their insulin receptors to access the needed glucose. MCT is like a spare tire, should the original tire not work because the tire became old and worn out.
The other advantage to be found in coconut oil has got to do with our late 20th century to early 21st century civilization's diet that's killing us. The diet is already lacking in MCT, which was always mostly found in coconut oil and now you will find it lacking or nonexistent in most cooking oils you use today. One of today's characteristic health problems is high cholesterol mostly in the form of LDLs, with low HDLs and high triglycerides. This is the typical pattern. What's interesting about coconut oil is it increases HDL, reduces LDL, and reduces the triglycerides all at once.
In Thailand, because it is U.S. aligned, we have rejected the use of coconut oil and use the imported U.S. oil so that we end up with the same disease that afflicts the U.S. That's because of clever marketing. What the advertisers here in Thailand did was to say that if you put coconut oil in the refrigerator, it hardens, but not for soybean oil, corn oil, etc. Therefore, they would say, this is the one that clogs your arteries. This is false advertising. The hardened oil is actually HDL, and not LDL. In fact the fact that these soybean oils don't harden, means you will have low HDL. It's the HDL that prevents LDL from sticking. So that's a relatively simple advertising to counter that claim.
Once you understand that cells can't access the glucose (not just brain cells) you may wonder where am I going to go from here. Well it goes everywhere. I recently visited a comatose client, who is 82 years old, and her skin was in such bad shape that one of her children (she has 15 of them!), decided to give her coconut oil applied to the skin. The skin condition improved dramatically within days. That's because as your skin gets older, it may lose its insulin receptors, and cannot access the needed glucose. So for the body to get the glucose needed, the body responds by increasing the blood sugar, to diabetic levels! But there is a way around that of course. Coconut oil!
One other fact, the NUMBER ONE CURE FOR CANCER on this planet is to starve the cancer cells of glucose. Cancer cells die off quickly once you starve them of sugar! Cancer patients are weak, have no energy, because cancer cells STEAL GLUCOSE from the body so then healthy cells die and cancer cells live on. It is important to realize that cancer cells feed off fructose and glucose very efficiently. A couple of months ago one of my clients, after recovering quickly from a stage IV liver cancer with lymphatic cancer plus cachexia (using my typical liver cancer remedy) after 5 days, she decided to sneak and drink 2 full glasses of coconut milk without telling me about it. She ended up going into cachexia again. By the time I found out about it, B3, B1, B6, and B50 were provided to lower the blood sugar, white tea as a diuretic to pee out all those sugars and took another 3 days to get her improving again. You might be asking, so what have coconuts got to do with liver cancer, or any cancer, especially brain tumors?
Most cancer patients cannot eat glucose, or carbohydrates for that matter, because they give the cancer the SUGAR THEY NEED. This is true for honey, fruit juices, bananas, watermelon, ripe mangos, sticky rice, wheat, and white bread for that matter! So how are you going to get the energy to do anything? Try coconut oil! In fact coconut oil is a fairly efficient fuel source compared to glucose, and the extra fats of coconut oil are not even stored in the body. They are usually utilized. Coconut oil contains several components that are antifungal and antiviral, which makes it interesting in treatment of viral caused illness, and from my own experience, nearly every case I encountered with cancer is viral in nature, including Parkinson's disease and Alzhiemer's.
In case you are wondering, the antiviral wonder drug came mostly from lysine. And in case you are wondering why soymilk is a bit more healthy than cow's milk, it has a lot to do with the lysine to arginine ratios. The lysine to arginine ratio for soymilk is 1:1, while a typical cow's milk is around 1:2, more arginine then lysine. Now for those who are aware of arginine, the arginine supports virus growth, whether they are viral cancer, herpes cancer, etc. but for soymilk, because of the higher lysine level at 1:1 ratio, it places soymilk at an advantage when it comes to antiviral properties.
So whether you are recovering from a long-term illness, in a comatose state, a person in a nursing home, Alzheimer's, or Parkinson's disease, or just simply want more beautiful skin, the cells simply need that coconut oil so they can get the energy they require for more beautiful skin. What it does to the skin, it will do the same for the brain cells and all the organs inside the body, because all cells need fuel so they can properly function!
My coconut oil remedy requires 1 tablespoonful twice a day, preferably taken with meals. In other situations, you can take 2 tablespoons in one dose. You should see some results in about 3 hours on the average, in terms of energy. Athletes may be interested in coconut oil too.
p.s. To give bromelain a fair review, the bromelain was added to the MCT for the piglets as a natural antibiotic, as the bromelain reduced the piglets' rates of dying from infections. In the human arena, most of the infections are under control with proper sanitary measures, but the MCT is one supplement that is definitely missing in the human diet that I believe to be essential, should the cells not be able to access the required glucose.
p.p.s. Footnote on the 82-year-old patient. She's out of her two months' coma, but still sleeps most of the time through supplements using clove oil, methylene blue and hydrochloric acid drops. In case you are wondering how I get people out of coma, it takes between 30 minutes to 12 hours on average to get them out, unless of course MRI reveals large sections of dead brain (I have one case like that), and I am trying on that one! Most comatose conditions may have to do with energy deficit, lack of ability for the brain cells to utilized the needed glucose, and this is where coconut oil comes in, along with the other things mentioned.
International Community Feedback Notable Coconut Oil Posts
10/23/2010: Anita from Ny writes: "Crush garlic and wait 15 minutes Boil 2-3 eggs Chop 1/2 red onion and saute in 3 swirls of coconut oil Finely chop 3 leaves of kale and add to pan when onions are soft Turn off heat when kale turns bright green and add garlic and mix in (so garlic is just lightly heated) Put veggie mix on to plate. Sprinkle with turmeric, dill (happen to have), any spices you like Goat cheese (optional) Slice eggs on top. I drizzle sweet chile sauce for chicken on top (found in asian stores) And add tabasco (loovvee it)
And you are good to go!"
Source: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/coconut_oil2.html
06/28/2010: Bob from Ontario, Ca writes: "I was taking 8 or more tums daily. I started to take organic apple cider vinegar (acv) and within weeks didn't have acid refux. Virgin coconut oil (vco) is also good for that. Virgin coconut water and coconut milk is also great for you. My wife started take acv and vco in the morning and evening. It's been almost 2 months and weight is dropping consistently. Probably about 15 lbs or more. Depression is gone, allergies gone, more energy, and she feel much better."
Source: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/coconut_oil9.html
COCONUT OIL FOR BEAUTIFUL SKIN 05/10/2010: Cat from Austin, Tx writes: "Grandmother Guffys Method for forever soft, clean, ageless skin.
My grandmother Guffys skin was as soft and smooth as a babys butt till the day she died at 94. One day, when I was a younger woman constantly on the go, she noticed how dry and ashy my skin was and elected to tell me about her method of bathing. It was the only thing she said she did to keep her body clean and soft. First, she never took long baths (and NO, she did not smell). She said bathing dried out skin. Second, she never used hot water on her skin. Third, she never needed lotions. I listened; yet, despite the evidence before me, I did not take her advise. Hot showers were invigorating, I exclaimed. Who ever heard of not bathing, I secretly thought. Why do not the young listen! For years now I have suffered with extremely dry and itchy skin. FINALLY! I recalled my grandmother Guffys bathing method for clean, itch-less, soft, ageless skin. Here it is:
1) Massage 2-3 tablespoons of (antibacterial, anti-fungal) coconut oil over your entire dry, naked body, but not your face. Be sure to include your private areas and feet - get utterly greasy with it! Let it soak 5 minutes.
2) Take a clean, white, DRY bath cloth, folded in fours and scrub your entire body. When one side of the cloth gets cruddy, refold to a clean side of the same cloth. Don't forget private areas.
3) Shower/rinse in very lukewarm to cold water and ONLY wash your private areas with diluted baking soda and water or an organic non-soap or as I sometimes do, diluted ACV.
3) Get out of the shower and barely pat dry.
Believe! This works! People who touch my skin always exclaim at how soft it is AND my husband who has scratched my back many a time has taken to gently rubbing my arms a lot. Just try it! It is not real expensive or hard to do and results are quick. If you are allergic to coconut oil, switch to a light olive oil or sesame oil. Soon you will do as I did - throw away all your bathing soaps and bottles."
Source: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/coconut_oil14.html
06/14/2009: Jennifer from Phoenix, Arizona, USA writes: "I have had malabsorption issues for sometime. My ND wanted me to introduce 100% virgin coconut oil into my diet because of the medium chain fatty acids. I needed to gain weight and muscle. I was using 2T per day in fruit smoothies, cooking, or on toast. Loved the flavor but the side effects were not good. My ND pooh-poohed my questions about possible side effects so I was extremely relieved to find this forum with postings from a number of people who have experienced what I did. My side effects were: severe stomach and gut pain with bloating and tenderness, bad reflux (which I had never had before), heart palpitations, severe sleeplessness, general anxiety-like symptoms, concentration problems, even gum sensitivity . . . just a general sense of continually deteriorating function the longer I was on it. After researching this forum I went off the oil and the symptoms I listed disappeared within two weeks.
Although I have no doubt it is a great product for many people, I will never take it again. It just isn't okay for one food item to make me that ill and affect so many areas of my life. The bottom line for me is to learn to listen to my own body and to respect and act on those messages."
Source: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/side_effects7.html
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With Warmest Regards,
Deirdre Layne Founder, Earth Clinic LLC