Your Faith-Lift

From Rev PAM



I am one with the presence and power of universal life. I have accepted its all sufficiency as a way of life. I am grateful for the opportunities that turn into limitless possibilities for me to expand my awareness of a divine power within me that is greater than I am. This divine presence, power and action leads me on the pathway of successful living. This is true action that comes from within outward, transforming that which is unseen into that which is seen.


Consciously and subconsciously, every activity is guided by freedom, quietly and consistently.  My imagination is trained with passionate direction to expect, demand and respond only to the good. I am conscious of the limitless abundance of good everywhere and am lifted up to a new expression.  


There is a law that accepts this thought, this feeling and this word. This is now a seed thought planted in the fertile ground of creation. It is operated upon by law and through the Law of Mind; it produces the perfect and complete successful manifestation of limitless possibilities now.


I am grateful for this completed demonstration and I now release it joyfully and confidently to the great Law of Mind.  

I let it do its perfect work, and so it is!  


Joyous Blessings,

Rev PAM  


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Rev Pam Blue
Reverend Pamela A. MacGregor

Science of Mind 
Spiritual Center Los Angeles 

Join Us Sundays
at 10:30 am


The Colony Theatre
555 North Third Street
Burbank, CA  91502
