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Dear Friends of JASMYN,    

JASMYN is at the forefront of major changes taking place in our city today.   As the number one advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and questioning youth, we are committed to making our city a safe and affirming place for our young people.   


JASMYN has also been on the front lines in the local effort to amend the city of Jacksonville's Human Rights Ordinances to include sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.  This amendment, bill 2012-296, is now making its way through the deliberation processes of our local city council. Over 100 people, members of the LGBT community and allies, have spoken in favor of equality and fairness at several city council meetings.  Many have told stories of their own discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations.  Others have spoken of the pain of rejection and the loss of talented people who left Jacksonville for more accepting cities.


At JASMYN we know these stories well.  Our young people are most vulnerable to being fired from employment because they are gay or transgender.  Many have experienced bias and discrimination in public buildings and services.  Some have been rejected from youth serving agencies and schools because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.  With no anti-discrimination laws to protect them, they have no recourse to fight for their basic rights.


JASMYN board members and staff are leaders in the Jacksonville Committee for Equality, working with Equality Florida and local business and civic leaders to bring this amendment forward for passage.  And we are at a critical time in this movement for change.  As our city council deliberates the passage of 2012-296 in the next two weeks, they need to continue to hear from people like you, who care about our LGBT youth and want to insure that our city is safe and affirming for all LGBT people. City council members need to hear that this amendment is about bringing fairness for all people to Jacksonville. Because we don't want to leave anyone behind to be targeted for discrimination, gender identity and expression must be included language in the bill.  

Now is the time to get involved, to call and write to city council members to voice your support for 2012-296 and for Jacksonville to become a city that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.  


For 17 years, JASMYN has stood with our LGBTQ youth - please stand with us today in support of 2012-296 and basic human rights for all. 



Cindy Watson, Executive Director, JASMYN, Inc.

Need more information on 2012-296
and how to contact city council members?

Check out the Jacksonville Committee for Equality Facebook page! 
 Jacksonville Committee for Equality

The Mission of the Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network (JASMYN) is to support and empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth by creating safe space, providing youth development services and bringing people and resources together to
promote diversity and human rights.