Logo CKIC     "Educate - Innovate - Motivate"

JUNE  2012
In This Edition
Inventors Blog: Don't Be a 1-Hit (or 1-Miss) Wonder
June 5th: Open Meeting - Bob Richards with RICHCO Venture Management
June 12th: Inventor's Workshop (for CKIC Members Only)
Newton's Attic Open House and Opening of Summer Camps
Veteran, The Military and Inventions
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Hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend! 

While you're recovering from all the food, fun and activities that kick off this year's summer, don't miss the information and opportunities in this month's Inventor's Update, below.   

One thing you'll want to be sure and do this month is hear the wisdom and insight from Bob Richards with RICHCO Venture Management. Bob is coming down from the Cincinnati area to give a special presentation for inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs. There's more info below about this Free Open Meeting on this Tuesday, June 5th. 

Do you ever feel like a 1-Hit (or 1-Miss) Wonder?  Then you'll want to read this month's inventor blog: http://www.ckic.org/inventorblog.html. 

Also check out info on the opening of Newton's Attic Summer Camps, our Inventors Workshop, and more!

Here's to the start of a great summer; and I hope to see you at our next Free Open Meeting on Tuesday June 5th! 

Best Regards,

Don Skaggs
Central Kentucky Inventors Council

Inventors Blog: Don't Be a 1-Hit (or a 1-Miss) Wonder
June 5th: Bob Richards with RICHCO Venture Management

So You've Got a Great Idea or Invention. How Do You Lead Yourself and Your Team to Commercialize Your Innovation?  How Do You Leverage Your Innovation to Create Change?

Find out answers to these questions and more as we hear from:     

Bob Richards

 Bob Richards  

with RICHCO Venture Management


Bob is Founder of RICHCO Venture Management, a 45-year-old strategic planning company. Its specialty is open innovation, which leverages an organization's strategy to operational management.  






Innovate MagnifyingGlass


Richards has contracted with such companies as Procter & Gamble, Harcourt Brace & Company, Avetec, Quest T, Barnies Coffee & Tea Company, and the NKY Chamber of Commerce; just to name a few. 









Money in an Hourglass


Richards also owned an animation and video production company that provided corporate communications for Fortune 100 companies and educational videos for college textbook publishers. Richards' creative work has been published in national magazines and on 60 minutes. He has filmed throughout the US, Mexico, Canada, Japan and France.   






A Viet Nam veteran serving with the US Air Force, Richards served temporary duty with the CIA, NASA, and performed photo-intellegence with the SR-71 in Okinawa.  


You won't want to miss experiencing this wisdom and information about leadership, innovation, commercialization and the leveraging of innovation to make a change, all on Tuesday June 5th!   


When:  Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
Where: Bluegrass Area Development Center
             699 Perimeter Drive Lexington KY

   Doors open for networking at 6:30pm,
             Meeting begins at 7:00pm

June 12th: Inventor's Workshop (for CKIC Members Only)
Join Us For Our Monthly, Members-Only  Inventors Workshop

Hosted by CKIC Founder Don West
Dan Atkinson Workshop

- This workshop is designed to help the inventor move from the idea stage through the invention process, by allowing for inventors to discuss and learn from constructive information concerning their ideas in a free and unencumbered, legally binding format.

This Meeting is for CKIC Members Only

Gary Davis Workshop Not a member? Come and join us:
Membership is only $40/yr

   Where: Bluegrass Development Center
                699 Perimeter Dr, Lexington KY

     Date: Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
      Time: Doors open at 6:30,
                                           Workshop begins at 7:00pm  
Do you have a great idea for an invention?
Find out what you can do!

Newton's Attic Open House and Opening of Summer Camps!

Newton's Attic Open House   

NAttic Open House Invite      

......And the Opening of Summer Camps!  

Don't forget to tell everyone you know about the amazing opportunities for students to learn science and engineering in unforgettable ways!

NA12 SummerCamps1

NA12 SummerCamps2NA12 SummerCamps3  For details and registration visit NewtonsAttic.com  

or contact bill@newtonsattic.com or call 859-233-3337


See more about this and other Great Opportunities
at this month's Free Open CKIC Meeting
on Tuesday June 5th!


Veterans, The Military and Inventions

As we took time this weekend to honor and remember our those of us who have served in our Armed Forces, it would seem only fitting to take a look at the many innovations we enjoy in civilian life due to developments in and for those who fought and fight for our freedoms. 
Duct Tape
Duct Tape - original use was to keep moisture out of the ammunition cases. Because it was waterproof, people referred to the tape as "Duck Tape."

The Jet Engine -
while it was a military invention at first today it has major use in civilian use and has allowed humans to travel at a much faster pace then just 100 years ago.

Look at Your Feet - The military's stealth jet technology may be on your feet. Many hiking boots are made from the same materials.  

Look in Your Closet -
The "trench coat" got its name from soldiers in World War I who wore the military jackets in the trenches.

The MedEvac Helicopter - pioneered during the Korean War.

GPS - originally used to increased warhead accuracy through precise navigation.

Digital Photography - eliminated the need to recover deorbited film canisters in spy satellites.

The Microwave Oven - It's original use was early warning radar and air defense systems.

The Blood Bank - In 1941 Dr. Charles Drew became director of an American Red Cross program for the U.S. armed forces, developing methods for using dried instead of liquid plasma.
Experience the Valuable Instruction, Motivation and Power of Connections at the CKIC! 



CKIC Officers:
President - Don Skaggs
Vice-President - Mark Miller
Treasurer - Jim Hill