Logo CKIC     "Educate - Innovate - Motivate"

APRIL  2012
In This Edition
Inventors Blog: 3 Inventor Mistakes to Avoid
April 3rd: Open Meeting - Michael Blaz with Laser Reproductions
April 10th: Inventor's Workshop (for CKIC Members Only)
Opportunity for Inventors: Minnesota Invention & Idea Show
7 Lessons from "Shark Tank"
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The sights, sounds and even smells of spring are now certainly in full force here in KY.  You can't quite miss it, as it is all around you.  We're also not able to miss all the budding inventor and entrepreneur activity happening all around us now, and it's exciting to watch, but even better to become involved in!

No matter where you are on your inventing or entrepreneurial journey, you'll want to check out the information and opportunities in this month's Inventor's Update.   

Ever wonder how you're going to make your prototype?  Then you won't want to miss hearing from Michael Blaz from Laser Reproductions, at our Free Open Meeting on April 3rd. 

Also, find out about 3 mistakes inventors can make and how to avoid them, all on this month's blog: http://www.ckic.org/inventorblog.html. 

Here's to a great week; and I hope to see you at our next Free Open Meeting on Tuesday April 3rd! 

Best Regards,

Don Skaggs
Central Kentucky Inventors Council

Inventors Blog: 3 Inventor Mistakes to Avoid
April 3rd: Michael Blaz with Laser Reproductions
 So You've Got Your Idea Working Perfectly - In Your Head - Or Maybe Even Down On Paper.  Now You're Ready to Show Yourself and the World the Answer to that Burning Question: "Can You Show Me How It Works?" 

But Where and How Do You Get a Prototype Built?

Find out how at the next CKIC Meeting on Tuesday April 3rd as we hear from:     

Michael Blaz

 Michael Blaz  

with Laser Reproductions

Michael is an Engineer with Laser Reproductions.  He will be sharing with us LR's ability of combining today's leading processes, a vast production capacity and their expertise in design engineering, offering innovative solutions that rapidly bring ideas to life.







Laser Reproductions is a leading provider of rapid prototyping, manufacturing and product development services to industrial design firms, manufacturers, inventors, architects and other types of companies across the United States.             




why process


A good prototyping resource can be a very good stepping stone for may inventors and/or R&D groups because of their many options on the front end of the development process.      






For Inventors, prototyping can mean a process of going from an initial concept to a functional model.  This involves creativity, expertise, and technology to match your expectations.           



Laser Reproductions LogoYou won't want to miss this important information about a critical step in your invention's process on Tuesday April 3rd!  




When:  Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012
Where: Bluegrass Area Development Center
             699 Perimeter Drive Lexington KY

   Doors open for networking at 6:30pm,
             Meeting begins at 7:00pm

April 10th: Inventor's Workshop (for CKIC Members Only)
Join Us For Our Monthly, Members-Only  Inventors Workshop

Hosted by CKIC Founder Don West
Dan Atkinson Workshop

- This workshop is designed to help the inventor move from the idea stage through the invention process, by allowing for inventors to discuss and learn from constructive information concerning their ideas in a free and unencumbered, legally binding format.

This Meeting is for CKIC Members Only

Gary Davis Workshop Not a member? Come and join us:
Membership is only $40/yr

   Where: Bluegrass Development Center
                699 Perimeter Dr, Lexington KY

     Date: Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
      Time: Doors open at 6:30,
                                           Workshop begins at 7:00pm  
Do you have a great idea for an invention?
Find out what you can do!

Opportunity for Inventors: Minnesota Invention & Idea Show

MIC Invention Show 2012  

For More Info go to:

See more about this and other Inventor Opportunities
at this month's Free Open CKIC Meeting
on Tuesday April 3rd!


7 Lessons from "Shark Tank"

In a recent article in FastCompany, the TV show "Shark Tank" is stirring up a lot of buzz in it's third season. If you're not familiar with the show, it is described as a "prime-time feeding frenzy where successful entrepreneurs fight over promising startups while ruthlessly chewing up the unprepared".  To date, the Sharks have invested more than $6.2 million of their own money in a number of companies. So what can we learn from a show about what venture capitalists want to hear before they invest in your company and/or invention?
Shark Tank
1. Know your numbers. This is the number one lesson from Shark Tank. It's critical that you understand how much cash is coming in and out of the business.

2. Be a good marketer. A lackluster website, disconnection with social media tools and not taking advantage of exposure opportunities can show that you're missing the mark.

3. Be humble. While showing a business drive is important, statements that reveal arrogance isn't very appealing to a potential investor.

4. Understand good timing. It's a bad time to ask for investment money if your great idea is too early in it's development to be on the hunt for a large amount of cash. 

5. Have a good story. A great story and a stellar product can help you explain your company's motivation and reason to invest.

6. Be prepared to walk. Know that some things are just not meant to be.  Sometimes you can walk away without a deal but with new exposure and experience.

7. Be personable. It really does help to have a winning personality. No one wants to do business with someone who is unlikeable. 
Experience the Valuable Instruction, Motivation and Power of Connections at the CKIC! 



CKIC Officers:
President - Don Skaggs
Vice-President - Mark Miller
Treasurer - Jim Hill