The Customer Experience Journal
2011 Web Experience Ratings & Social Media Influence
July 2011


I hope that your summer is going well!


There's a lot of news to review before I dive into the content. First of all, time is running out to become a Founding Member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association ( If you want to be a Founding Corporate Member or a Founding Individual Member, then you need to sign-up before July 31st. We'd love to have you join!


I'm also thrilled to announce our first CXPA Members Insight Exchange on October 19th and 20th in Boston. It should be a great event! 1to1 Media will be announcing its Customer Champions Award Winners at the event. You can nominate someone for an award by August 5th.


In this edition, we discuss three new research reports: 

We also highlight some recent blog posts such as 9 Recommendations For Net Promoter Score (NPS) Programs and African Americans Are Most Likely To Recommend.  

WebExp 2011 Temkin Web Experience Ratings

We recently published the 2011 Temkin Web Experience Ratings that examines the Web experience of 119 large US companies based on feedback from 6,000 US consumers. Seventy percent of the companies received either a "Poor" or "Very Poor" rating, but kudos to the eight top firms that were either "Good" or "Very Good:"



2. Regions

3. USAA (insurance)

4. Discover

5. USAA (Bank)

6. Vanguard

7. eBay

8. Southwest Airlines


Here are the industry results for the report, which highlight the lack of good Web experience, especially for health plans, Internet service providers, and TV service providers.


2011 Temkin Web Experience Ratings Industry Results  

To access data for all firms, visit the Temkin Ratings website

SocialMedia How Social Media Affects Purchase Decisions

In the report, Social Media's Limited Affect On Purchase Decisions, we examined how consumers used different sources of information in their recent purchases of cell phones, TVs, computers, insurance policies, health plans and credit cards.  


To examine the impact of social media, we calculated the Temkin Purchase Influence Index (TPII). Social media has the highest affect on computers and the lowest on health plans. Here are the high-level results:


Social Media Purchase Influence 

While the overall results show very few areas where social media has a strong influence on these purchases, a deeper analysis of consumers by age, income, ethnicity, and education uncovers pockets of stronger (and weaker) social media influence.

PCBuying The PC Buying Experience, 2011

In the report, The PC Buying Experience, 2011, we surveyed 842 US consumers who had recently purchased a computer. The research examines satisfaction across the new purchase/ownership process, purchase drivers, and decision criteria.


No surprise, Apple buyers are more satisfied than PC buyers across the entire new ownership cycle. But the gap is largest when it comes to customer service. 

PC vs Apple Satisfaction 

The report also examines this data by PC brands. That analysis shows that HP and Dell are much more competitive with Apple than are "other" PC makers. HP outpaces Apple when it comes to the process of purchasing the computer and Dell is only one percentage point behind Apple when it comes to the ease of setting up a computer.  


And, get this... Buyers of computers from Apple, Dells, and HP are equally satisfied with the computer they purchased.

CXPMatters Customer Experience Matters Blog

Here are some recent posts from Customer Experience Matters:
TemkinGroupTemkin Group Update

We have exciting research coming out over the next month which includes the The State Of VoC Programs, 2011 Temkin Customer Service Ratings, Health Plan Buying Experience and an evaluation of online auto insurance coverage decision tools.

If you're looking to accelerate your organization's customer experience transformation efforts, here are a number of ways that
Temkin Group can help:
  • Assessments of customer experience efforts, to identify gaps and opportunities to accelerate your transformation efforts
  • Speeches and webinars on a wide range of customer experience and leadership topics
  • Interactive workshops for executive teams or other groups to gain alignment around key customer experience principles and priorities or to develop plans in areas such as voice of the customer programs
  • Educational curriculum to establish and reinforce an understanding of proven customer experience principles across an organization
  • Strategy reviews of marketing and product plans for vendors who want to help companies transform their customer experience
Don't miss your opportunity to become a Founding Member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association, the non-profit organization dedicated to your success.

Drop me a line at, visit our Website at, or give us a call at (617)916-2075.

Bruce Temkin
Customer Experience Transformist
& Managing Partner
Temkin Group

Chair, Customer Experience Professionals Association

Follow me on Twitter  
In This Issue
> 2011 Temkin Web Experience Ratings
> Social media's affect on purchases
> PC Buying Experience, 2011
> Customer Experience Matters Blog
> Temkin Group Update
> EFM is Dead
Temkin Group
We are a research and consulting firm that combines thought leadership with a deep understanding of the dynamics of large organizations to help senior executives accelerate their customer experience transformational efforts

Customer Experience


> Ratings websites are

very influential in computer and PC purchases, but not for selecting a health plan


> Consumers are willing to 

forgive USAA and Costco if they make a mistake, but not HSBC and Charter Communications


> Companies with scores of "moderate" or better on Temkin Group's customer experience competency assessment rose from 22% in 2010 to 30% in 2011 


> Customer experience leaders have a 12.7 percentage point advantage over customer experience laggards in customers likely to recommend them



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Temkin Ratings Website

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EFM is Dead And NPS is Not The Ultimate Question

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