April 20, 2012

Parts Testing Drives UP GPS III Program Costs, Forces Prime to Forego $70 Million Incentive Fee

[GNSS SIGNALS exclusive] An emphasis on quality assurance in system engineering and components in the first GPS III satellite now under development has driven projected costs up in the program above the budgeted amount, leading the U.S. Air Force to deny a $70 million incentive fee to prime contractor Lockheed Martin. (more)

U.S. Satellite Export Policy Report Retains GPS Restrictions

[GNSS SIGNALS exclusive] A report to Congress submitted Wednesday (April 18, 2012) by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of State recommends that Congress ease restrictions on export of communications and remote sensing satellites to improve the competitiveness of U.S. companies, while retaining controls on spacecraft technologies used for positioning, navigation, and timing, including GPS. (more)

Robotics Challenge: Help DARPA Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

[GNSS SIGNALS exclusive] We certainly hope the competitors in DARPA's Robotics Challenge hardwire Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics into their creations-the one that says don't harm humans. Because the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's new contest aims to develop technology that advances robotics to the next level. The level at which robots can do what we do, go where we can't, and change shape as necessary. (more)

SSTL Delivers Nav Payload for First Galileo FOC Satellite

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has delivered the first of 14 full operational capability (FOC) payloads for Galileo to prime contractor OHB System AG. (more)

GPS III Satellite System and GPS OCX Have a Conversation

Raytheon Company and Lockheed Martin have successfully completed the first significant integration milestone between Raytheon's Next Generation GPS Operational Control System (OCX) and Lockheed Martin's GPS III satellite development. (more)

GNSS Hotspots

The latest GNSS Data Points and Factoids to Amuse and Inform. (more)
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