May 2010

GNSS to Star in FAA's NextGen Air Traffic System. [SIGNALS exclusive] The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) accelerated its move toward a Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) with contracts awarded to Boeing, General Dynamics, and ITT on May 26 and performance requirements for aircraft tracking equipment announced May 28. NextGen, to be completed by 2025, will rely heavily upon GNSS to increase capacity, efficiency, and safety in the National Air Space (NAS) while reducing adverse environmental effects. (more)
Behind the GPS IIF Launch: A Long and Winding Road. [SIGNALS exclusive] The perilous course of the first GPS Block IIF satellite - launched last week after many tries - shows how much things have changed for GPS and the U.S. aerospace industry in the past 36 years. These changes include the status and expectations placed on GPS by the Air Force and the public, the shrinking base of space electronics suppliers and aerospace prime contractors, the growing technical complexity of the system, and Department of Defense (DoD) procurement and funding processes. (more)
Death of a Russian Engineer. Editor Glen Gibbons remembers space electronics engineer Stanislav Sila-Novitsky, one of the key developers of GLONASS system electronics. (more)
Sharpen Your GNSS Innovation with University of Calgary's PLAN Group. Submit your GNSS application idea to the USA Challenge, the newest regional contest in the European Satellite Navigation Competition! You may win a $1,000 cash prize, a cover story in Inside GNSS, and a two-day visit with the GNSS experts at the University of Calgary Position Location and Navigation research group. Airfare to and from Calgary and accommodation will be provided.

The USA Challenge is sponsored by NovAtel Inc. and Inside GNSS with support from PLAN. Contest deadline: July 31 2010. (more)

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Join us in Baltimore June 21-25, 2010. Whether you are new to the GPS industry or working on a new aspect of GPS, we are your premier source. [More]
June coverMAGAZINE
Going Deep into the June 2010 issue of Inside GNSS magazine:
� Sonar and GNSS for underwater high-security apps
� Better receivers through benign spoofing
� China's Regional Navigation System
� Working Papers: Hybrid navigation and safety-of-life
JNCAgree? Disagree? Talk to the Inside GNSS editor
Booth 14 at the 2010 Joint Navigation Conference (JNC)
June 7-10
Orlando, Florida

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