Number 32, February 2012 |
Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter2570 W. El Camino Real � Suite 111 � Mountain View, CA 94040 � (650) 917-1121 www.PacificNaturopathic.com ________ _______________________
New Information On Evaluating and Maintaining Heart Health
It's all about
the heart
What with Valentine's Day and all, it seems right that we focus on heart health in the month of February. Fittingly, President Barack Obama has followed past presidential protocol in proclaiming February to be American Heart Month. In this month's newsletter, Dr. Connie explains naturopathic cardiovascular testing and treatment, and muses on a heart healthy menu. Dr. Corrine describes some popular cardiovascular remedies and talks about the heart benefits of craniosacral therapy. Dr. Marcel talks preventive medicine and a wellness based lifestyle, foundations of naturopathic vitalism. And, in this issue, Elijah Free writes for us again, and discusses his new anti fungal formulation.
Don't miss the special bonus in this issue...the recipe for Dr. Marcel's famous Cuban Sofrito!
Have a joy-filled and vibrantly heart-healthy February!
--Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel
Classes and Events |
No Events Scheduled for January/February
Schedule an Appointment:
| Pacific Naturopathic 2570 W. El Camino Real Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040 650-917-1121
The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm. The clinic is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Dr. Connie's Musings...
 | One of Dr. Connie's Favorite Places to Muse is at the
Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center in Hawaii |
Good News About Delicious, Heart-Healthy Foods I was interested to see an article in Huffington Post promoting foods with cardiovascular benefit. These foods offer benefits which include lowering cholesterol, altering lipid profiles, normalizing blood pressure, quelling inflammation, and preventing clots. I do question a few of the items on the Huffington list, specifically soy protein and popcorn, and would caution that the coffee, wine, and dark chocolate should be included in moderation. While soy protein does favorably impact lipid profiles, issues surrounding soy include production methods, genetic modification, allergic potential, digestive difficulties and more. (I'd recommend an organic, non GMO, fermented soy product, such as tempeh.) And pop corn? Even talking the salt free, butter free air popped variety, we're looking at another GMO hazard, and a highly allergic, overused substance. Touted for it's high fiber content, I'd suggest substituting other recommended fiber sources such as oatmeal. Focusing on the remaining foods on the list, one could still prepare a fairly phenomenal heart healthy Valentine Day's feast. The other foods included in the Huffington Post article are olive oil, salmon, nuts, berries, oatmeal, tomatoes, seaweed, sweet potatoes. A menu incorporating these foods could include tempeh fricassee for vegans and vegetarians, or wild salmon for others; sweet potato mash; side seaweed salad; green salad with tomatoes; and strawberries dipped in deep, dark chocolate. Yum Yum.
Because tempeh fricassee may be an unfamiliar concept to many readers, we've included a recipe for Dr. Marcel's famous tempeh fricassee, which begins with Dr. Marcel's Cuban Sofrito. Dr. Marcel's Cuban Sofrito Ingredients: 2 medium onions, diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 6 cloves garlic, minced 1 can diced tomatoes 1 can tomato paste 1 rounded tsp turmeric 1 rounded tsp cumin 1 rounded tsp dried oregano leaves 2 Bay leaves salt black pepper 1 cup dry white wine 3 T capers 7 large Spanish Olives, quartered extra virgin, organic olive oil extra virgin, organic coconut oil water as needed Saute peppers and onions together in olive oil. After the peppers soften and the onions are transparent, add garlic, continuing to saute for 3 minutes. Add rest of ingredients. Adjust liquid so that it is slightly watery. Evaporate to desired consistency, like maple syrup. Adjust flavorings. Cook slowly, stirring every 5 minutes or so for two hours. For the Tempeh Fricassee, sautee tempe strips in coconut oil. Add to the sofrito prior to serving, or arrange strips on plate and top with sofrito. Find out more about Dr. Connie's consulting services at www.naturopathichealthconsultations.com |
Naturopathic Assessment
of Cardiovascular Risk:
More Information is Better
than Less Information
Connie Hernandez, N.D.
Practitioners of complementary medicine have long disputed the use of cholesterol alone as a measure of cardiovascular risk. The resultant controversy, brewing for years, is beginning to bubble over into mainstream questioning of testing methods and of prescriptive guidelines for statin medications.
Under our dictum that more information is better than less information, we at Pacific Naturopathic advocate more in depth testing when considering whether you are a candidate for addressing perceived cardiovascular risk through prescriptive means, particularly statins. Among the many things we consider are personal and family history, current dietary and lifestyle risk factors, blood pressure measurements, laboratory testing of factors which contribute to cardiovascular risk (liver function, thyroid function, sex hormone deficiencies or imbalance), and cardio specific laboratory testing.
Our choice for cardio specific laboratory testing is Spectra Cell Laboratory's Lipoprotein Particle Profile. The profile provides almost everything we'd like to know, and does so at a reasonable price.
General screening looks at total cholesterol, HDL (high density lipoprotein), LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides, and gives a ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. Of these values, the ratio is the most helpful. That being said, there's much more to consider. The total values do not take into the account the fact that cholesterol, both LDL and HDL comes in small and dense, to large and buoyant particle sizes. The small HDL is not particularly protective, whereas the large is. And the small LDL is much more damaging than the large LDL. In addition, there are fragments which are far more reliable as risk factors... lipoprotein-a is one of those.
Spectra Cell testing evaluates particle size, fragments and other indices such as C reactive protein and homocysteine, valuable as functional risk factors for cardiovascular disease. These indices are measures of inflammation, and are used to estimate the degree of injury to the lining of the blood vessel. Cholesterol patches injured areas, a patching which can result in dangerous plaque. No injury, no patch, no plaque.
Person A with a cholesterol reading of 275, a predominance of HDL particles, buoyant LDL particles, and low lipoprotein a, homocysteine and C-reactive protein is at less risk than person B with a total cholesterol of 165, relatively low HDL numbers, small LDLs, high lipoprotein a and a high degree of inflammation.
Given this information, it makes no sense to prescribe a statin medication without investigating both the underlying cause of the perceived problem, and what it is that is actually being treated.
 Naturopathic protocol is to address diet, lifestyle, endocrine or metabolic dysfunction, and underlying inflammation, rather than simply suppressing the high cholesterol numbers. In addition, risk facts such as lipoprotein-a don't reliably respond to statin medications. Another medication, such as niacin, may be more appropriate. All of this is not to say that statins are never indicated. Our naturopathic red yeast rice extract IS a statin, and we do prescribe it when indicated. It is simply to say that it is time to turn to a more preventive and more informed mode of treating cardiovascular dysfunction. Find out more about Dr. Connie's consulting services at: |
Curious About the Health of Your Cardiovascular System?
Phone Pacific Naturopathic to schedule an appointment to discuss the most therapeutically useful cardiac evaluation test available 
Cholesterol numbers do not assess cardiovascular Risk:
Lipoprotein particle numbers tell the true story.
Up to 50 percent of those who have suffered heart attacks had "normal" cholesterol numbers. How can the large discrepancy between accurate diagnosis and standard cholesterol testing be prevented? Simply by testing the LDL (low density lipoprotein) particle sizes and numbers using the Lipoprotein Particle Profile™ (LPP™) from SpectraCell Laboratories.
Overview of lipoprotein particles and cholesterol
Cholesterol testing has historically been used as the standard indicator for cardiovascular disease classified as HDL (good) or LDL (bad). However, it is actually the lipoprotein particles that carry the cholesterol throughout the body, not necessarily the cholesterol within them, that are responsible for key steps in plaque production and the resulting development of cardiovascular disease.
Now there is an advanced cholesterol testing technology which accurately measures both the density and number of lipoprotein particles. This test is the Lipoprotein Particle Profile™, or LPP™, from SpectraCell Laboratories.
Measuring the lipoprotein subgroups is the only way to evaluate new risk factors, which is crucial for an accurate assessment of cardiovascular risk - according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP).
Interested in the Spectracell Lipoprotein Particle Profile? Please call to schedule an appointment or if you have any further questions: (650) 917-1121.
Sex and Cardiovascular Health
Here's an all too common story: A person with no personal or family history of heart disease, no symptoms and "normal" cholesterol levels wakes up in the morning and in the course of the day suffers a heart attack. There was no clue. This is why heart attacks have been called "the silent killer."
As you've read in other articles in this newsletter, traditional cholesterol monitoring through laboratory testing is an unreliable predictor of cardiovascular health. Yes, there may be a genetic component involved in cardiovascular disease, but as we've tried to communicate above, genetic predispositions to cardiovascular disease may be greatly curtailed by the lifestyle choices one makes, especially those related to diet, exercise and stress management.
Maintenance is one of the keys to heart health. You would never think of driving your car 100,000 miles without oil changes and tune-ups. Well, the heart is the body's engine room, responsible for pumping life-sustaining blood via a 60,000-mile-long network of vessels. The organ beats ceaselessly, about 100,000 times a day, about 40 million times a year. Freshly pumped blood keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, while clearing away harmful waste matter.
Heart maintenance is not rocket science. Most readers of this newsletter know that a diet rich in healthy oils (olive oil, fish oil) help the heart, while saturated fats (from red meat) and trans fats (in many packaged foods) may compromise the heart. Other dietary suggestions are given in the articles written by Dr. Connie and Dr. Corrine.
Most readers also know that a sedentary (inactive) lifestyle is one of the top risk factors for heart disease. Fortunately, it's a risk factor that you can do something about. Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, can strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure, improve your circulation and help your body use oxygen better. Remember to always check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program. Your doctor can help you find a program that matches your level of fitness and physical condition.
Chronic stress exposes your body to unhealthy, persistently elevated levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Fortunately, there are a number of effective approaches to working with stress.
Here's the sex part. Exercise ranks right up at the top in terms of stress-busting effectiveness. If you can't make it to the gym, physical intimacy (sex!) is extremely heart healthy. One study of 2,500 men aged 49 to 54 found that having an orgasm at least three times a week cut in half the likelihood of death from coronary heart disease. And a prolonged intimacy session can double a person's heart rate and burn up about 200 calories, or the equivalent of a brisk 15-minute run. So staying in bed might be just what the doctor orders.
In one study, Harvard Medical School reported that yoga has a dramatic positive effect on heart health. The study reports that yoga can reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, ease stress, cut episodes of irregular heartbeat in half and greatly improve quality of life in people living with abnormal heart rhythms.
 Meditation is also a powerful cardiovascular therapy. One major study reported that meditation can cut the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death by almost 50% in patients with existing coronary heart disease. The findings of the study indicate that relaxation and mental focusing can be as effective as powerful new drugs in treating heart disease. Norman Cousins, in his classic book, "Anatomy of an Illness," discovered that a hearty laugh, like the kind that generates a stream of tears, has a profound impact on health. Research has shown belly laughs can cause the lining of blood vessel walls to relax, increasing blood flow for up to 45 minutes after the laugh attack. Why is stress so emphasized in heart health? Excellent research has shown that stress and other negative emotions cause blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow. The opposite effect was true for positive emotions. Finally, although many people think of heart attacks as a male thing, heart disease kills 500,000 American women each year, topping male numbers by 50,000 mortalities. Also, women don't tend to experience the Hollywood-style heart attack symptoms in which gripping chest pain radiating to the left arm signals that the end is near. Instead, women have reported tightness, aching or pressure in the heart, plus other symptoms like nausea, back and jaw pain. The best course of action you can follow to maintain cardiovascular health is to eat lots of veggies and fatty fish, exercise regularly, love deeply and often and take the world lightly. Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work with men at: |
Craniosacral Therapy
For a Healthy Heart by Corrine Wang, N.D.
 Craniosacral work can help heal the heart not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. On the physical level, craniosacral therapy helps rebalance the autonomic nervous system by supporting the parasympathetic system and decreasing the drive of the sympathetic system. This moves the body into relaxation mode, decreasing stress levels and stress hormones. In relaxation mode, craniosacral therapy facilitates drops in heart rate and respiratory rate, dilation in blood vessels, and increase in blood flow - all good things for the heart. Craniosacral therapy also relaxes the tension and hardness felt in the chest under stress. Along with helping the heart on the physical level, craniosacral therapy can be very beneficial on the mental and emotional levels. With the complex and chaotic lives we lead these days, it is often hard to make space for processing stressors and emotions. We lock many of our emotions and experiences in our hearts, guarding ourselves from more pain. During craniosacral sessions, as a practitioner, I am fully present in the moment with my clients, offering a compassionate space for them to decompress and express themselves if they need to. Holding the heart space, I allow the client the time to be vulnerable, time to open to new possibilities. The pain and emotions that are locked in the heart can then unfurl and be released. Old tensions and patterns make space for alternative ways of being, healing the heart and spurring life change. If you're feeling the need for relief from stress, or change of heart, come stop by for a craniosacral session today. Dr. Corrine is an associate at Pacific Naturopathic. To schedule a craniosacral treatment, please phone 650-917-1121.
Supplements for Heart Health

With February being American Heart Month and cardiovascular disease being so prevalent in the United States, I wanted to focus on some supplements that can contribute to maintaining a healthy heart.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, as well as being the leading cause of disability, time off from work, and preventing people from enjoying other activities. Furthermore, cardiovascular disease is very expensive, costing the nation over $444 billion in 2010 in health care expenses and decreased productivity. A simple heart health maintenance program can help prevent you and your loved ones from becoming part of this statistic.
The supplements below are a few things that can help your heart stay healthy, but keep in mind that these are most beneficial when taken in conjunction with maintaining a heart-healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
Fish oils
Fish oils are beneficial for our health in numerous ways, but for heart health, they can decrease blood pressure, reduce triglycerides, and increase protective HDL cholesterol. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice a week, especially fatty fish like anchovies, bluefish, carp, catfish, herring and salmon. When eating fish, it is best to choose wild and smaller fish to decrease the possibility of exposure to mercury, other heavy metals, and toxins. If supplementing with fish oils, 3 grams of omega-3s a day have been shown to reduce plaque found in the arteries.
Good news for chocoaholics -- recent studies have shown that dark chocolate is now beneficial for preventing heart disease! The cocoa bean is high in protective flavonoids and antioxidants, so eating an ounce of high-quality, dark chocolate a few times a week can be great for the heart.
Hawthorn can help with the dilation of blood vessels, strengthening the heart and capillaries, and lowering blood pressure and lipids. The bioflavonoids found in hawthorn are also potent antioxidants. Hawthorn thus allows for protection of your heart against damage, direct strengthening of your heart, and better circulation of blood through your body.
Garlic is one of the most beneficial herbs to treat atherosclerosis, or a hardening of the arteries. Garlic prevents cholesterol from depositing in the artery walls by decreasing serum cholesterol levels. It also helps to lower blood pressure, thereby decreasing stress on your heart as well as in our vessels, so consuming garlic is very beneficial overall for heart health.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an anti-oxidant that is essential for energy production and may play a role in cellular defense against oxidative damage. CoQ10 can be beneficial in the treatment of several health problems, including cardiac conditions, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
One way CoQ10 helps the heart is through the prevention of plaque formation in arteries. It accomplishes this through preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that ultimately forms the plaques. A main reason for CoQ10 supplementation, especially for people who already have a preexisting heart condition, is that CoQ10 is in great demand in heart muscle cells due to the high energy requirements of the heart. CoQ10 is needed for producing ATP, the molecule required as energy for all cells, so this is a major factor in the efficiency and strength of the heart. Thus, CoQ10 supplementation is beneficial in a number of ways for heart health.
As mentioned above, the true key to a healthy heart is prevention through diet and lifestyle (eating more fruits and vegetables, exercise, and decreasing stress levels). These herbal supplements can help aid in maintaining a healthy heart, but only as a part of a comprehensive diet and lifestyle program supporting cardiovascular health. The key to great cardiovascular health as well as overall health is always prevention and maintaining balance in life.
 | Maintain balance for a healthy life |
Please phone us at Pacific naturopathic if you would like help in designing a program that addresses your specific needs as pertains to heart health.
New--Only at Pacific Naturopathic A Highly Effective All Natural Treatment for Yeast, Mold and Fungus
Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT  Developed by Master Herbalist Elijah Free, Fungus-End™ is a unique herbal formula which helps to address the issue of fungus, mold and yeast overgrowths in the body. The Fungus-End™ formula creates an environment that helps to kill off the offending overgrowths. Fungus-End™ also helps ensure that there are no undesirable die-off symptoms, symptoms which can otherwise make one feel very ill. Fungus-End™ neutralizes the acid toxins from die-off right in the blood stream, insuring a comfortable and safe elimination of fungus, yeast and mold. The changed environment that the formula creates helps prevent any remaining over-growth from thriving and repopulating the system with a new generation of fungus, mold or yeast. There are a number of causes, usually found in combination with each other, that allow yeast, mold and fungus to overgrow in the body. The most common cause is repeated or ongoing exposure to environmental mold and/or fungus, often in the home environment. Air borne spores can acclimate to life in the body, and can take root and grow. The immune system cannot handle the overgrowth, and the invading spores have a perfect place to establish themselves. Diets that are high in sugars, processed carbohydrates, preservatives, and alcohol weaken the immune system and contribute to making the environment conducive to the continuation of the overgrowth. The delicate balance of healthy flora in the digestive tract is further disrupted by antibiotic use, ongoing stress, and more. Yeast thrives with this disruption. Fungus-End™ has two distinct actions. First, the combination of herbs acts to kill off the overgrowth, both through the direct antimicrobial action (killing off the fungus/mold/yeast) and through helping the cells of the immune system to hunt out the offending infection. Second, Fungus-End™ has a component that neutralizes the die-off reaction that we attribute to the eradication of fungus/mold/yeast. Die-off is exactly what the name implies. When the offending organisms die, they leave behind an acidic, toxic residue, an environment conducive to further overgrowth. Fungus-End™ neutralizes the residue as it occurs. Without the die-off residue to live on, the infectious overgrowth starves to death, greatly aiding the main antimicrobial action of the formula. This leads to a smooth and more rapid progression back to a healthier body. Elijah Free created Fungus-End™ for his own healing from a severe fungus and mold overgrowth that responded to nothing else. Within several weeks of starting the formula, he began to see results-the lessening of symptoms leading to an eventual eradication of the overgrowths that had made him so ill for the past several years. The research and development of Fungus-End™ offers hope for others with debilitating and insidious fungal overgrowth conditions. Fungus-End™ is an Elijah Free Formula from Earth Friend Herb Co. To contact Elijah, please either call the clinic at 650-917-1121 or e-mail at elijah@rapidpainelimination.com. To learn more about the healing work of Elijah Free, please go to his web sites:
Rapid Pain Elimination Apprentice to Angels
Experiencing the Heart of Hawaii
at Pacific Naturopathic
Retreat Center
Openings From March
With its undulations, softness and curves, the Big Island has always been thought of as feminine. Even the Volcano is ruled by the Goddess Pele. Pele makes her inner nature known very directly:
A cooled lava heart
A hot lava heart
And wherever visitors travel on the Island, they leave reminders of how Hawaii permeates the heart:
A sand heart
Our Big Island retreat center/vacation rental also mirrors the heart with its colors and the way in which the elements come together.
The view from the retreat guest house
If you have ever thought of staying with us, now is the time to reserve. Guests are already booking into November and December.
There are still many choice openings available for the coming months. Please phone us at 808-775-1505, or email us
Hawaii Retreat
Pacific Naturopathic's Hawaii Vacation Rental
Searching for a Meaningful Gift For a Friend or Loved One? Give the Gift of Health! Gift Certificates For All Practitioners and Services Available at Pacific Naturopathic

Looking for a conscious, meaningful, caring gift for a birthday or special occasion? A gift certificate to a Pacific Naturopathic practitioner lets a special person know you really care about their well-being. Gift certificates for all practitioners and modalities offered at Pacific Naturopathic are available by phoning our front desk at 650-917-1121, or just stopping by. |
Breast Thermography
at Pacific Naturopathic:
Preventive Medicine is
Close To Our Hearts
 | Normal Thermographic Pattern
At Pacific Naturopathic, preventive medicine and women's health are close to our hearts. Breast thermography provides us with a way to help maintain health in both of these issues. Through breast thermography, we are able to identify changes occurring in one breast that are not occurring in the other breast. Elevated temperature and asymmetric vascularity help us assign a risk rating number to each breast. We address breast health when we see medium to high risk ratings. With thermography, we can monitor the efficacy of our treatment protocols and the return to a normal physiology resulting in a lower risk rating. Physiologic change occurs before anatomic change. When we reduce the risk rating, are we preventing or reversing breast cancer? Maybe, maybe not. What we are doing is observing change, so that we can address and regress abnormal physiologic change. Whether the change is precancerous or would progress to cancer if untreated is unclear as the only diagnostic for breast cancer is breast biopsy. What is clear is that we have the potential of normalizing physiology before there is anatomic change. We call that preventive health care. It has always seemed a bit odd to us that mammograms are promoted as part of a preventive health care program. Mammograms have the potential to discover something looking like a cancer once it has already developed. As we've said, diagnosis of breast cancer is through breast biopsy. The mammogram neither diagnoses cancer nor prevents it from developing. This is not to say that we don't ever recommend mammograms. Mammograms help detect the presence of cancer that may not be detected through self breast exam, and clarify abnormal thermographic readings. But they are not preventive health care.
The cost to you of breast thermography is $225. Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:
Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
Two Types of Thermography Offered at Pacific Naturopathic
At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer two types of thermography, both of which address physiologic change in the body. Readers may be more familiar with Breast Thermography (see below), which helps us determine differences in vasculature and temperature between the breasts.
The other type of thermography offered at Pacific Naturopathic is called Contact Regulation Thermography (CRT).
CRT: Safe and highly informative
Contact Regulation Thermography screens the body from head to pelvic floor, measuring the temperature at 119 points. The first measurements are taken with the body at rest. After a 10 minute cold challenge, temperatures are taken again to assess the body's response to stress.
Evaluation of temperatures can help determine points of inflammation in the meridian and musculoskeletal system, can pinpoint areas of lymphatic congestion, can detect hidden imbalance, and can track referred pain.
Your temperature measurements are evaluated in the context of a data bank of thousands of scans. You are provided with a comprehensive written report of findings, and given the opportunity to discuss the implication of those findings with Ardell, who has extensive training in CRT. Should the scan indicate a need to address an underlying imbalance, Ardell will recommend that you see your health care practitioner, or make an appointment with one of the doctors at Pacific Naturopathic.
The cost of a CRT is $275. To schedule an appointment, please phone 650-917-1121.
Transformational, Stress Reducing, Feel Good Services Offered at Pacific Naturopathic ____________
Reduce Inflammation and Stress: La Stone Body Therapy with Ardell Hill
Reducing inflammation is a key to treating almost every condition, from Alzheimers to arthritis to cancer to cardiovascular disease. LaStone Therapy reduces inflammation through therapeutic placement of cool stones over areas of the body that are inflamed. The entire body is supported as the temperature differential enhances the flow of blood and lymph.
A LaStone therapy session begins with warming the entire body to soften chronically tight muscles. Warming the muscle relaxes both the muscle and adjoining tissues and calms the nervous system. Using the cool stones, where needed, stops the pain-spasm-pain cycle and brings in fresh oxygenated blood.
The use of warm and cool stones together helps the body remember how to regulate itself and stop patterns of inflammation.
LaStone therapist Ardell Hill approaches LaStone Therapy sessions with a wide range of experience which she tailors to meet your individual needs. She draws from modalities including Swedish massage, Cranio-Sacral, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki, all of which are enhanced with the use of warm and cool stones.
To book a LaStone session with Ardell, please phone Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121.
Find out more about Ardell Hill
Let Me Introduce Myself... Nancy Schuet, Certified
Neuro-Reflex Therapist

Let me introduce myself. I am Nancy Schuet, Certified Neuro-Reflex-Therapist. As a CNRT, I trained intensively in foot reflexology and advanced massage techniques relating to feet. I apprenticed at the Neuro-Reflex Therapy Institute in Modesto, Ca., and have upgraded my skills through an ongoing relationship with the Universal College of Reflexology.
Neuro-Reflex therapy was developed by a Registered Nurse and a reflexologist especially for those with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy clients derive relief from the numbness, burning and tingling so often a problem for them, enabling them to sleep better and get on with daily activities with less pain.
I have also found that adaptations of CNRT techniques relieve pain on the soles of the feet, such as that of plantar fasciitis. Massage and reflexology techniques isolate and work out tightness in the muscles and tissues of the feet. If you have any pain on the bottom of the feet, I find that CNRT can lessen it. I often treat people who have been somewhat helped, but not cured, by physical therapy or by inserts received from podiatrists. My take home techniques further promote pain relief.
The European Reflexology I've learned through the Universal College of Reflexology emphasizes the detoxification, allergy relief, and digestive betterment that can be obtained through foot reflexology. I am always learning new techniques. Very soon, I'll be adding relaxing facial reflexology to my offerings at Pacific Naturopathic.
I have been in practice in Mountain View in a chiropractic office for the past 8 years and I have been rewarded by helping many people feel better. As you might imagine, I have accumulated quite a bit of word-of-mouth knowledge and practical information from my clients. I've learned, for example, what to do if your second toe is longer than your big toe. Give me a call and I can help you with it.
I am so excited to be joining the Pacific Naturopathic healing team. I hope to meet you soon.
To schedule an appointment with Nancy please contact her at 408-891-4759 or email her
Click here for more information about Nancy's work
A Little About us...
At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men, elimination of all types of bodily pain -- both mechanical and metabolic -- acute and chronic, autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion, pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols. Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.