Classes and Events
| Coming Soon: Classes at our new offices... Stay Tuned!
Schedule an Appointment:
Please phone Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121. The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm. The clinic is closed daily from 12-1:30pm.
For Readers Still Trying to Find Us...
2570 W. El Camino Real, #111
 | We're in this Big Beautiful Glass Building... Yes, people have gotten lost on their way here. For some, our building is invisible. We think these folks carry the concept that a naturopathic office should be in a funky, organic structure and not in a comfortable, upscale glass office structure.
We are on the first floor of a six-story building in San Antonio Shopping Center just south of the corner of San Antonio Road and El Camino. For the landmark oriented, we share a parking lot with Trader Joe's. Just walk out of TJ's, look to your right, and you will see the glass building. We've had people phone us from the parking lot, looking right at the building and not seeing it. .
Pacific Naturopathic
2570 W. El Camino Real
Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040 650-917-1121
Meet Elijah Free
Inspired Healer at Pacific Naturopthic
Free has been an associate with Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel at Pacific
Naturopathic since January 2000. 2010 Celebrates his thirty-fifth year in the
healing arts. Dr. Marcel interviewed him for this edition of the Pacific
Naturopathic Newsletter. How would you describe
the work you do? My work is to eliminate all types of pain in the
body, both mechanical and metabolic. This means to truly eliminate pain, not
just manage it. Freeing, also known as Rapid Pain Elimination, is a
structural science that has the capacity to reconstruct, restore and re-sculpt
the spine and entire skeletal system with virtually no pain or discomfort. Freeing is so gentle people often fall asleep
during a session. It is totally non-intrusive and uses no force or cracking, but
rather gentle touch and a deep understanding of how the body heals. What was your inspiration
for entering the healing profession? I
was in severe pain for nearly two years with no end to the suffering in sight
after several bad falls that injured my back. During the second year of this
pain, one day I cried out to God, "If you ever let me get out of this pain, I
swear I will learn to heal other people." After a year of praying on this, one
day I woke up and all of my bones went back into place on their own. Several
days later, a friend who had been badly injured in an accident was to go in for
spinal surgery. He had heard how I had healed myself and he came to me for
help. I healed him in minutes and found my path as a healer. This is written in
more detail in my first book, Apprentice
to Angels. What people have inspired
you in your work? The
greatest inspiration was our family general practitioner, Dr. Isadore Orris, who
cared for my family when I was young. He epitomized the compassionate care that
one in the healing arts must constantly demonstrate for his patients. What do you see is your
role in the healing relationship between yourself and your clients? My
role is to help my patients become free of the pain and suffering that has kept
them from a full and joyful life. As a healer, my life is no longer only my
own. I strive to live a life that inspires my patients that they also can heal
just as I did, and that they can work at it in active participation rather than
exist in the passive acceptance that they will live in pain. I work to bring
understanding, hope and healing where it may not have previously existed.
What projects are you
currently working on (books, articles, formulas, etc.)? Right
now, my patented fibromyaligia formula is doing very well on the over the
counter market. So also are the formulas for arthritis and TMJ. This year the
publishers of Apprentice to Angels and
myself are working on a marketing plan to bring the book further to the public.
Later this year, I am completing work on a small book entitled, "God Cannot Go
Into Recession." It helps one to better understand how divine supply cannot be
withheld by the mortal belief of lack. I will also begin my fall teaching
schedule of Freeing at Healing Arts Institute. I am also planning on teaching a
Freeing class at our new clinic. What conditions do you
have the most success with?
Freeing is for all types of
pain in soft and hard tissue. This includes nerves, muscles, connective tissue,
fascia and all places that soft tissue connects to bones. What mysteries are you
still working with?
dogs have to bark so much. What are your greatest
challenges as a healer? My
specialty is people with chronic and acute pain that have not found relief elsewhere.
I work to constantly be vigilant to create better and more efficient ways to
heal the people who place their trust in me. This means to be open to a
constant flow of inspiration to better understand what needs to occur for their
healing to take place. The real challenge comes more in my personal life
wherein my life as a healer and my life outside the clinic become truly one
life of constantly inspired healing.
* * * * * * *
Herbalism in Action: Elijah Free's work on Fibromyalgia
Elijah Free specializes in the elimination of pain, both mechanical and metabolic. One example is fibromyalgia, for which Elijah has patented an herbal formula called Fibro Relief/DS-1. The formula was designed to address the underlying cause of fibromyalgia, as Elijah sees it.
In answering the question, "what is fibromyalgia," Elijah explains that fibromyalgia is hardened fibrin, which begins as the size of a cell. When the hardened fibrin becomes large enough, it presents as a hard lump, creating tension and pain. Once fibromyalgia begins, it does not stop on its own. Fibromyaligia tissue is most common wherever the body has enough tissue for it to grow in. The growth process can begin when one is quite young and is most common in women.
As to what causes fibromyaligia, Elijah understands it to be a complex nutritional deficiency. There is a domino effect in the metabolism called a nutritional cascade effect. Metabolically, a wrong chemical signal is released in the body. As a result, the body is told that fibrin, which is normally in a semi-solvent state should be in a non-solvent or hard state.
The Fibro Relief/DS-1 does not directly affect the hardened fibromyaligia tissue . It addresses the underlying nutritional deficiency. The formula helps to restore the natural chemistry of the body. The body then is able to re-absorb back the hardened fibrinous tissue. This fibromyaligia tissue, over a period of time, literally vanishes as the affected tissue returns to its normal consistency.
Find out more about
Elijah Free and his work at his web sites:
Rapid Pain Elimination Apprentice to Angels
Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie pondering in the palm orchard at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center
Remember how the South American Indians did not see the Spanish
galleons, as they had no experience of such ships? Our new location is like
that for some of our patients. They don't expect to see us in a "corporate"
building, so it is invisible to them, even when standing directly in front of
it. This is a matter of concepts and expectations limiting and
directing experience, and blinding us to the reality of what is. This holds
true in all areas of our life. If we expect to be helped, we likely will be
helped. If we believe that nothing has ever worked for us and nothing ever
will, the chance that someone will be able to break through our concepts and
help us is virtually nil. If our concept and expectation is that we never get a
good night's sleep, it is probable that we will continue to believe that
whether or not we do get a good night's sleep. In interpersonal relationships, if we hold a concept of someone
as dishonest, we unconsciously seek to prove out that concept by mistrusting
their every action. Studies have shown that we can change another's behavior
(and thus, our own experience of them) by emphasizing even one positive aspect in the
behavior of that person whose behavior we find to be generally negative. It's a powerful teaching. Change your expectations; be present
in the moment, and the world changes. Try it!
Sorting Through Supplements
By Connie Hernandez, N.D.
Those of you
who have been in to see me know that I like you to bring your supplements with
you, rather than simply reporting to me what it is that you take. The reasons
for this are many. I often hear that someone has tried this or that supplement
and that they believe it has either not worked for them, or that they have had
an adverse reaction to it. There are many
reasons why a well indicated supplement may not work for a person. The person
may have taken an incorrect dosage, or may not have taken it for an adequate
period of time. People are often
confused by labeling which indicates the ingredients in a number of capsules,
versus one capsule. In addition, dosages suggested on bottles are also
generally maintenance dosages versus therapeutic dosages. The specificity
of ingredients also varies. Magnesium is a great example. When magnesium is not
absorbed, it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Some forms of magnesium
are better absorbed than others. And certain forms of magnesium have specific
benefits. We use magnesium taurate when there is a cardiovascular issue or an
anxiety issue; magnesium malate with musculoskeletal issues, and so on. The quality of
ingredients is also an issue. Assays done on supplements purchased here and
there are disconcerting in that it is sometimes found that the percentage of
active ingredient listed in the product varies hugely from the actual
percentage. With fish oils, it is important that the manufacturer assay every
batch for heavy metal toxicity, so that you are not consuming mercury along
with your essential fatty acids. It is always
important to check for excipients, which are added, non-nutrient ingredients. If your supplement contains food dye,
allergenic substances, sugar, or other additives, you can conclude that it is
not in your best interest to take that supplement. At Pacific Naturopathic, we
evaluate the manufacturing processes and the quality of the supplements of
companies with whom we do business, and of companies who work with retail
outlets. We endeavor to pass this information along to you. Taking into account all
of the above maximizes supplement benefits and minimizes side effects.
Flu Shots May Be Hazardous to Your Health! By Marcel Hernandez, N.D.
Dr. Marcel on his "other job"
It's that time of the year again, which means Dr.
Marcel will give his annual perspective on flu shots. No, my perspective hasn't changed since last year. Flu season is the time of year when the media and
the government excite and terrorize the public into complete panic mode with
headlines like "Vaccine Shortage Spawns Public Health Crisis," and warns
us to get ours before the vaccine supply is gone. The flu vaccine is especially recommended for
people ages 65 and older and to those with serious medical conditions that
could quickly worsen as a result of serious complications from the flu. What isn't
reported in the newscasts is potential dangers of the flu vaccine, particularly among the elderly. Dr. Hugh
Fudenberg, one of the world's leading immunogeneticists, states the chances of
getting Alzheimer's disease is 10 times higher if an individual has five
consecutive shots than if they have one, two or no shots. This is likely due to
the mercury-derived preservative and aluminum content of the vaccine. Also not reported is that the flu vaccine can
actually weaken the immune system and make you more predisposed to the illness.
In fact, many people come down with the flu shortly after receiving the shot. But that's not all. Each
year, a new Vaccine is developed that contains three different viruses (one
influenza B and two influenza A strains). CDC officials select the new viruses
based on which viruses were prevalent during the flu season in China and
Australia the previous year! The CDC admits that the viruses selected for
the new vaccine are chosen on the basis of an "educated guess." So there are no
guarantees that the influenza viruses selected for the vaccine will be the
identical strains circulating during a given flu season. After cogitating on the paragraph above, next think on this: If the flu shot is safe and effective,
why is it that in 1997 the Associated Press reported that about 70 percent of
doctors and nurses do NOT get annual
flu shots? If you choose to not receive the flu shot, discuss the options with
your doctor. However, some simple quite effective things you can do for
yourself to prevent the flu include and limit its symptoms if you do get it: 1)
avoid white sugar and refined carbohydrates, which severely undermine your
immune system: 2) exercise regularly to stimulate the circulation of
virus-fighting white blood cells; 3) get adequate sleep; 4) eat a healthy diet
(a visit with one of the naturopathic doctors in our office can help you define
this); 5) drink plenty of purified water daily (water is the number one solvent
to remove toxins from the body), 6) wash your hands regularly and avoid
touching your face, 7) take supplements that strengthen the immune system. We are so used to taking medications-for prevention and treatment-that
it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the
most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu. Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work
with men at: |
Breast Thermography: Dr. Connie's Personal Account
Many patients
have inquired as to why we offer breast thermography at Pacific Naturopathic.
Dr. Connie has her own reasons. Several years ago, Drs. Connie and Marcel
journeyed to Thailand for comprehensive health screening. For Dr. Connie, this
included a mammogram and a breast ultrasound, both of which were completely
clear. At a subsequent medical conference, a skilled Eastern Medicine practitioner, Dr. Chi, read Dr. Connie's palms and
tongue and insisted she was at great risk for breast cancer. Feeling confident
and healthy, Dr Connie dismissed his comments. Imagine her surprise when breast
thermography revealed an extremely high risk rating for one of her breasts.
Following an intensive protocol and monitoring every 3 months, Dr. Connie
brought the risk rating down to what is now extremely low risk. Breast
thermography looks at changes in temperature and blood vessel patterns, and
compares left and right breasts. Differences and changes can indicate either
normal variants or developing breast pathology, and tend to occur prior to
structural change; that is, prior to the lumps and bumps which might be seen on
a mammogram or an ultrasound. More
information is better than less information. And successful prevention negates
the need for cure.
Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:
Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
Save $30
Breast Thermography Special! Only a few days left.
Come, visit our new offices, meet Thermographic Technician Ardell Hil, and experience this new form of preventive medicine. Save $30 off the regular price of $225. This coupon is fully transferable and may be duplicated. To find out more about breast thermography, visit our wesbsite:
Offer Expires: August 31, 2010
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii Retreat Center: A Magical Place to Rest and Rejuvenate
The view from your living room
 | A Typical Day...
Imagine that
you wake up in the morning to the songs of tropical birds.
sunrise is filtering through the palms, jacaranda and
orchid trees,
creating shadow patterns on the walls of your bedroom. The
gentle rain that fell through part of the night created a
cadence on the metal roof of your lovely quarters. You
have slept
open the large glass door, you step from your
out onto the lanai, take a deep breath of pure
air, do a few stretches and gaze out over the
blues of the Pacific Ocean. The trade
are light. It is a sparkling clear day. Across
channel, Maui is shrouded in a slight mist.
Donning a sarong, you walk down
the lanai steps
into the orchard to collect your fruit salad.
couple of ripe papayas, a passion fruit or two
a starfruit tumble into your harvest basket. A
of tasty apple bananas awaits you on the
kitchen counter.
A huge, round butter avocado and a couple of
limes complete your breakfast.
What to do after breakfast?
you pack a picnic lunch and hike 40 minutes
through the
miles of preserve bordering the estate to the
coastal views from the cliffs overlooking the
Perhaps a beach trip to the legendary Waipio
just four miles away? Or a 5-minute trip into
town to
browse the galleries and have a cup of tea?
There are
so many things to see and do on the island, like
the active volcano, driving up to the Mauna Kea
exploring along the lush drive to Hilo. Maybe
just lie in the hammock for a while and think
about it.
Or lounge in the spa. After all, it is a
gorgeous day,
and you are here to relax and rejuvenate....
The minimum visit at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center/Hawaii Peace Garden Vacation Houses is 3 nights. If you're
seeking rest, rejuvenation, and a naturopathic cleansing program, we recommend at least 6 nights.
our websites for details. Phone 808-775-1505 for reservations, or email
Save 10%
Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center: Hawaii Vacation Special!!!
Book before September 31, 2010 for a visit anytime in the next year and receive 10% off the total cost of your stay. Coupon may be reproduced and is fully transferable. Find out more about our center by visiting our websites:
Booking Opportunity Expires: September 31, 2010
An Invitation....
Because we would like to make this newsletter responsive to
you and your needs, you are invited to send health questions you would like to
see addressed to us at
We would also like to invite you to share with other
readers your experiences of health remedies that have worked surprisingly well
for you. |
At Pacific Naturopathic,
we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and
chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men,
autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion,
pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to
our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both
guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted
protocols. Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our
doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and
commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.