Number 13, July 2010
| Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter _______________________________
Not only have we
relocated to a new physical space, we have had significant
shuffling of personnel at Pacific Naturopathic
this springtime and summer. Dr. Dhurga returned to
the Northwest to be with her partner who found work opportunities in
Luca will be coming and going from Ashland. Dr. Agatha is making house
through a boutique medical service in San Francisco.
Dr. Shanti is
pursuing her
passion of transformational medicine here at Pacific Naturopathic,
rather than
providing primary care. Dr Marcel is restarting Pacific Naturopathic
Center in Hawaii post special permit approval. Jenny, our office
manager of 15 years, moved to Austin. Nancy (amazing Jenny's amazing
mom!) has
taken Jenny's place at the front desk, and Ardell is our new
technician. Dr. Connie and Elijah
Free maintain their
steady practices in the midst of this, and Sarah is still a lovely
at the front desk. We are all here to serve your healing needs.
In the coming months, look for exciting new healing
modalities at Pacific Naturopathic. We are in conversation with selected stellar practitioners and will be
announcing their services through this newsletter. We will also be able,
through the expanded space, to offer classes. Stay tuned.
Classes and Events
| Save the dates:
**Tuesday, July 20 at 7:30 PM at East-West Bookstore (650-988-9800) at 324 Castro Street in Mountain View: Elijah Free will offer a free demonstration of his Freeing technique. He will also speak on "Healing Structural Pain and Fibromyalgia."
**Wednesday, July 21, 7:30 PM at East-West Bookstore (650-988-9800) at 324 Castro Street in Mountain View, Dr. Shanti Rubenstone will speak on "The Joy of Life."
Schedule an Appointment:
Please phone Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121. The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm. The clinic is closed daily from 12-1:30pm.
Our New Office --
Spacious and Relaxing
In fact, our new office has been called "the oasis on the first floor" by building residents. The light lavender walls, shoji panels and palm trees and orchids provide a soothing place to wait while your health care provider prepares for your visit.
Our new address is:
Pacific Naturopathic
2570 W. El Camino Real
Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040 650-917-1121
Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie pondering in the palm orchard at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center
Opening to the Ones in Suite 111
For the past 4
months or so, off and on, here and there, I have sensed an aroma that nobody
else senses. Olfactory hallucination is the scientific name for this
experience. Medically speaking, it is not a good thing. It says something about
the electrical signaling functions of the brain. Experientially speaking,
however, the aroma is delightful.
This aroma is
indescribable in its essence, spontaneous and unpredictable in its appearance.
Jack Zimmerman, communications and council specialist, and a friend of mine,
suggested to me that the aroma might correspond with the awakening of an
ancient part of the brain, a part more linked to sensory experience and
intuitive understanding than those parts through which we customarily view
Certainly our
brains are evolving to cope with the awakening to energetic reality and the
correspondent transformations occurring these days in individual and collective
consciousness. In this world of
energy, symbolic reality holds greater sway.
I was reminded of
the power of symbols as I was musing on the numerology of Pacific
Naturopathic's new location in Suite 111. As soon as the suite number was known, friends and patients started
sharing stories of the significance of double and triple digit numbers in their
lives, particularly the ones. I was interested to read that the number sequence
111 is thought to be a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up,
that thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds, that a new and
creative cycle is opening itself to expression in physical form.
Let it be so in
each of our lives.
Freeing -- Rapid Pain Elimination
By Elijah Free
Freeing, also known as Rapid Pain
Elimination, is a structural science that has the capacity to literally
reconstruct, restore and re-sculpt the spine and entire skeletal system with
virtually no pain or discomfort. Freeing is for all types of pain in
soft and hard tissue. This includes nerves, muscles, connective tissue, fascia
and all places that soft tissue connects to bones. This work is highly
effective for pain that may occur from injuries, misalignments, pinched nerves,
congenital conditions, repetitive motion and more. Most pain is caused by a lack of
adequate space in the body wherever bones meet and articulate. When this
occurs, soft tissue no longer attaches correctly and is pulled into
uncomfortable and painful compromising positions.
Freeing gently restores the needed
space allowing the painful condition in the tissue to be eradicated. A pain
free body is often the result. Where pain originates from is often
misunderstood. Bones have no nerves to conduct sensation, while soft tissue
does. When bones are torqued, turned, out of alignment or articulating
incorrectly and are compressed where they meet, the soft tissue that attaches
to them is pulled at inappropriate angles. Where soft tissue attaches to bone
is called attachments. Attachments must have a flat or neutral surface to
attach to. Each muscle has several attachments. If one or more attachments are
not flat, then how muscles, ligaments and tendons flow from their anchor site
is out of position with their natural alignment. This causes the soft tissue to
begin any movement already stressed and pulling against itself and often other
mechanisms of motion. This is one of the most common ways that pain and
discomfort originate in the body. The most common reason that this
occurs is a lack of proper space between bones. Space is a very important
principle in the structural system. Without adequate space, bones do not have
enough room to move and articulate properly. It is like trying to open a door
that does not fit in the frame correctly. It gets stuck and even jammed until
the door is inoperable and remains shut. Bones do the same without proper space
to move and meet each other within the structure of the body. Freeing specializes in restoring the
lost space where bones articulate and meet. Freeing also re-sculpts attachment
sites insuring that soft tissue begins its movement from a neutral position,
allowing the tissue to move smoothly and free of discomfort or pain. Unlike many bodywork systems, Freeing
uses only very gentle touch, effective because of the potent accuracy of how it
is applied. Freeing is so soothing people often fall asleep during a session.
It is totally non-intrusive and uses no force or cracking, but rather a soft
touch and a deep understanding of how the body heals.
Find out more about Elijah Free and his work at his web sites:
Rapid Pain Elimination Apprentice to Angels
As We Change
By Connie Hernandez, N.D.
As we grow and age, we humans undergo dramatic physical and
emotional transitions as the hormones which influence the workings of our
minds, moods and bodies ebb and flow. Teens undergo puberty. Women experience fertility and pregnancy cycles,
then menopause. Medicine has
become increasingly aware of the male equivalent of menopause, now known as
andropause. Most of us focus on the inconvenience and imbalance brought
about by the shifting hormonal seas. We experience change in body weight, in
cardiovascular health, in sleeping patterns, in immune function, in emotional
well being, in sexuality. A common response is "just make it go away so I can
be myself again!" A friend of long ago phoned me this past weekend, asking,
"could you just give me one thing to ease this menopausal transition?" I had to tell her that there really
isn't a one size fits all solution. It is absolutely true that, in balancing
the imbalances to even out the symptomatic reflection of our changing
physiology, we can both feel and do better. And we have an array of medicines
from which to choose... nutritional,
botanical, hormonal, energetic. But there are also other aspects to the transition, and
hidden gifts. It is appropriate to
our personal evolution that we evaluate and change our lifestyles as our bodies
change. There is an opportunity to
redefine ourselves; to refocus our energies, to find new approaches to the
challenges the world presents us. It is in this realm that energetic medicines,
transformational counseling, life coaching, inner work and conscious outer
change can reap great benefits. Experiment with small changes. Follow a different path to
work. Sample new foods. Try a different look. Re decorate your living space.
See how small changes transform your world!
Easy Meal Replacement:
Nutritious, Delicious Protein Shakes By Marcel Hernandez, N.D.

These utterly
satisfying drinks offer an easy meal for either breakfast, lunch or
dinner. They can be made in the
morning, put with ice in a thermos, and taken to work.
I like to vary my
protein sources between hempseed powder (see below) and rice sources,
just so my body doesn't become too accustomed and sensitive to one of
them. Hemp protein powder is high
in essential fatty acids. Rice
protein powder is easily tolerated by most people. Whey protein supports the immune system and aids in weight
loss. (Many people do well with whey protein, though Dr. Connie and I do
not.) Soy protein is another
popular, but controversial option, due to its effects on various hormonal
systems in the body. Less common, but interesting are Brazil nut and legume
(pea) protein powders.
Ultrameal, a
superior product manufactured by Metagenics, is designed to serve as a
nutritionally complete meal replacement.
It is available in our office in rice, soy and whey options and many
Raw Power, a hempseed protein powder is available in our
office. Raw Power features Brazil nut protein, hemp
seeds, maca powder, and Goji berry. Available in natural, vanilla, and
For mixed protein
powder shakes, try the following recipe:
scoops protein powder
of your choice (see above).
cup rice milk or nut milkStay away from grain milks, which cause reactions in many people,
and soymilk, for the reason mentioned above.
tsp essential fatty acid. We like the light, almost tasteless cod
liver oil from Nordic Naturals (found in our office and in any health food
store), flax seed oil, borage oil,
or hempseed oil. Alternating oils
gives varying nutrients and reduces sensitivity to one type of oil. When all is said and done, fish oil
packs the most power in the EFA world. Coconut oil, though not an essential
fatty acid, is an energy packed, heart healthy, and flavorful alternative. .
Fruit of your choice. We use mangos, blueberries, other
berries, bananas, pears, peaches, apricots and anything else in season
that strikes our
ingredients: Add raw nuts (we use macadamia), vitamins, herbs and
medications, probiotics, cocoa powder (use chocolate-flavored nut milks for a
double dose of this powerful antioxidant), or a green powder of your choice (we
like Vitamineral Green, which we carry in our office). Liberate your imagination and
Combine all
ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy. For a delicious ice-cream like shake, add ice to the
blender. Fills one big glass.
When our son was a
child, instead of serving him ice cream, we froze the shakes we made in
tupperware-like popsicle makers found at Target type stores. Yum.
Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work
with men at: www.naturallyhealthyprostate.com |
Thermography Up and Running!
Our apologies to those of you whose thermography
appointments were rescheduled after our move. Accurate thermography requires
that the room be a particular temperature. Working with our new building's
central heating and cooling system, it proved impossible to cool the room
sufficiently, even after Manny, our wonderful maintenance man, cleaned and
moved vents. We therefore stepped outside of the box, fit thermal curtains to
the 11- foot windows, and purchased a mobile air conditioning unit with a rather
industrial looking silver venting system that goes up through the ceiling. This
is a great challenge to Dr. Connie's aesthetic sense, but we are looking at it
as a conversation piece, and we are now up and running, regardless of 90 degree
days! To get things going again, we are offering a $30 discount on thermography appointments that are scheduled before August 31st. Please feel free to copy the coupon below and pass it on to friends.
Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:
Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
Save $30
Breast Thermography Special!
Come, visit our new offices, meet Thermographic Technician Ardell Hil, and experience this new form of preventive medicine. Save $30 off the regular price of $225. This coupon is fully transferable and may be duplicated. To find out more about breast thermography, visit our wesbsite:
Offer Expires: August 31, 2010
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii Retreat Center Now Accepting Reservations
Sunset From Your Deck at Our Retreat Center  |
Beginning August 1, Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center will once again be open for business. As many of our regular friends and patients know, Hawaii County shut us down last year, telling us that only agricultural activities could be performed on agricultural land. At a hearing last January, the community support on our behalf was so strong that the County Planning Commission had no choice but to grant us a rare special permit allowing us to re-open our retreat center. We are now in the process of meeting county codes for a guest facility and our naturopathic clinic offices.
Something wonderful happens to our retreat center guests. Most arrive jet-lagged and ready for relaxation, and they are not disappointed. Many guests come as tourists and find it hard to leave the confines of the retreat center property as Polynesian paralysis (also known as "Island Fever") sets in. We often find our guests dreamily passing days in a hammock under the palms, sunbathing in the private, secluded peace garden or just lying around reading a book on the lanai. We also find them roaming the property grazing on in-season exotic tropical fruits or hanging out in the private sauna and hot tub.
The minimum visit is 3 nights. If you're
seeking rest, rejuvenation, and a naturopathic cleansing program, we recommend at least 6 nights.
our websites for details. Phone 808-775-1505 for reservations, or email
Save 10%
Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center: Hawaii Vacation Special!!!
Book before September 31, 2010 for a visit anytime in the next year and receive 10% off the total cost of your stay. Coupon may be reproduced and is fully transferable. Find out more about our center by visiting our websites:
www.HawaiiPeaceGardenVacationHouses.com www.NaturopathicRetreatCenter.com
Booking Opportunity Expires: September 31, 2010
An Invitation....
Because we would like to make this newsletter responsive to
you and your needs, you are invited to send health questions you would like to
see addressed to us at
We would also like to invite you to share with other
readers your experiences of health remedies that have worked surprisingly well
for you. |
At Pacific Naturopathic,
we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and
chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men,
autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion,
pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to
our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both
guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted
protocols. Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our
doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and
commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.