  May 2010
Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter
Naturopathic Home Remedies
In This Issue
Castor Oil Pack
Wet Sock Treatment
Dew Walking
Simple Salad for Liver Health
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For the month of May, we thought to provide instruction in some of our favorite naturopathic home remedies. We mentioned the castor oil pack in April's spring cleanse newsletter. In this month's newsletter, Dr. Dhurga describes exactly how to do it. Dr. Marcel has a passion for hydrotherapy. He writes about the time tested naturopathic wet sock treatment. Dr. Connie is an enthusiastic proponent of dew walking, and, in this newsletter, she explains why.  
In health,
Your team at Pacific Naturopathic
Breast Thermography is Back!

breast thermography

For those of you who have been waiting for us to resume breast thermography after Jenny's departure to Austin, we are now officially back in service. You can call the front desk at 650-857-0226 to schedule your appointment. We are once again scheduling on Tuesdays, with the exception of Tuesday May 25th.

Castor Oil Packs
~Dhurga Reddy, ND

Dhurga Reddy, ND
Using castor oil topically is a great way to support the liver as it detoxifies the body.  To support your spring cleanse this year, try using a castor oil pack over your liver, 3 times a week.  The ritual of preparing your castor oil pack, and sitting with it each day is a wonderful way to relax and care for your body.  Topical castor oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and can be used to reduce pain and support the immune system.  When heat is applied with the castor oil, as in a castor oil pack, there is a regenerative effect on the body.  Castor oil packs may be indicated for digestive disturbances, detoxication, skin conditions, fatigue, and to promote general well-being.

Equipment Needed:
1. castor oil (can be purchased at Pacific Naturopathic and health foods store)

2. piece of flannel (folded in quarters and large enough to cover abdomen)

3. plastic wrap or plastic bag

4. towel (large enough to wrap around waist)

5. hot water bottle or heating pad

6. ziploc bag for storing

General Instructions:

1. Saturate folded flannel with castor oil (does not have to be dripping)

2. Place flannel on abdomen, covering your liver area (right rib cage)

3. Place plastic wrap or plastic bag over flannel

4. Wrap the towel around your body to hold the flannel in place

5. Lie down with hot water bottle or heating pad over liver area

6. Relax/meditate for 20-30 minutes

7. Store oil-soaked flannel in ziploc bag, in refrigerator (can be reused for several months)
Wet Sock Treatment

~Marcel J. Hernandez, ND

Agatha Constance, ND
The wet sock treatment is one of the most useful hydrotherapy treatments and may be used with people of all ages, from infants to the elderly.  It requires very simple supplies found in any home.  It is a very relaxing therapy, and infants and children who may have had trouble sleeping on previous nights because of congestion will drop off to sleep.  Be prepared for initial vocal resistance from little ones.  This resistance will last for just a short time as the therapy begins to work its magic. 

The wet sock treatment relieves head and sinus congestion, headaches, earaches, PMS, sore throat, prostate hypertrophy and other conditions where there is congestion.  It also relieves stress, prevents and shortens upper respiratory infections, warms chilled persons and soothes abdominal pain.   

Equipment Needed:

1. Foot tub, basin or bathtub may be used

2. Hot water

3. Cold water

4. A pair of thin cotton socks, soaked in cold water

5. A pair of thick, dry wool or cotton socks

6. A warm blanket

7. A towel 

General Instructions:

1. The wet sock treatment should be carried out in the evening just before bed or at other times when the patient can remain at home and not have to move around.

2. The warmly-dressed patient sits in a chair or on the side of a tub with his/her feet in hot water (100 to 110 degrees) and a blanket draped around the shoulders.  Hotter is better, though take care not to burn the skin.  Infants may be immersed in hot water.  The water should be 3 to 8 inches above the ankle bones.  Keep feet in water for 10 minutes.  The feet should be a rosy color.

3. Take the feet out of the hot water and dry quickly.  The thin cotton socks, which have been soaking in cold water, are wrung out and immediately put on the feet.

4. The thick, dry cotton socks are immediately put on over the thin cotton socks.

5. The patient should them lie down and take a nap, read or go to sleep.  Within 2-3 hours body heat will dry the socks and they may be removed, if uncomfortable.   

Contraindications: Insulin-dependent diabetes, Buerger's disease, arteriosclerosis of lower extremities, loss of feeling in legs, skin rashes. 

Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work with men at:

Dew Walking
~Connie Hernandez, ND

Connie Hernandez, ND

One of my favorite naturopathic home therapies is dew walking. Dew walking is simply walking barefoot on the dewy grass in the morning. As we are fortunate to have easy access to the coast, I sometimes amend my recommendation to my patients, and advise ocean wading. Either way, these practices stimulate acupressure points on the feet; entrain your body to the electromagnetic field of the earth; dispel fatigue; vitalize your energy; and stimulate your immune system.  

At a recent conference of the California Naturopathic Doctor's Association, integrative cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D. elucidated just what happens when your feet touch the earth. Your heart rate variability stabilizes. Your autonomic nervous system is balanced. Your cortisol levels are regulated. Your blood thins. Free radicals are sequestered. You literally soak up electrons.  Dr. Sinatra calls his therapy "grounding" and recommends 40 minutes daily to his cardiology patients.   

You realize further benefits when dew walking becomes a meditation, As you observe the breath flowing in through your nose, and allow it to escape through your mouth, you further balance your autonomic nervous system. Daily practice of this technique helps relieve anxiety, calm the mind, stabilize blood pressure, normalize digestion, and calm irritable bowel syndrome.   

All these benefits with no pills or potions! Try bringing dew walking into your daily routine and see what benefits accrue.
Simple Salad for Liver Health
~contributed by Dr. Connie

If you'd like to support your liver and gall bladder with foods rather than pills, try the following simple and delicious recipe. You can jump start the process by having the salad daily, as a side dish, for the first week. After that, include the salad in your diet 2 to 3 times weekly for ongoing support.


Grated carrots, grated beets, and/or chopped watercress

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Lemon juice

Himalayan sea salt* to taste


Clean, prepare, and chop or grate your chosen combination of vegetables.  Dress with equal amounts of freshly squeezed lemon juice and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Salt to taste.

*In a coming issue, we'll discuss the differences between common table salt (which is sodium chloride), and the various sea salts and crystalline salts available for purchase these days.
At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, hormonal balance, autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion, pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols.  Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service.